[ 1.3 ] Burning Arrow Ignite Prolife Trapper - fast clear - boss killer - hardcore - very cheap

Hello, this is my first guide I have ever done.
I am playing PoE since Open Beta fairly active. I am only playing in hardcore leagues and mostly solo.

I know this build is not new, but it is much stronger now in 1.3 than it was before.
You can easily achieve 100 % chance to ignite, get all the AoE nodes and get really high singletarget damage.

Lets first start with the pros and cons:


+One-shots every rare and most unique bosses

+Very safe against difficult map bosses

+Very fast clear speed in most maps

+Extremly safe against strongboxes

+Immune to reflect

+No problems with half regen or no regen

+You have so much damage that you dont care about damage reducing mods like increased monster life or enfeeble (only thing you should avoid is fire resistance)

+Hardcore viable

+Very cheap to get everything you need


-Not as tanky as some other builds (but still very safe because you dont have to put yourself in danger)

-Needs high level to have its full potential (but doable at level 62)


The idea is to use burning arrows physical to fire conversion, high base damage and chance to ignite together with the Avatar of Fire keystone to proliferate an ignite to all monsters.

To archieve really high damage you have to use a unique bow called Chin Sol (its a pretty cheap unique) and link burning arrow with trap. Chin Sol gives you a 100% more damage multiplier if you hit targets in close range and if you throw your burning arrow trap you will always hit your target in close range because the monster steps over the trap and it calculates the distance from the trap to the target. Later you skill Point Blank in the skill tree to get another 50 % more damage multiplier if you hit your target in close range, which stacks with Chin Sol.

There is a lot of ways to scale your damage even further.
Burning Arrow is an attack and scales with all added physical and elemental damage(cold and lighting only at 50 % effectivness because of Avatar of Fire).
Your base damage is mostly physical and scales with increased physical damage.
It scales with increased trap damage because Trap support gem is used.
It scales with projectile damage because its an projectile attack.
And last but not least it scales with increased fire and elemental damage because its purely fire damage after the conversion through Avatar of Fire and they are the most important because it scales the damage of the initial hit and the damage of the burn.
For example my quiver gives me 4 damage mods who all will increase the damage, that improves my damage significantly:

With my build and a level 18 chance to ignite you get 87 % chance to ignite on your burning arrow and with Flammability you get an extra 13 % chance to ignite, which increases your chance to ignite to 100 %.
You should first trow the trap and then curse the enemies with flammablity while the trap is flying in the air, then everything will die and you can immediatly move on.
I also get both Amplify and Blast Radius for a really big increase in AoE of the burn.
With this you can move very fast from pack to pack and only have to throw one trap per pack.
You are also using Resolute Technique so your burning arrow can never miss.

The real strength in this build lies in his ability to easily kill hard map bosses, who many people just skip. You just have to throw one trap(curse if possible) and then you can run away and wait until the burn kills the boss. If you are scared to come to close to the boss you can even trap other monsters that are usally in the boss room and lure the boss near the ignited corpses and kill him with that.

Its also extremly safe to open strongboxes. Just throw your traps in front of the box, shoot your blink arrow and open it. The same time the mobs spawn you blink away and leave a decoy near the chest. Usually everything that spawns dies instanly, Exiles included. I dont see a way how you could get killed with this tactic(if you dont missclick the box before you shoot blink arrow). Works everytime for me, much better than lightning warp or freeze mine. I dont even identify the strongboxes anymore (in a hardcore league) if I dont wanna roll it, because there isnt any combination thats dangerous to me.

You are also completly immune to reflect damage because the damage gets reflected to the trap not to you and ignite damage cannot get reflected.

And im doing this build without any mana regen nodes in my tree or on my gear. Its doable because of the very cheap mana cost of burning arrow and because you only have to use 1 trap per monster pack. Im using a level 3 clarity to help a little bit with mana regen but its not even necessary I think. Also half regen maps are no problem for me. And no regen maps you can just swap weapon elemental damage or fire penetration with a bloodmagic gem and its no problem(or you can use a mana flask).

As auras im using anger, clarity and herald of ash. Anger gives you the most damage of any aura(because of Avatar of Fire wrath and hatred only gives you 50 % of its damage). Herald of ash doesnt gives you that much damage but its good for its cheap cost and quality on it gives you increased fire damage which is really good with this build. You could also run grace if you want more evasion instead of damage.

