[2.0 update No EB? No problem] SuperNova | whole screen 111K DPS | Atziri ez 4 min all boss'
This is from witch forum but works with shadow so i cross post here too
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1096765/page/1Beginners - read whole post do not attempt to jump into packs b4 u got > 4K life, double curse and max resits. I will not answer questions in game or PM please ask here. 78 Palace with 25K dps from 1.2 I have over 93K now in 2.0 ![]()
Sick corrupted 78 map Temp chains Life/Mana 50% slower Monster life Double bosses (6) etc http://youtu.be/obcEuHoDC3M 79 with nemesis beyonds + boss less laggy http://youtu.be/hbRLA-oSwmA no mana no life regen map https://youtu.be/1gN4ArkMRr0 ele reflect https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIvMi584rcs deathless Atziri full run http://youtu.be/DEeQ1L04NR8 My mate IGN: MagicalCrime who lvld to 100 w/ my build with 7 Power Charges and Atziri flask: ![]()
Sick corrupted 78 map Temp chains Life/Mana 50% slower Monster life Double bosses (6) etc http://youtu.be/obcEuHoDC3M 79 with nemesis beyonds + boss less laggy http://youtu.be/hbRLA-oSwmA no mana no life regen map https://youtu.be/1gN4ArkMRr0 ele reflect https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIvMi584rcs deathless Atziri full run http://youtu.be/DEeQ1L04NR8 Pros Super fast map clears. Like my discharger without the price tag. This build destroys larger area than discharges and provides massive defenses since they are frozen 90% of the time or die instant. This build is also tanky at end game you run, 24-26 Arctic Armor for 16% phys mit + 4 endurance charge for 32% total physical mitigation. Instant Leech, 4500 life 500+ ES . Always have endurance charges up due to warlords automatic cursing. CWDT automatic immortal call Immunity to physical. Plus 46% spell dodge and 40% dodge at end game. *75% dodges with vaal grace popped. This build is really fun with battle mage aspect to it. You warp all over and face tank everything fearing nothing. The build uses Crit ICE NOVA - over 74% CC with 7 power charge and assassins mark which is automatically applied by play style - lightning warp to cast assassins mark on hit - You never run out of power charge if you move at reasonable pace. Play style is fairly easy - You simply lightning warp pack to pack right in the middle of them automatically cursing them and destroy whole screen. Single targets take some getting used to with flame surge and dodging big hitters in 80s maps, 78 dom etc. Party will love you. You freeze everything and draw all fire by warping in mobs face. Hidden DPS is LW applying shock status effect almost always with our high CC for 50% more DPS. Hidden DPS is automatic assassins mark more CC and "more" CD makes huge crits. You almost always apply freeze status effect as well due to High CC and ~4 casts per sec. Almost always apply burn status effect too because we use cold to fire. Cost is medium-low about 10ex-70ex depending on links of your Staff and chest used which is cheap considering it's power. Minimum build costs 5L PoH 6-9 exa 5L Carcass 2 exa <<<< its come to my attention this chest is 6EX in warbands. You can us any life + resits 5L chest. Jack is more aoe and DPS tho. Windscream Boots 20C Rest Gear chaos gear. So, the base of the