2.0 HoA BURN - 3x curse INSANE dmg
This is my build based around extremely high single target damage in order to get the most overkill damage for herald of ash to burn everything down super fast.
Damage over time can be very strong and lead to extremely fast clear times considering you can hit and run without looking back. Herald of ash in my opinion is underrated. Its potential is never reached by spec'ing for it, but rather just using it as another % damage modifier. The best way to maximize damage is to be physical damage based. You can easily get much higher base damage with physical than elemental, and just convert all of that physical damage to elemental. This allows our damage to be scaled by both physical and elemental bonuses, as well as stack on top of each other which can lead to very large damage per strike numbers, which is our focus. Not only that, but by stacking elemental damage bonuses through passive tree and items you essentially double its potential since it will boost both your initial strike and the burn from herald of ash. *****BIGGEST FACTOR IN USING HERALD OF ASH***** HoA actually scales with: +damage, +fire damage, +burning damage, +elemental damage, +aoe damage, and +dot damage. It also scales just like critical strike damage. So the base (at max level) is 137% overkill damage is translated to an aoe burn. if you have a collective say +200% combined from all of those sources above, this means your overkill damage is 137+200% = 411%. so lets say your overkill damage is 10,000, this means your aoe burn is 41,100 per second. just basic math, without figuring resistances, to give you an idea of how quickly this can scale.
Build Time!
Essentially my build plays like this. You curse everything with lightning arrow. If you crit everything explodes in a mass of fire. If it doesn't crit, everything remains cursed and you hit something with burning arrow to explode everything in a mass of fire.
skill gems first!
Main Damage My main damage dealer is burning arrow. This is to take advantage of the 130% base damage of the gem, which significantly raises our elemental dmg. You can keep the level of the gem low for low mana costs but if you want the slightly higher % physical dmg you can level it up. Having high damage per cast allows me to maximize any overkill damage for herald of ash. This is amplified by being a crit build as well as of course all of my curses. My main goal is to kill the weakest mob to get the highest overkill dmg. The support gem choice here is actually pretty important. You want PURE damage. We also want massive elemental damage by way of conversion because we boost elemental damage via items and passives. This will boost the damage of BOTH the initial hit by Burning Arrow and the overkill burn % from Herald of Ash. This is the biggest pure damage boost you can get, period. Since we are physical damage, all of these gems scale tremendously. PPAD, Added Fire and Phys to Lightning. WED is a must. It is actually the biggest DPS contributor out of all the gems, because of our 100% conversion. You must use pierce and drillneck if anything. Absolutely no LMP/GMP/Fork/Chain because they all have negative effects to damage to counter their effectiveness. Pierce however, with drillneck, will BOOST your damage instead, as well as having as much effectiveness. Curses/Secondary Damage Next i'll touch on my bread and butter, CURSES. Obviously assassin's mark is an amazing curse, not just for the flat crit chance, but the additional critical damage and the sustain by way of mana and life on kill. Elemental weakness is obvious, since i am fully elemental based. Elemental weakness is best because it lowers ALL elemental resistances the same amount as a focused curse like conductivity or flammability, and this will aid in not only the initial hit of dmg, but lower fire resistances for herald of ash burn. Next is flammability to again lower resistances for initial hit dmg as well as herald of ash burn. ***I MUST STRESS AGAIN*** These curses have DOUBLE effectiveness since it will lower resistances for higher overkill damage, as well as lower resistances against the burn. With this build every bonus you get is essentially doubled (has two applications of its bonuses). These three curses stacked on top of each other raise my damage insurmountably. it is insane. As you can see my preference for applying all of these juicy curses is lightning arrow and GMP. Lightning arrow is kept at level 1 for the low mana cost. LA also provides me with a good secondary damage source when im up against reflect. Linked with GMP it significantly lowers its damage, and without any crit dmg or WED socketed that means the only bonus to dmg i get are from the curses themselves. This boost is still significant, and you do still need to be quite careful when facing reflect but it can be done. Auras/Buffs Herald of ash and Elemental proliferation are the focus here. Inc burn dmg to scale its damage up magnificently. I also wear my aura/buffs combo in my +1 to socketed gems corrupted Atziri Steps, so the base overkill damage % on lvl 21 HoA is 140% as opposed to 137% Hatred. It isn't ideal to have cold damage in this build because if you shatter enemies they will no longer leave the proliferation effect behind. However it is an enormous boost in damage, scaling off our physical, and it isn't too big of a negative so i prefer it over Anger. Nothing too out of the ordinary here.