Im also using a cast when damage taking setup with enduring cry and immortal call. This is extremly usefull to mitigate physical damage and to keep your character alive. Almost everyone should use this on hardcore. I think its best to level cast when damage taken, enduring cry, and immortal call all to level 43. then they become the most efficent and the damage threshold is still low enough.

Last skill im using is tornado shot with lmp. Its extremly useful to kill single monsters who are not walking into the burn. It only has 50 % dmg effectivness becaus of Avatar of Fire, but you still have alot of damage with it and kill most with a single shot.

For this build you have to start as Shadow. There are so many efficent nodes on the shadow tree and you want to have Acrobatics + Point Blank. And the elemental damage nodes at the start are also very good. Other classes are not recommended. You need every skill point you can get because you have to go all the way from Point Blank to the fire nodes by Witch to Avatar of Fire to Resolute Technique.

Currently I am using a 6 Link but before that I just had my 4 linked deerstalker and it was just fine.


Burning Arrow:
4 link: burning arrow + trap + chance to ignite + elemental proliferation

5 link: burning arrow + trap + chance to ignite + elemental proliferation + fire penetration or weapon elemental damage

6 link: burning arrow + trap + chance to ignite + elemental proliferation + fire penetration + weapon elemental damage

Tornado Shot:
4 link: tornado shot + lesser multiple projectiles + fire penetration + weapon elemental damage
5 link: tornado shot + lesser multiple projectiles + fire penetration + weapon elemental damage + faster attacks

4 link: reduced mana + clarity + anger + herald of ash

3 link: flammability + faster casting + bloodmagic
4 link: flammablity + faster casting + bloodmagic + increased aoe

Cast when damage taken:
4 link: cast when damage taken + enduring cry + immortal call + increased duration

Blink arrow:
Put blink arrow wherever you have a slot free. You can even link it with faster attacks or faster projectiles if you have the slots for it.

Gems with good quality bonus:

Burning arrow:
Its usually very cheap to get a high quality burning arrow. At 20% it gives you 60 % bonus ignite duration which is alot and quite useful for all sorts of situations: Elreon defend missions, difficult bosses, draging other monsters in your ignite prolife.

Chance to ignite:
Similiar to burning arrow increases your ignite duration but only by 30 % at 20 % quality.

Herald of ash:
Gives you 15 % increased fire damage at 20 % quality. Its also not as expensive as some other quality gems.

Fire penetration:
Also increases fire damage but only by 10 % at 20% quality.

Immortal call:
Increases the duration of your immortal call which will improve your surviveability.


Level 1-30:
Use any skill you like(preferable with elemental damage). I used lightning tendrils with a +1 to lighting gems sceptre. Its a very good skill on low level. Levelup a firetrap and anger for later.

Level 31-61:
Now you should have quite a few elemental and fire damage nodes from the skill tree and can use elemental prolife. You should use firetrap linked with elemental prolife and chance to ignite in a wand or scepter with +1 to fire gems. It might seem a bit weak at first but gets stronger fast as you level up your elemental prolife and get more fire nodes. As singletarget you can use flamesurge, after you ignite your target with the firetrap. You should also start using flammabilty now.

Level 62:
Now you can use Chin Sol and you should start using burning arrow + chance to ignite + elemental prolife + fire penetration(or weapon elemental damage) in a 4 linked Deerstalker boots until you get a 5 or 6 link. You will probably need some gear with dex (can craft dex with masters) to use Chin Sol now, but later if you go down to Point Blank you have enough dex and can replace your dex gear with something better. You should also focus now on getting your gear 4 linked and use your auras, cast when damage taken, tornadoshot, flammability and blink arrow.

At level 62 you should already have all chance to ignite nodes and Resolute Technique skilled and get very reliable ignites. You will have alot of damage for your level and dont need more damage until much later. You should get Amplify, more life nodes and Clever Construction next. After that you can go down to Point blank for even more damage. You can get Point Blank sooner to help with the dex requirement for Chin Sol, but I wouldnt recommend that(try to get dex on gear). After that you can still get High Explosives and Celestial Judgement (two really strong damage nodes) and more life nodes.