build is ~10 exa. Build can do ALL Map mods. Saves Money on map rolling. For no mana regen maps you just have turn off one aura like HoT to have buffer and warlords mark takes care of life and mana..For Blood magic auras off warlords and instant LL takes care of health. For reflects Lightning warp crits are only thing that can kill you. Pop all three flasks before jumping into packs since we do all three elements damage. Curse immune is slow because we have to rely on our bad regen. Use Clarity and no other aura You can run these doesnt matter 99% of the time unless a really crazy combo that i have not seen in 93 levels of this build cons... -Massive hp single target like atziri prefers Flame Surge swap gem for quick kill -Uber probably not. 2.0 UPDATE for experienced users. Beginners please read 1.3 section first. New 2.0 Tree Gained ~100% DPS in safe mode meaning all maps mods can be done!!! and 20%-100% EHP info below new highlights We dont need EB, Enduring cry or clarity. Warlords Auto curse does it all. LL ML and endurance charges. We move full time into cold to fire now due to awesome Arctic armor changes for us as we mitigate 13-15% fire. Single target flame surge swap for Ice Nova for ~140K single target. But you wont need Flame Surge cept on Atziri and high HP boss. We have longer Power and Endurance charge duration so you can take your time and charges never go down. *reflect maps replace C2f with LL and pop flasks There are two phases now to this build now - up to 90 and Beyond 90 where we get really sick. There are 3 ways to play 1. 4500 Life Crit version with dodge/spell dodge. Best DPS, affordable and what you see in all vid. Best version IMO due to AOE and good dps. 2. HC life non crit version with 6000-6500 life and dodge/spell dodge. Super tank 3. Crit CI with 7000-8000 ES and high DPS like #1 and cant be stun. Most expensive must have 6L ES chest. Weakness is AOE because cant use carcass jack. Phase 1 tree to 90ish Phase 2 Tree beyond 90 You put these on For 46% spell dodge move into phase and acrobatics for 45% dodge all while retaining all Phase 1 properties. Basic Phase 1 Gear 2.0 We run two heralds and AA for 14% fire/phys mitigation, 4 endurance charges always up so 30% total phys mit is like a lighting coil or ~30K armor vs phys
Phase 2 Gear same as phase 1 but Atziri Steps
GEMS Staff 5L 6L Swap Gems - Swap a red for LL on reflect. Swap Flame Surge and pen for a red and Ice nova on single target Chest 5L 6L Minion 4L Swap HoT for ele weakness maps CWDT set and vaal grace Auras Flasks ***************2.0 Leveling progression for witch and shadow*************
With this build you level with flame totem and/or fire trap at start and nova or arc if they get close to you. Arc is also funner. You dont switch to Ice nova exclusively and start jumping into packs until you can double curse for warlords defenses and leech, and have at least 4K hp, and max resits. Best to level the ICE NOVA setup gems in background weapons. I switched at 70. All gear should have max life on it. Don't worry about dps that come with gems level, crit nodes, crit gear, and more sockets in staff. Bandits Passive/passive/power charge 20 use fire trap and/or flame totem and arc with two +1 gem 20% scepters