Beta Invite Email

If anyone had a beta key would really appreciate it. Thank you very much!!!!
This way of doing beta invites is very nice, lets you see who will be getting it and how often they will be getting it.
This thread has changed to begging for keys.
People, relax, its only a game, you get the beta key someday. Begging for it is just utter silly imo.
I think the Devs can easily see if some accounts are inactive and thus give more keys.

Thanks to TotalHalibuts recent review of this game in Youtube, Ive become very interested on the game. I recomend checking it out!

Its really good PR these days to give beta keys to certain popular and good reviewers of Youtube. Especially for indie games! Good call Developers!
Is there a way to buy beta key, or buy game in beta?
I have been looking and staring at the count down beta key for the past 3 months!!!!!OMG pls give me that key..Ill pay any amount for that key.
If anyone had a beta key would really appreciate it. Thank you very much!!!!
So, if I get this straight - accounts active on forums get access to the beta, right? I won't beg here, just want to know if that's the way it goes? It's not one of those "sign up and wait for it" things, right?
1 day = 24 h

1 h = 60 minutes

30 days = 720 h = 43200 minutes

every 35 minutes an invitation

30 days = 1234 invitation

I wonder how much a player must have the luck to catch the tests.
And so between us, a very nice number, in 30 days 1234 invitations :)
How many beta players are there anyway? Anyone can tell? Jeebus, let me be chosen, let me be chosen, let me be chosen =O

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