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I just need a key...

to get home :)
I've just watched TB's review of the game and it just makes me so much more keen to play this game!

Come on guys, I'd be eternally grateful!
Finding the right analogy is like... well like... errm...
I really hope i can be a part of the process!
I want in :)
i agree with everyone on the hwole, watched TB's review and want to play. definatley will be interesting to compare what a indie devel can do compared to blizzards ten years of fiddling with D3
Diggin' the random handouts.
BETA KEY NEEDED!!! So i can start slaing all in my way :) Big Diablo fan and this looks awesome :))))
please invite me!!! im dying here! :(
Hi there, Could I get an invite to the beta? Thank you very much.
Hello, it is rather nice to see a game like this. I was quite surprised when i saw it in my YouTube video list from TotalBrit, heheh it gave me a sort of childlike glee from how it felt watching the game.

If i ever am allowed into the beta i would try my best to see how i could help you folks out any way i can to find bugs or which ever topic given.
The world may be dark, but those whom you keep company with may bring out the sun.

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