https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwMABAcFQhGWLJwtHzpYQZZEq0yzVa5Vxl8qf8aCEIPbj6aVIKKjrrPB89D137Dr5A==?accountName=Aim_Deep&characterName=Bad_Ass_Wench 40 https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwMAAv4EBwVCBx4OSBEtEZYWvyaVLJwtHzpYQZZCw0SrRZ1JUUyzU1JVS1WuVcZd8l8qYeJ8g3_GghCD24w2j6aVIJUumuCio66zwfPQ9d-E37Dr5Ovu8NU=?accountName=Aim_Deep&characterName=Bad_Ass_Wench] 60 get dual curse boot, 5l carcass and 5L rime gaze for IN https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwMAAZEC_gQHBUIHHg5IES0RlhZAFm8Wvx0UJpUpTyycLR8t0jpYQZZCw0SrRZ1JUUyzU1JVS1WuVcZXlFnzXfJfKmHiZp5rt3IPfIN_xoIQgpuD24V9jDaPRo-mlSCVLpo7muCfPqKjpwius8Hz0PXVpt-E37Djauvk6-7tPPDV-tI=?accountName=Aim_Deep&characterName=Bad_Ass_Wench 80 get POH https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwMAAZEC_gQHBLMFQgceDkgPqxEtEZYTcRZAFm8Wvx0UJIskqiaVKU8qOCycLR8t0jbpOlg8BT1fQZZCw0SrRZ1JUUyzUXRSU1NSVUtVrlXGV5RYrlnzXfJepV8qYeJknWaea7dwUnDVcg98g3_GghCCm4PbhX2J04w2jmSO6Y9Gj6aP-pUglS6XlZo7muCfPp_fogCio6aZpwius7b6wGbB88M60PXVpt-E37Djauvk6-7r9e0873zwH_DV8h33pvrS?accountName=Aim_Deep&characterName=Bad_Ass_Wench Final with atziri step https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwMAAv4EBwSzBUIFtQceDdEOSA-rES0RlhNxFkAWbxa_GGoaOB0UIG4i6iSLJKomlScvKU8qOCycLR8t0jBxNuk5UjpCOlg8BT1fQZZCw0SrRZ1G10lRS3hMs1AwUXRSU1NSVUtVrlXGVylXlFgHWK5Z813yXqVfKmHiY0NknWaea7dwUnDVcYVyD3yDf8aCEIKbg9uFfYnTjDaNv45kjumPRo-mj_qQVZUglS6XlZo7muCboZ8-n9-iAKKjppmnCK6zsUK2-sBmwfPDOtD11CPVptte3ajfhN-K37DjaujW6-Tr7uv17TzvfPAf8NXyHfMR96b60g==?accountName=Aim_Deep&characterName=Bad_Ass_Wench Shadow 20 use fire trap and/or flame totem and arc with two +1 gem 20% scepters https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwYBAv4HHg5IEZYWvyaVQsNFfElRVUtd8mHif8aMNpUul5eio7Q4wfPfhOUZ8NX79Q==?accountName=Aim_Deep&characterName=Bad_Ass_Wench 40 https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwYBAv4EBwVCBx4OSBEtEZYWvyaVLJwtHzpYPV9BlkLDRXxFnUlRTLNSU1NSVUtVxl3yXyph4nyDf8aD24w2lSCVLpeVl5ea4KKjrrO0OMHz34TlGevk6-7w1fv1?accountName=Aim_Deep&characterName=Bad_Ass_Wench 60 get dual curse boot, 5l carcass and 5L rime gaze for IN https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwYBAv4EBwVCBx4OSBEtEZYWQBZvFr8aOB0UJpUnLylPLJwtHzpYPV9BlkLDRXxFnUlRTLNSU1NSVUtVxleUWfNd8l8qYeJmnmu3cg98g3_Gg9uFfYw2j0aQVZUglS6XlZeXmuCio6cIrrO0OMHz1abfhONq5Rnr5Ovu8NX60vv1?accountName=Aim_Deep&characterName=Bad_Ass_Wench 80- Get PoH https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwYBAv4EBwSzBUIHHg5ID6sRLRGWE3EWQBZvFr8aOB0UJIsmlScvKU8qOCycLR86WDwFPV9BlkLDRXxFnUlRTLNSU1NSVUtVxleUWK5Z813yXqVfKmHiZp5rt3BScNVyD3yDf8aD24V9idOMNo5kj0aQVZUglS6XlZeXmjua4J_fogCio6cIrrO0OLb6wGbB88M60PXVpt-E42rlGevk6-7tPO988B_w1fem-tL79Q==?accountName=Aim_Deep&characterName=Bad_Ass_Wench Final get atizri step https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwYBAv4EBwSzBUIFtQceDdEOSA-rES0RlhNxFkAWbxa_GGoaOB0UIG4i6iSLJKomlScvKU8qOCycLR8t0jBxNuk5UjpCOlg8BT1fQZZCw0V8RZ1G10lRS3hMs1AwUXRSU1NSVUtVxlcpV5RYB1iuWfNd8l6lXyph4mNDZJ1mnmu3cFJw1XGFcg98g3_GgpuD24V9idOMNo2_jmSO6Y9Gj_qQVZUglS6XlZeXmjua4Juhnz6f36IAoqOmmacIrrOxQrQ4tvrAZsHzwzrQ9dQj1abbXt2o34TjauUZ6Nbr5Ovu6_XtPO988B_w1fId8xH3pvrS-_U=?accountName=Aim_Deep&characterName=Bad_Ass_Wench HC non crit and 6000-6500 life This is what im attempting in HC has 195% life plus 4 Jewels for more life. Guessing 245% when done.
