Beta Invite Email

Feel free to send me a key. I'd love to test this game! :)
Ive never opened my email box so much ,waiting for the moment to come..........hang on just need to check again you never know :)
Inv for next inv plz.
Please send me a Beta key my way please! I can't wait anymore! I really want to play this game So SO bad! It ain't fair and I'm through with inactive users with zero posts actually get the frigging key!

Core i7 2600K, GTX 970 SLI - Desktop
BRIX Pro - On the way, Bedside Daily Driver.
MacBook Pro Retina 13 - Primary Driver
Last edited by UltimateDeep#4171 on Sep 9, 2011, 7:57:10 AM
Invite plz.
Lf key invite plzzz
I was waiting and waiting... i just think i can wait more but for Diablo 3. But if someone want gime kay my email is

Cye ;]
gief key
The giveaway really is random, they're not kidding, guys that signed up and last visited 1 year ago,guys that signed up yesterday, they already have keys... I want it too!
Again another bump by me!!

send me a key, otherwise >:(

Core i7 2600K, GTX 970 SLI - Desktop
BRIX Pro - On the way, Bedside Daily Driver.
MacBook Pro Retina 13 - Primary Driver

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