Gems you wont get from quests by leveling as shadow:

Anger, herald of Ash, flammability, chance to ignite, fire penetration, tornado shot, blink arrow, weapon elemental damage, bloodmagic, enduring cry, immortal call, increased duration, elemental proliferation (you can get it but not until end of cruel act 3)


Level 31:

Level 62:

Level 80:

Final Build:

With this build its the most important to focus on chance to ignite nodes, that you can later have 100 % chance to ignite and Resolute Technique that your burning arrow will never miss.
Avatar of Fire will douple your fire damage. And Point Blank will give you an additional 50% damage multiplier.
Also important are the increased AoE nodes that you will hit as much as possible with a single prolife. And of couse all fire and elemental damage nodes, which are needed to not only increase your intial hit damage but to also increase the ignite damage which is based of your increased fire, elemental and burning damage.
Acrobatics is also good for extra surviveability. And Ondars Guile will help if you have some evasion on your gear.
You dont have to skill any mana regen nodes on the tree or have it on your gear to use this build.
Later on you really wanna get the Clever Construction node, so your traps cant get destroyed. There are a few really anoying monsters who will often kill your trap before it can even activate.


Normal: Help Oak (+40 max life)
Cruel: Kill all (+1 skill point)
Merciless: Kill all (+1 skill point)



It gives you a free trap support linked. Cheap way to get a 5 link early on.

Cloak of Flame:

You can use it on low level to help with the chance to ignite. Also gives good defense to Physical damage.

Atziris Step:

Pretty good boots. Gives you up to 46 % spell dodge with Phase Acrobatics together.

Tabula Rasa:

If you want a cheap 6 link tabula rasa is an option. It will give you a lot of damage but trades survivability for it.

Belly of the Beast:

Its a good chest to give you some bonus life.

Jarcass Jack:

Its OK. The increase in AoE might improve your clearspeed a little bit, but I rather have a more defensive chest in hardcore.

Kaoms Hearth:

The ultimate hardcore Item. It gives you a lot of life and the fire damage is also really nice. You might have to put flammability or blink arrow on an unset ring because you lose your sockets on the chest.

Taste of Hate:

Great flask that gives you damage, cold resistance and physical damage mitigation.

I am currently releveling this build (level 77 atm). I lost my Kaoms Heart which i found early in bloodlines league. I tried a Poorjoy's Asylum Unique Temple Map, which i could do carefully. But I died to offscreening a corrupted bloodlines pack and the bleed(tripple in damage cause of the map mods) killed me, couldnt react in time. Shouldnt have done this map not with bloodlines mods.




My current(at level 77) tool tip damage is 5216 average damage on burning arrow.

That might seem very low compared with other builds but you have to consider a few things :

-Chin Sol's and Point Blank's damage multiplier will tripple the damage to average 15648

-I am using fire penetration (35 % fire penetration at lvl 20) and will get 15 % addional fire penetration from the skill tree

-I am always using flammability (-39% fire resistant at lvl 20)

-It is average damage not damage per second, I just have to use the skill 1 time

-It is average damage but my current high end damage is 7328 and only the highest ignite is aplied, so if you throw 3 traps at a boss the chance is high that go get one high damage roll

-I have almost 100 % of my initial damage dealt as ignite damage every second

-My ignite duration is 10 seconds long

-My damage will improve even further with higher level and better gear

So I could do well over 300k damage with a single ignite


Very easy Dominus Kill in Palace Map (level 71 from Zana mission):

Your standard Boss room clear with a single trap:

Level 72 Torture Chamber Map + Boss at level 77(half regen and elemental reflect):


Stupid necrophil pack in the boss room, so i just rushed into the boss and ate his laser for huge damage. Usually I dont get hit by that.

Level 74 Academy Map (Zana daily) at level 77/78:


Couldnt find the boos room in time. Found it later:


Level 72 Jungle Valley Map + Boss at level 79 (+50% packsize, many totems):


You dont have to facetank the boss you can just ignite and kite him, but there wasnt a real danger

Level 74 Maze Map + Vaal Boss at level 84:

Fire Penetration vs Weapon Elemental Damage

I was testing what support gem would be better as your 5 link for burning arrow.

I compared a lvl 16 Firepenetration and a lvl 16 Weapon Elemental Damage against different Monster resistances.
Damage of lvl 16 Fire penetration(31% Fire Penetration) compared to lvl 16 Weapon Elemental Damage(55% more damage) in % :

75 % resist : FP = 144,5% ; WED = 69%
50 % resist : FP = 104,5 % ; WED = 95,6%
25% resist : FP = 91 % ; WED = 109,6%
0 % resist : FP = 84,5%% ; WED = 118,3%
-35 % resist : FP = 79,3% ; WED= 126%

The resists of normal mobs in maps against a specific element are something between 35-40%. I think its the same on blues and rares. The monster affixes "of Elemental Resistance" and "Allies Resist Elemental Damage" add 35% and 40% elemental resitance. The resists of unique mobs should be around 60 %.