HC crit CI version 7000-8000 ES with gear
Update posted CI Crit version 7000-8000 ES version with instant LL Most tanky of all but at a high price! Must have 6L chest for AOE gem. And well ES gear is high price anyway. My ES gear is avg and have 7546 ES. Same DPS as life spec even losing crit ammy. https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwMAAW8C_gVCBx4HYw5ID6sPxBEPES8RUBGWE3EV1xZAFr8YahslHRQdTyBuJIspTyo4KwosnCy_LR81uTlSO3w8BT1fQZZCw0SrSVFLrkyzUDBRdFJTVa5WY1eUWAdYrlxrXfJepV9qZJ1mnm0ZcFJw1X_GghCCm4RIhX2GronTjDaMdo5kjumPRo-mj_qVIJUul5WaO5uhnjyf36KjppmnK6yYrrO297b6tzG4ysBmwfPDOsNty73Q0ND11abZW9te34Tfit-w5oHpAuv17BjtPO988NXyHfem99f60g3RY0Pi94t6XIo=?accountName=Aim_Deep&characterName=She_Blitz New Safe DPS ![]() single target Flame Surge ![]() phase 2 defenses w. vaal grace ![]() 5L chest 5L PoH base DPS no flask 6L are luxury not needed at all ![]() Everything in this spoiler is 1.3 and 1.2 info
Hello Everyone! ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
1.3 vids (no legacy gear)
1.3 vids (no legacy gear) ~5 min Palace with Boss kill http://youtu.be/XBH4bIAGDEI ~9 min atziri full clear http://youtu.be/NrDsHk3ac18 Atziri ~4 min speed all boss kills http://youtu.be/8xFlKiCdaXc No life or mana regen 75 map http://youtu.be/rpVmb43N0kc Elemental reflect 76 map easy http://youtu.be/SHZ8NVTYazI __________________________________________________________________________________________________ UPDATE 1.3 made build better due to changes to Templar tree. More AOE more DPS and can use only a 5L chest. I took out Lightning coil due to legacy status and its hard as hell to 4b2r it. BYE BYE:( Pros This build destroys larger area than discharges and provides massive defenses since they are frozen 90% of the time or die instant. This build is also tanky you run, 24-26 Arctic Armor, Instant 14.7% Leech, 80% cold resits for reflect pacts. ~4700 life. Always have endurance charges up due to warlords automatic cursing. CWDT 7 Seconds automatic immortal call Immunity to physical. This build is really fun with battle mage aspect to it. You warp all over and face tank everything fearing nothing. The build uses Crit ICE NOVA - over 55% CC with 7 power charge and assassins mark which is automatically applied by play style - lightning warp to cast assassins mark on hit - You never run out of power charge if you move fast. Play style is easy - You simply lightning warp pack to pack right in the middle of them automatically cursing them and destroy whole screen. Party will love you. You freeze everything and draw all fire by warping in mobs face. Hidden DPS is LW applying shock status effect almost always with high CC for 50% more DPS. Hidden DPS is automatic assassins mark more CC and "more" CD makes huge crits. You almost always apply freeze status effect as well due to High CC and ~4 casts per sec. Cost is medium-low about 10ex-70ex depending on links of your Staff and chest used which is cheap considering it's power. Minimum build costs 5L PoH 6-9 exa 5L Carcass 2 exa Windscream Boots 20C Rest Gear chaos gear. So, the base of the build is ~10 exa. Build can do ALL Map mods. Saves Money on map rolling. For no mana regen maps you just have turn off Arctic Armor and warlords mark takes care of life and mana..For Blood magic AA off DPS auras off warlords and instant LL takes care of health. For reflects Lightning warp crits are only thing that can kill you. Pop lightning flask! instant double leech takes care of you even on huge ice nova crits. You can run these doesnt matter 99% of the time unless a really crazy combo that i have not seen in 93 levels of this build cons... -Massive hp single target like atziri prefers Arctic Breath swap gem for quick kill -Uber probably not.
