Account Security and Theft Policy - READ THIS

monkuar wrote:
mistablah wrote:
Scobitor wrote:
This is stupid.

We're victims twice :
1) we lost everything, how many hours are gone to ashes ?
2) GGG basically is saying "deal with it"

This is pure incompetence, having a security check is the most important thing if you want your players to enjoy the game without fearing the day their account get hacked.

You SHOULD restore items until you implement your security check, we don't want to be the 100 people who were collateral damage. The impact on the economy is so small it doesn't even make a difference.

I agree with this guy. After losing everything and being told "Sorry; but heres the IP address of the guy in China that ran off with all your shit; have a nice day" I feel like i should be compensated with at least something.

You shouldn't be compensated with anything, you should go learn how the internet works and don't get keylogged, you big baby.

Sick of you turds always qqing and crying about your accounts getting logged/stolen because of your own dam fault, grow up.

Edit: Also stop blaming other people for your actions.

Right; I reformat monthly so things like this dont happen, take steps to prevent this, and only get an account stolen once on this game.
I honestly dont care about a restoration of items; it boils down to the level of security associated with user accounts. Not everyone is as 'elite at the nets' as you probably think you are and more steps to safeguard accounts should eventually be taken. Even shitty f2p MMOs have SOME form of extra security while logging into an account.

And coming from someone who has an online marketplace as their signature selling accounts and other virtual items ill take everything you say with a grain of salt.
Scobitor wrote:
2) GGG basically is saying "deal with it"

This is pure incompetence
You're the one getting your computer infected. Why should GGG be responsible for your incompetence?

"It's a harsh, difficult world. You have to be prepared for it. We're not babying the players."
- Chris Wilson - Producer, Lead Designer @ Grinding Gear Games
Last edited by Wulfenstein#1313 on Feb 9, 2013, 2:39:38 AM
I'm baffled by people blaming victims of account theft.

It's no secret that the average internet user is going to get information stolen from him several times in his life, even by applying reasonable security measures.

We can discuss GGG security policies civilly but making fun of people that aren't security experts achieve nothing, except making it look like you are a smug, pretentious prick.
I'm all for POE making account security the users responsibility. They've done everything they can to secure the information, they've been responsible. Have you done everything you can to secure your information. If you've been hacked the responsible thing to do is figure out how it happened, accept that it was your fault and then go on to do one of the most powerful things a person can do - LEARN and IMPROVE YOURSELF.

If you want to blame someone, blame your parents for raising an irresponsible crying child.
It's beta, shit isn't in yet.

I expect a system for account security before release (Such as the system GW2 has).
"Minions of your minions are your minion's minions, not your minions." - Mark
Yea, make Tokens for celluars please!
Mirror of Kalandra?
This is integral to the integrity of the game!
Scobitor wrote:
This is stupid.

We're victims twice :
1) we lost everything, how many hours are gone to ashes ?
2) GGG basically is saying "deal with it"

This is pure incompetence, having a security check is the most important thing if you want your players to enjoy the game without fearing the day their account get hacked.

You SHOULD restore items until you implement your security check, we don't want to be the 100 people who were collateral damage. The impact on the economy is so small it doesn't even make a difference.

reality is almost all players are hacked due to their own incompetence.

Take some responsibility onto yourself. Thats what an adult would do.

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Every player that has his account ripped off says he's been hacked.... hacking takes a little skill. Have you ever read an email phishing for sign in's? Lotta smarts go into writing them eh?

People lose their accounts for dumb reasons, mostly covered by the OP. Then there are the people who use words like password, poe1234, or legendaryhero, for their password.

Don't make yourselves look stupid by trying to convince us that your being "hacked" was anybdy elses fault but your own, and don't you think that insisting the devs of a Free to Play ARPG jump through hoops so you can navigate around the web without observing any security precautions at all is asking too much? It'd be different if you were paying monthy fees, but you're not, and the majority of the complainers weren't even CB supporters.
most of the ppl's account are stolen just because these few stupid reason:

1. using silly password like: abc19890326, p@ssw0rd, qwerty, peterisgreat...etc

2. have tried to find the hack of the game before

3. play it in the public computer

4. his own computer is already full of virus, malware and torjan cuz of watching porn

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