Beta Invite Email

Seems more reasonable and logical than most of beta tests that have been seen around in past few years.
waiting patiently to see if and when i get mine!
Would be nice to get a key out of it here .. I have already posted mine but well see.
They can take all our money, take all our gold, but they'll never have your heart and no one can take your soul
id play 8 hours a day 7 days a week if i could get a key.... was first pally grand marshall on ner'zhul and that took 18 hour days for about 2 months so i can go hardcore just need a key
I'm still waiting for somebody to give me a key!!! Betta hurry, my patience is ending!

Core i7 2600K, GTX 970 SLI - Desktop
BRIX Pro - On the way, Bedside Daily Driver.
MacBook Pro Retina 13 - Primary Driver
Still waiting, I hope it goes public beta soon and I don't have to any more.
I really want a key, but I really don't want to spam the forums. It seems pointless.
still nothing for me :(
still nothing for me :(
I just registered on the site but how do I download and play the game? Do I have to buy a key or something? THX!
Shot down with the arrow of light!

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