Base DPS with cold penetration<---what i run all the time more than enough this is tank spec with 4800 life and what you see in all vids.
Highest DPS ICE nova in PoH is I calculated 94K once gems 20/20 leveled. But ofc no pen gem so it's a lot of paper DPS for show. Not to mention no LL gem so reflect will one shot you. But it's fun to probably lvl these and try it out on easy maps. More to come... Edit I was wrong 102K for glass spec:P ![]() base + atziri promise ![]()
24-26 AA http://s15.postimg.org/5g61pv817/image.jpg Defense ![]()
You want to try and get life on all gear. Few reasons to run high level Immortal call for long duration so you can take bit hit before it goes off for 7 sec. Also, although pretty tanky with AA purity etc, this a whats known as a "sponge" build rather than a huge mitigation build. You face tank - take damage and instantly heal it back via relentless casting. Need decent life sink. Finally, anti stun/freeze etc more life less of that will happen to you. First item is POH - Gives huge mana to run auras and big regen taking very few mana nodes on tree. Is a 7L and gives us DPS. If you only have a 5L take out added cold or LL depending. LL allows full functionality tank on any map due to double LL when combined with warlords. Added cold more deeps. Atziri boss swap gems to take them down in 1-2 sec Second item chest houses our lighting Warp double curse set up. Only need 5L! Ultimate chest 6L with enhance or inc aoe Big Defense HC option. Over 7000 "life" option but less DPS and AOE. 24+ AA and dual curse boots. Helps to get + gem... cost about 4ex or make one. I run herald in here at 25! AA @ 25! CWDT set - 7 second phys immunity at this level Aura Helm - make up whatever purity u need...clarity and other herald. Rest of life gear rounds out resitances DPS and HP. Note with Lightning coil will need mana regen on all jewelry in 7L. Swap Gems for atziri
LVL 92
i would lvl with shadow due to cast speed and mana regen nerf witch got. you will end up with 5% more dps as shadow
just use ice nova all the way arctic breath for single target and maybe a fire trap aoe at start too. use almost any wands until you get poh. Use RIME GAZE helm, like 1 alc for nova setup which has free conc Bandits LIFE CAST SP POWER CHARGE WITCH ~20 https://poebuilder.com/character/AAAAAgMA34qCEN-wSbIC4welLJzQ9UGWBUKus0yzEQ_bXlAw2wuCHhSwTC10VayYOlhVxl8qm6H3149G ~40 https://poebuilder.com/character/AAAAAgMA34qCEN-wSbIC4welLJzQ9UGWBUKus0yzEQ_bXlAw2wuCHhSwTC10VayYOlhVxl8qm6H3149G-eiCxyj66-64k6cISVHw1Y_67BjBxYhCBx6VLti9_gq3PkGHU1JFnZrg ~60 https://poebuilder.com/character/AAAAAgMA34qCEN-wSbIC4welLJzQ9UGWBUKus0yzEQ_bXlAw2wuCHhSwTC10VayYOlhVxl8qm6H3149G-eiCxyj66-64k6cISVHw1Y_67BjBxYhCBx6VLti9_gq3PkGHU1JFnZrgKjipbrXyNZJd8g5IEZbfhELDjDYC_mHiVUsWvyaVZp760h0U42oWb8AakFUaOIV9FkBYrl6lE3E= ~80 