My 2.0 Mjölner-Build :) (updated: 13.7.2015)

Yeah i will definitly try the power charges :)
And another Question what about cyclone instead of lightning strike/molten strike do you think i could just use it with this tree ?
L0r3nzo wrote:
Yeah i will definitly try the power charges :)
And another Question what about cyclone instead of lightning strike/molten strike do you think i could just use it with this tree ?

If you dont mind i will answer you.I tested ls/ms/cyclone,and i have found that cyclone is the best way to go.
+Really good in map clearing
+Insane in open maps
-Weak versus single target(So each time when you see boss and he dont have alot of mobs near him you need to swap for ms)
-Party dont like you(Lagging with it really hard)
+Really,really good damage versus bosses or fat rare mobs
-Again,you are lagging with it really hard
-Bad clear speed
-This skill needs time to accelerate
+Middle between LS and MS
+Good clear speed
+Fine single target damage(for exmp with ms you will kill target for 6 sec,with cyclone 10.But if you swap arc for con effect dmg will be the same i think)
+We are going to you use it with blood magic,so we can take two 40% auras and one 60% without taking any aura nodes (But with 20 reduced mana gem)
+Less laggy(I dont know why,but i really have less lags with it)
-We cant use it with multistrike
-Still desyncing

PS:Sry for bad english
my gear that I just throw together

Had to use
because of Mjölner but ones I'm high enough level I'm Hoping i have enough strength and Int currently level 69 witch

changed the tree because Mjölner already does so much damage

-my future tree build
Last edited by Wildenemy on Jan 15, 2015, 9:45:13 PM
Thank you for your detailed answer Niaxe!
I totally agree with you, cyclone is a good way to go. It's the middle between LS and MS. Especially when you only have a 4Link in your Lightning Coil you can use Cyclone-Faster Attacks- Blood Magic- Increased AoE. With a 5Link I like LS+MS more because you're able to use both of them. With Cyclone you're standing directly in the mobs, which means you have to take more hits. With LS you can attack mobs from distance, that's a bit safer to play. But if you like Cyclone more than LS/MS just use it, it'll definitely work well with the same tree.

Try to get life on the ring and the helmet. You can also use Atziri's Foible instead of Astramentis because Astramentis is still worth ~4ex. With that currency you can buy items with strength. When you still need more strength you can take additional +30strength in your tree.
Ty For your Answer Niaxe :)
And i have to agree cyclone is really nice in maps my only problem is i somehow die vs atziri with
cyclone but now i use Only MS with BM (i just swap it with LS) and its really nice.I swapped Arc for conc effect in the atziri fight but somehow i kill her faster with arc.
Maybe Increased Aoe could be usefull for a 5l cyclone setup.

PS:In my opinion playing with the +2 power charges and the 4%inc spell dmg per powercharge (u can just take it instead of a normal int node when you take the 2 power charges) feels a lot better and more damaging.
Last edited by L0r3nzo on Jan 16, 2015, 8:48:38 AM
I laugh at anything with gear well in excess of 20 exalts being called 'cheap'.
For years i searched for deep truths. A thousand revelations. At the very edge...the ability to think itself dissolves away.Thinking in human language is the problem. Any separation from 'the whole truth' is incomplete.My incomplete concepts may add to your 'whole truth', accept it or think about it
It's not cheap, you're right. But for players who want to play with a Mjölner it is. The gear is pretty cheap, the only expensive item is the Mjölner. I bought a Mjölner after selling almost everything I had. There was no currency for gear worth <5ex. So i made up that build, and yes i should mention that it's "cheap for a Mjölner-build", but not cheap in general.
Sorry for threat digging, but this has become up to date for me.

I recently stumbled across a Mjölner and i'm trying to make a build for it. I'm not super rich and have to make it on a Budget of about 15-20ex or so. Unfortunately I know next to nothing about Mjölner builds and I'm still pretty confused as of what to actually do. I woudl be happy if you could answer me some basic questions!

Gear: I've acquired the following:

Yet I'm pretty unsure what to look out for on the remaining slots. I think i want it to be an evasion based build, does that make sense? Should I use Doryani's Invitation?
With Discharge in the Mjölner, has anyone ever tried to use Blood Dance Boots? They sound like they would be awesome.

Skill Gems: as far as I understood, most people use Molten Strike for Bosses and Lightning Strike for packs. Is that correct?
What about counter attacks? Does spellblock occur regularly enough to make Reckoning good? What support gems do you use with Reckoning/Vegeance?
Are you guys using any method of auto-casting enduring cry? Does cwdt+enduring cry work on an evasion build?

I came up with something like this:

But i kinda also would like to get the power charge notes and Master of the Arena/Art of the Gladiator. What would you change to achieve that before lvl 90?

Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!
I recently got hold of a Mjölner, and got a 5 link lightning coil, and some spare exalts i can get hold of. With a budget of 15 (very max 25 if I sell most of everything I got) what items from the original poster gear should be replaced/upgraded? Any help would be great
Last edited by BakedZnake on Apr 29, 2015, 7:14:21 AM
Sorry for answering so late but i wasn't playing poe for some time.

I haven't played an evasion based mjölner build, i can't tell you if it's good or bad. Try it out!
You don't need Doryani's invitation when you're playing with a Life Leech gem.
The Blood Dance give you Frenzy Charges on Kill, so they're useless in bossfights. I don't think using them would be worth it.
Vengeance is nice to have, but i wouldn't link anything to it. Reckoning won't occur often enough because the Blockchance is too low.
I would recommend a tree like this:

You have everything you want before level 90 and there are still a lot of life-nodes to get.

You can get more life/strength on most of the items. Get more Attackspeed on the gloves, maybe more spell damage on the amu or Attackspeed on the rare ring. There are a lot of options.
Last edited by CodenameRaptor on May 5, 2015, 9:20:55 AM

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