Beta Invite Email

Speck86 wrote:
Sidashley wrote:
So many E-mails O.o

I hope no one works for a commercial company that sends retarded newsletters to people, cause then you are all screwed. just saying.

Best of luck to you all, but there is a PM feature on the forum just FYI<3

I really dont get it either as your Forum Account is allready linked to an Email and that should be enugh imformations to get a beta key or not.

awhh what the hell WuschelMeisterDM*nospam*

It is enough, so no reason to expose your e-mail to anyone who reads this thread.

You can read the beta-key sign up requirements to the left in the FAQ<3
Kill the evil or zombies will become reality!!

IGN: Sid_Ashley
OMG i hope i get a key so i can try this awesome game out, and point their faults out!
I hope I get to try this game. 0_0
Being a long time fan of the Diablo series, and investing many years playing Diablo 2, I feel there is a certain.. "something" missing from games that try to imitate the Diablo style.
This game looks promising, and seems very interesting. I would very much like to try it out and see for myself, if this is going to be the next game to hook me for quite some time.
I'd be glad to offer any feedback I could on this game, as well as bug/glitch hunt.
make me happy with a key please
Kisses Maya
gimme key pls!! i have nothing better to do right now! :3
hello everybody!
I'll take a key if anyone is willing. PM me for more info...
Same here would love to get a beta key
I would like a key if any1 has one to spare. PM me. Thx
Been looking at this game for so long.
I want a key so bad ):
If anyone has a spare one, would love you long time <3
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Last edited by Gensou#7487 on Apr 22, 2016, 9:41:20 PM

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