https://poebuilder.com/character/AAAAAgMA34qCEN-wSbIC4welLJzQ9UGWBUKus0yzEQ_bXlAw2wuCHhSwTC10VayYOlhVxl8qm6H3149G-eiCxyj66-64k6cISVHw1Y_67BjBxYhCBx6VLti9_gq3PkGHU1JFnZrgKjipbrXyNZJd8g5IEZbfhELDjDYC_mHiVUsWvyaVZp760h0U42oWb8AakFUaOIV9FkBYrl6lE3E9X1JTl5W2-vemjmSaO4Kb7DgnL-98PAVwUonTcNXyHWSd6_Xy4WNDxp4Qfwx9 My witch @93 http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgMAAv4EswVCBx4MfQ5IEH8RDxGWE3EUsBZAFm8Wvxo4HRQkqiTYJpUnLyj6KjgsnDWSOlg8BT1fQYdBlkLDRKtFnUlRTC1Ms1AwUlNTUlVLVa5VxliuXfJepV8qYeJjQ2SdZp5wUnDVdFWCEIIegpuCx4VthX2IQonTjDaOZI9Gj6aP-pBVlS6XlZo7muCboZ_fogCnCKlurJius7Xytvq3PriTwBrAZsHFxp7Q9dWB1abYvdrd2wvbXt-E37Djauvu6_XsGOw47TzvfPDV8h3y4fem99f56PrS_go26Q== SHADOW lvl ~20 http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgYAAv4HHg5IEZYV5xa_JpVCw0V8SVFVS13yYeJzs4IeiEKMNo_6lS6Xl8HF2wvfhOwY8Gvw1Q== lvl ~40 http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgYAAv4HHg5IEQ8RlhSwFecWvyaVKPo6WEGHQsNFfElRTC1VS1XGXfJfKmHic7N0VYIegseIQow2j0aP-pUul5eboacIrJi3PriTwcXbC9-E6-7sGPBr8NX31_no_grYvTWStfKpbio4 lvl ~60 http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgYAAv4HHg5IEQ8RlhNxFLAV5xZAFm8Wvxo4HRQmlScvKPoqODWSOlg9X0GHQsNFfElRTC1Ms1AwUlNVS1XGWK5d8l6lXyph4mNDZp5zs3RVgh6Cx4V9iEKMNo9Gj_qQVZUul5WXl5uhpwipbqyYtfK3PriTwBrBxdi92wvbXt-E42rr7uwY8Gvw1fLh99f56PrS_go= lvl ~80 http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgYAAv4HHg5IEQ8RlhNxFLAV5xZAFm8Wvxo4HRQmlScvKPoqODWSOlg8BT1fQYdCw0V8RZ1JUUwtTLNQMFJTU1JVS1XGWK5d8l6lXyph4mNDZp5zs3RVgh6Cx4V9iEKMNo5kj0aP-pBVlS6XlZeXmjua4Juhn9-nCKlurJi18rb6tz64k8AawGbBxdWm2L3bC9te34Tjauvu7BjtPO988Gvw1fLh96b31_no-tL-Cuv1ZJ3yHXDVidNwUuw4gpuus0GW0PUFQiyc final http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgYAAv4HHg5IEQ8RlhNxFLAV5xZAFm8Wvxo4HRQkqiTYJpUnLyj6Kjg1kjbpOlg8BT1fQYdCw0V8RZ1JUUwtTLNQMFJTU1JVS1XGWK5d8l6lXyph4mNDZp5zs3RVgh6Cx4VthX2IQow2jmSPRo_6kFWVLpeVl5eaO5rgm6Gf36cIqW6smLXytvq3PriTwBrAZsHF1YHVpti92wvbXt-E42rr7uwY7TzvfPBr8NXy4fem99f56PrS_grr9WSd8h1w1YnTcFLsOIKbcYVXKUbXBLOiAK6zQZbQ9QVCLJwMfRB_xp4=
1.2 Videos which have 36% less dps
Atziri http://youtu.be/fVZkY3ZhCWo Despite -4 Move Speed 2:48 Gorge http://youtu.be/WnoZkRb1GyQ Double vaals go down quick with arctic breath swap http://youtu.be/WrWpPzdhvXk Trio http://youtu.be/b0hyOTROqnI 1.3 vids (no legacy gear) 5 min Palace with Boss kill http://youtu.be/XBH4bIAGDEI 9 min atziri full clear http://youtu.be/NrDsHk3ac18 No life or mana regen 75 map http://youtu.be/rpVmb43N0kc Elemental reflect 76 map easy http://youtu.be/SHZ8NVTYazI
Fight is really easy. Ice Nova for all the trash areas blows through them very fast. Then on Boss's you switch to a single target shotgun effect like Arctic breath or ice spear with GMP. Sometimes if all 5 hit First vaal doesnt even get a shot off. Second only pops up twice. Use Lightning flasks.