I don't use Glyph Mark nor will i ever. Even though my bow is pretty great any physical dmg bow here will do. 250+ dps and you'll clear everything nearly as fast as you see me do, trust me. Windripper doesn't hold a candle to any physical damage bow for this type of build. 6L is also not required, but will boost your damage immensely with another support gem As you can see my gear is pretty specific, as it is with all of my builds. But this is not necessary and only occurs over time when optimizing builds. AKA get a ring with every single stat point i need in order to save even just ONE passive for something else etc. Drillneck is not required at all. If you are stuck with a 5L bow you'd be better off ridding yourself of pierce/drillneck. You can use the quiver slot to make up for any missing resistances or anything you need. Carcass Jack was chosen for its evasion and added aoe capabilities, for herald of ash/elemental proliferation. It also grats added area of effect damage, which does scale with HoA...so bonus gravy. It is definitely not required, and either belly of the beast (for significantly more hp) or the new Hyrri's Ire would work just as great. Atziri Step are the best boots in the game especially because they are so cheap since there is a massive flooding of them from people farming atziri, so no reason to not get them. Decent life roll, super high evasion, cheap, and spell dodge? Do yourself a favour and get these boots. Leather belt is the best option for my setup because i lack HP more than anything. If you have a godly rustic sash or something then by all means you can use it. I do however like to run +str on my belt so i can save a couple of passives. The gloves are just to fill whatever you need. Accuracy, life, resistances. Helmet is whatever you want. Alpha's Howl for better mana management and cannot be frozen or Rats Nest for higher crit chance and some rarity or devoto's devotion for movement speed and chaos res or just a good rare helmet, it really does not matter. Im currently using the new Doedre's Scorn because of its added damage (which i don't need). It will also allow me to save two passives from unspecing an Int node - used for more damage...because im a whore. Doedre's Damning is required for my specific build, using 3 curses. You do not NEED to run 3 curses as i'll touch on shortly, but doing so is beneficial. In order to run 3 you'll obviously need a corrupted amulet too, and any will do including stone of lazhwar or w/e. As for links, 6L is not required either, but 5Ls are. You do not want to use koams because you want at least 2x 5L items, which are pretty easy to get. For the curse 5L, you'll be restrained to either 2 curses with LA/GMP. Assassin's Mark may remain a required curse, depending how much you want Power Charges and mana sustain. For the damage 5L, drop the pierce/drillneck and run PPAD, Added Fire, Phys to Lightning, WED. Your damage won't be much lower and you can use your quiver for whatever else you need. You will go without pierce which can be annoying against packs of invulnerable monsters, but otherwise HoA will create all the AoE damage you need.
Passive Tree
This build can have a hard time capping resistances, so the additional resistances from the survivalist and weathered hunter clusters are extremely beneficial, if not downright required. I have quite a bit of additional accuracy, primarily because my curse LA cannot have additional accuracy support, plus i don't want to have to run additional accuracy as a support and lower my dmg output. High hit chance is ideal in order to have as close to your actual listed crit chance as possible. I have as much HP as my flexibility will allow with passives spent. I do not recommend the scion life wheel for this build. if you need more HP use belly of the beast. If you're not using drillneck you have 3 more passives and you could probably squeeze a few more out to get the hp+es circle north of shadow for an additional 20% hp for 5 passives total. now we'll touch on the stats.
