[1.3] "Bill the Butcher" Modular CI by wraithe_au

before the es nerf it was possbile to get 9k with no shield.... not so sure now..
Updated the build:

- Dropped Abyssus for an ES helm, less damage but a lot more ES (+889 ES!)
-- 7000 ES
-- damage down from 353k to 232k, but still clears nicely.

- ele reflect negligible (Gorge ele reflect map video)

- phys reflect is dealt with by burst attacks, and not prolonged attacks to allow for regen (Gorge phys reflect map video)

As for the aim of 9k ES, probably impossible, but 8k is definitely possible with better equipment and more ES nodes
So many strikes within one breath.
But only one strike needed, for certain death.
Would like to hear your opinion on the full mirror setup that I mentioned on the previous page.
Exiled_Wanderer wrote:
Would like to hear your opinion on the full mirror setup that I mentioned on the previous page.

Perfect ES chest, boots and belt from Doeboy

Dagger: horror skewer / entropy razor

Jewellery from KiPad

Making this list made me feel very small and poor
So many strikes within one breath.
But only one strike needed, for certain death.
So you'd use double mirrored dagger, Acuity and Abyssus still?

Getting the very best combination of mirror items is still out of my reach, but I should be able to get close.
One mirrored dagger and Bino.

Acuity but no abyssus.

There's no armour or evasion in build so phys reflect will murder you with Abyssus. Any ES helm would do.

The aim of the build is to have enough ES to soak every attack in the game including 300k reflected dps, and have the combination of Bino ES regen and Acuity life leech to send ES back to full in a blink.

Just like in my other guide, if you were to explore the ultimate version, that would be awesome! All the best.
So many strikes within one breath.
But only one strike needed, for certain death.
I don't see how surviving reflect in full parties is possible. From my experience with the previous build, both types of reflect wrecked me in parties.

I've been trying to make a few different trees on poebuilder. Been playing around with the idea of using both discipline and hatred through getting a lot of reduced mana reservation.Was that something you considered?
Exiled_Wanderer wrote:
I don't see how surviving reflect in full parties is possible. From my experience with the previous build, both types of reflect wrecked me in parties.

I've been trying to make a few different trees on poebuilder. Been playing around with the idea of using both discipline and hatred through getting a lot of reduced mana reservation.Was that something you considered?

I've been spending a fair bit of time in groups with this build. Reflect is more manageable than my previous builds, simply because of high ES and my personal playstyle of burst damage rather than continuous attacks.

There is no Abyssus, so physical reflect can be handled because there's no huge spikes.

Adding Hatred would require some significant node investment. 2x60%, a 4L HoA, and a 4L HoT is too much. And besides, there is usually someone in the group with hatred activated
So many strikes within one breath.
But only one strike needed, for certain death.
why u running dual herald + discipline? Hatred + discipline probably do more damage
matheusams wrote:
why u running dual herald + discipline? Hatred + discipline probably do more damage

Just updated the guide.

Now includes 2 versions:

7974 ES
279k DPS

6606 ES
342k DPS

I prefer the use of HoA and HoT in my set up.

My dual strike 6L is not hampered by melee splash and focuses on maximum single target damage. HoA handles the AoE.

HoT ensures cursing and max power charges without the need to stop and cast spells.

The version i use most is discipline. The added 1.3k ES goes a long way and 279k dps is no slouch.

So many strikes within one breath.
But only one strike needed, for certain death.

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