Beta Invite Email

worth a shot, send me an invite too :)~
I'm just waiting patiently for my invite. Thanks for showing what the actual email looks like. It makes me even more excited to play this.
Three words: ME WANTS INVITE ! :( I hate that some who has 0 posts and joined there in september or end of august, gets the beta key.. Well, I appreciate, that the "justice" has won. *gough*


I really look forward to trying out the PoE beta, or its release date. Whichever opportunity comes first.
Tabascoo wrote:
Three words: ME WANTS INVITE ! :( I hate that some who has 0 posts and joined there in september or end of august, gets the beta key.. Well, I appreciate, that the "justice" has won. *gough*


I would really hate the Guys that got an Key and never used it-.-

At least posting like a Madman is not very helpful, it also costs a lot of nerves to take Discussions with Trolls!

@Topic Me want that Key plz-.-
Casuals have eaten my Hobby
This game looks awesome! It reminds me of Titan Quest. Btw i've never seen such an awesome skilltree. I'm really looking forward to when either i get a beta key or it becomes fully open. I must have it now...
just posting to magically increase my chances of getting a key
i'm sick and tired of staring at that timer

i feel luckier already :O
^^ This guy has been waiting awhile.
I only registered for the awesome skill system. In D2 I'd hoarded skill points, so that I had 2 to spend on higher skills. This wasn't an issue beyond level 85, but annoying until then.

The way I read it, there are no such issues in PoE. Plus I love the dark setting.
There are many ways to die, but only one way to live!

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