Scheduled downtime on 2011-11-13 at 22:00 UTC for up to 1 hour

5 hours to go. Technically they are asking for an hour of downtime, so itll be up at 2300 hours.

Go go
4 more...
ingame: FeelLuckyPunk standard
Yea 4 more 4 more hours! ;D still waiting:)
^^^^^Polish Corner^^^^^
Riney wrote:
5 hours to go. Technically they are asking for an hour of downtime, so itll be up at 2300 hours.

Go go

if it got me .9.3 faster I would ask them to take a DAY long downtime.

"Look at it this way: The longer it takes before you get your key or the game goes to open beta, the better the game will be when you finally get to play!"

quote from Garr0t

Just 3 more hours
Antilurker77 wrote:
Just 3 more hours

How is it 3 more hours... its suppose to start at 22:00 UST time, So by my count it should start in 1 hour and 20 minuets.... Correct me if im wrong?
Thanks To Mah Good Buddy *xtrem* For Teh Beta Key. :Wub:
newporg wrote:
Antilurker77 wrote:
Just 3 more hours

How is it 3 more hours... its suppose to start at 22:00 UST time, So by my count it should start in 1 hour and 20 minuets.... Correct me if im wrong?

You are correct but you are counting down to different events.
ingame: FeelLuckyPunk standard
so how much time left?
1 hour to downtime and if everything goes well, another to downloading 0.9.3.
ingame: FeelLuckyPunk standard
ighnaz you got second key? i need one for my mate xD

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