Trio requires a CWDT setup or IC manual. Heavy physical and since we have no sheild t block any of it periods of immunity are nice. Also use Rumi flask if you have one. I dont but I'm using lighting coil which makes phys EHP huge. Anti bleed flasks a must. Kill Bitch first. then whomever. They go down fast enough. Atziri usually can't do much before she goes to phases. 1-2 spells at most due to our large shotgun DPS. Guys who try to heal her phase...just switch back to ice nova and stand next to atziri they wont get close. Atziri Clones - dont hit one with shield she reflects hard. Shotgun another one for pretty much instant kill. Turn off Ice Purity for Fire purity and use fire and lightning flasks for this fight. Dont be afraid to face tank! This is a sponge build meaning damage taken is instantly healed back by constant output damage. You just have to watch out for the big hits like vaal smash, many lighting calls, and flameblasts.
Since everyone is asking about hc i will address that. This crit build is not viable in HC IMO. like all it takes for you to die is be on a reflect map forget to pop lightning flask, warp in, crit whole pack, hit on high end on lightning warp wide variance, and doing over 400% crit damage you'll instant gib yourself. reroll. much too dangerous IMO for HC.
So here is HC setup witch is not best for this build shadow is because more cast speed out of box - HC tree LVL 90 http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgYAAv4EBwSzBx4MfQ5IEH8RDxGWFLAV5xZvFr8W8xdUGjgabB8CIoEkqiTYJjwmlScvKPoqOC-dMJc1kjbFNuk5ijpYPAU9X0GHQsNFfEWdRtdJUUwtTLNSU1NSU9RVS1XGVkpd8l8qYeJxhXOzdFV-x3_Ggh6Cm4LHg9uD94VtjDaNgo48kFWVLpeVl5eaO5rgna6eoZ8Bn9-iAKKjpwipbqyYsUK1BLXytz64k8AawGbB88ae0eTVgdWm2CTYvdsL34TjauQi5Yvr5Ovu7DjtPO988Gvw1fMR-dv56P4K HC gear is almost same except you dont use crit jewerly but cast speed/regen jewerly and use cloak for over 7000 "life" you dont run any purities unless needed just two heralds for dps and clarity for mana regen and MoM recharge. while having about 1800 free mana "life" for MoM. MoM is disgustingly powerful with auto warlords curse its basically impossible to be OOM and therefore die. gear looks something like this double auto curse chest with ele weakness for more DPS or frostbite for better freeze and warlords mark couple of those jewelry need regen but notice no crit and cast speed instead. With added cold gem this build is basically a perma freezer. 45%-65%(with frost bite) chance to freeze every hit and you hit over 4x per second. FAQ 1. Build looks expensive. Its about 10ex starting not all builds are super budget this one is reasonable for performance. 2. Why my DPS so low? Gem level. Player lvl. And lack of crit gear. 3. Why am i dying? Do you have 4K life? And double cursing? If not you're not ready to jump in middle of packs. 4. What are some cheaper versions of this? You can get away with 5L carcass chest and two crit daggers and RIME GAZE helm which hold Ice nova. Still about 5ex. Might was well get PoH for cheap 6L and mana,. 5. Why not phase 2 from start? Because DPS and life will be too low at lower level. 6. Why no cold penetration? C2F beats it in current tree plus gems swap dynamics. 7. What about another staff PoH is expensive? Well you can buy a 5L and its really a 6L already so its cheap IMO. Plus it doubles your mana pool. Sure you can use another staff but it will be worse. 8. Why no Jewels? I am still waiting for someone to show me where it's advantageous in this build. Git R Dun! Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Jul 28, 2015, 3:27:43 AM Last bumped on Mar 9, 2016, 1:02:05 PM
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Would an Atziri belt work for this build?