You should adjust your support only to the high HP targets, because normal and blue packs already die super fast. You always want to use flamability.

So a unique mob cursed with flammability should have somewhere around 25 % resistance.
And as you can see above WED does slighty more damage against that.
So you might want to use WED instead of FP as your 5 link.
But there are alot more factors like curse immunity, addional resistance, level auf gems,...

Eitherway I dont think it makes a big difference and both support gems are fine.

Feel free to ask me any questions in this thread or ingame. My IGN is Tahrtz.
Last edited by rambo50#1434 on May 8, 2015, 6:07:29 AM
Added 1 Viedeo in HD.
It seems to be very interesting, which I'm guessing is whether it is cause more damage than a pure fire trap ele prolif.
Guides made by me:
Unnamed's CoC CI Discharge Trickster, Tankster BV MoM Poison, Saboquisitor MoM Pure Cold damage with Hrimburn, Trickster Critical Flameblast
really really good build bro! trap+point blank+chin sol really boosts your damage. i hope you can add more videos so you can see how clearspeed+damage works in 75-78 maps/atziri (atziri maybe on standard lol)!

edit: e few questions: does avatar of fire also let your spell totems do fire dmg? if no, you could do a spell totem+arc+elemental equilibrium for even higher damage.

also, you have the +1curse node almost ready on your tree. is dual curse, maybe with a curse on hit setup, imaginable for you ? i would go for elemental weakness.

Do you leech with your build?
RIP King of the Forest view-thread/1738625
Last edited by cmphx#5486 on Jan 8, 2015, 4:30:11 PM
Carrasco_Santo wrote:
It seems to be very interesting, which I'm guessing is whether it is cause more damage than a pure fire trap ele prolif.

It does alot more damage than your standard firetrap ele prolife.
[douple post]
Last edited by rambo50#1434 on Jan 8, 2015, 11:10:11 PM
cmphx wrote:
really really good build bro! trap+point blank+chin sol really boosts your damage. i hope you can add more videos so you can see how clearspeed+damage works in 75-78 maps/atziri (atziri maybe on standard lol)!

edit: e few questions: does avatar of fire also let your spell totems do fire dmg? if no, you could do a spell totem+arc+elemental equilibrium for even higher damage.

also, you have the +1curse node almost ready on your tree. is dual curse, maybe with a curse on hit setup, imaginable for you ? i would go for elemental weakness.

Do you leech with your build?

Avatar of fire affects everything even spell totem.

The addional curse nodes are an option for this build. If you really wanna oneshot really high HP bosses with a lot of ele resistant you would need dual curse. But it doesnt give you anything for your normal map run, you are not dual cursing normal monster. And the 4 skill points are quite a lot with this build you want every skill point you can get.

I acctually never use leech, besides for CI or if I have to use leech + vaal pact to not die to reflect. I dont think it is necessary in a harcore league nor do I think it helps you much. Your flasks are already healing so much with the herbalism node.

As I was saying im currently releveling. I might upload some more viedeos but it could take a bit.
Last edited by rambo50#1434 on Jan 9, 2015, 2:54:27 AM
Added additional information to:
Last edited by rambo50#1434 on Jan 9, 2015, 3:03:46 AM
Added MY CURRENT DAMAGE to the guide
I'm really hyped and trying to level this in torment now. Some more questions:

Could searing bond help killing very high HP enemies?

Do you think you can do atziri with this? her split phase can be ignited, and you can place your curse into a trap so it wont get reflected back. is the single explosion doing enough damage to her in her normal phase?

what i love most about your build is the incredible easy gearing part; one can use armor/evasion mixed armor like you do to get the correct colors on the sockets easily. And you do not need accuracy, crit chance, attackspeed or any other stuff on your gear. All you need is life, resist, evasion and flat fire damage and some wed/trap % damage. This makes this build very budget and beginner-friendly also (even though you need some gems because shadows dont get everything as a quest reward).

explosive arrow with quality essentially would do the same thing. do you think this can outdamage a lvl 20 EA with a +2+1 bow?

i'll probably drop herald of ash for grace. Just curious, how much damage does herald of ash add for you?
RIP King of the Forest view-thread/1738625

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