I found a PoH on my cycloner and I managed to 5 link it. Currently leveling with lighting tendrils as it does more damage than ice nova. Flameblast works too. Is a good unique to level with. |
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What should the links been when using Rime Gaze? PoH adds echo so.. do we put Echo in the helm? Something like Inova, Cold Pen, Echo & X (LL? added cold? Faster casting?) Taryn's Shiver is much closer to my budget(bloodlines).. would this staff work instead? Anyone else built this? How is the progression going? |
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im curios about the rime gaze helmet gems sequence and the use of taryn"S shyver staff also what can be modified in the shadow tree to use 2 divinarius and only 1 curse
thanks Last edited by xavierbbo#4221 on Jan 18, 2015, 5:36:15 AM
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Is there a major reason why Windscream is used over Doedre's Damning? Since you don't run Mana Regen on both rings anyways or such, a good pair of rare boots seems like they'd be just as good, with Doedre's, plus you could get 30% move speed that way, which is a nice bonus for the Lightning Warps? Cheers! |
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pretty cool build and very decent dps,nice work!
Max blocks Tanky dualist 34-40k dps thread/1028992
Almost max blocks Tanky witch 40k dps physic or element build thread/1071884 |
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Looks like a solid build.
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I've been enjoying this build, haven't really used frost nova until recently. Only issues I have so far is it's EXTREMELY hard to get the items to support it. This is one of those builds that requires a specific set of hard to get items to be valid. But at level 55 I've been pretty solid the entire game so far, not smashing face like some other ridiculous builds but it's challenging enough to keep the game interesting at the same time. I wouldn't recommend this build for anyone that doesn't have a good understanding of the game, not a amature-friendly build at all. I've been using it with a few tweaks and really enjoying it so far, but it is fragile at lower levels. Maybe at 80+ its unstoppable but at my current level it's squishy and the life leech just doesn't cover the weaknesses. Resistances are the hardest to keep up with when trying to pair with items that can give your stats the correct boost to reach the gem levels required, also have to consider getting the links for them so you either end up farming a ton to get good gear or paying out the bum for it.
Although all of that is common for pretty much every build posted in this forum, I dont see many that dont use an extremely expensive+rare set of gear and flaunt power only at a very very high level. if you try this I recommend using Lighting Tendrills and Artic Breath for levels 1-50 (which is what I did) because frost nova eats up a ton of mana and is slow to cast without the massive buffs required (which increase the mana cost A TON!!!). Artic breath honestly is fun to use by itself in-place of frost nova, the shotgun damage is pretty epic. Just keep in mind this build isn't built for defense much at all, more of a glass cannon until you can manage all the specific gems linked properly together and can support the mana for them (which is difficult). Thanks for the build! PS: Also have been using Vaal Molten Shell and Vaal Lightning Call (Since I dont have all fully linked unique items as the build lists) which have been a HUGE help. Molten shell is just epic and Lightning call can really come in handy on some unique mobs. |
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Oh yea and the screen shots for the stats are still the witch build, btw.
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This looks fun, solid and not very expensive with the 5L. Will prob try it soon, thanks for sharing :D