Offense Tab Picture
This is my damage without power charges. Power charges will only add DPS and not base damage, so its not necessary to show. Herald of ash is the biggest buff we have and our main course as far as this build is concerned. Obviously with elemental proliferation burns spread and continue for a good period after things have died. Its base overkill dmg is 140%, however with the current tree and all applicable boosts that means i have a grand total overkill burn dmg of 620.2%. That is essentially #*%&ing MASSIVE. Add in my curses lowering fire resistance a total 88% and also +shock damage boost and it gets REAL difficult to actually calculate a DPS number on HoA. Even though its tough, lets try just for fun! For this experiment we're going to IGNORE resistances. It would only ADD to its total damage anyway, since i lower it so much, so by ignoring resistances in the calculations i'll actually be severely underestimating its damage. It would be too difficult to calculate precisely however, since i do all three elements of damage etc. Burning arrow max damage is 28,993. with crit including assassin's mark curse that equals a total of 123,800 (28993x4.27). Lets assume a little white mob i kill has 8,800. My overkill damage is 115,000, resulting in an overkill burn damage of 713,000. Minus 20% from the proliferation nerf and i still get 563,270 damage per second. Again, lowering resistances so much would actually add to my damage quite significantly for both the initial overkill damage, and the subsequent burn as well. In testing, when i curse something that is burning the burn quickness seems to double or more. I'd say its a safe estimate to say i do over 1 million DPS on my herald of ash burn with my current setup. Anybody, however, could easily achieve hundreds of thousands dps without a problem.
Defense Tab Picture
Not much to speak of which is quite rare for my builds. However there isn't much threat other than one shots. My goal is to avoid all damage with movement speed, blink arrow, and just killing things before they kill me. The biggest threat to this build is elemental reflect, for obvious reasons. I have died to elemental reflect a number of times while working on the build, finding out how to optimize it. This is an ongoing process but i feel semi confident going up against reflect now. When i notice the elemental reflect i will only use lightning arrow spam to kill things. If i shoot a burning arrow into ele reflect, even with 25k hp i'd one shot myself. Be careful on maps that have water. its difficult to tell what auras they are sporting. that was my most recent death, was ele reflect i didn't see because they were standing in water and kapow, 1 shot.
3 curses maximizes damage Allows you to side-step bosses curse mitigation to a degree, by capitalizing on herald of ash proliferation. Curse mob, kill mob for full curse effect bonus damage, which is applied to boss in overkill dmg. Can also do the same thing to bypass the Corrupting Blood mod on rares. You don't actually need to hit that CB mob even once to be able to kill it, all you need are mobs around it to kill. Very high dps both aoe and single target
Elemental reflect Cannot recommend for hardcore
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Im very satisfied with my build. Extremely happy with the outcome and how fun it is to play. Im actually quite surprised to see this build actually get BUFFED after the patch. My initial damage got buffed so much, and my % overkill damage modifiers that it more than makes up for prolif/hoa nerf. Thank you for taking the time to check out my creation, good day. EDIT: i did have a melee version of the build which was included in this guide but i changed it to exclude it. the ranger version is far more powerful in the long run and i believe much more viable because melee is melee. here are some videos for that build in action though, and if you like what you see you can contact me for information on its build/equipment etc. Last edited by xMustard#3403 on Jul 15, 2015, 1:49:48 AM Last bumped on Mar 7, 2016, 1:07:29 PM
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placeholder - may need to split up melee and ranged portions in different posts to post all gems/gear
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first video for ranged version is up! finally. focusing on getting more vids for ranged right now.
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why melee physical damage on ur gloves? oh and will my dmg get better if my bow is 6L instead of 5L?
Last edited by buzzkillqc#2747 on Dec 31, 2014, 6:48:32 PM
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" im just lvling it up. i used to use different gloves on the ranged version but no longer do because they had cold dmg on them. i didn't want any cold dmg cause that will cause shatter. those gloves are the gloves i use for my melee version also so i didn't wanna change the colours, which is why my helm and gloves have separate auras in them etc. not very optimized right now but there ya go. eventually i'll probably just aura up the helm and 4L blink arrow or something in the gloves. so melee phys dmg is just there to lvl it up and yes your dmg will be better if you 6L the bow. quite a lot better especially if you use PPAD as the 6th link. right now with pierce as my only other green socket, my damage is 4658-13011 but if i put in PPAD (lvl 18 0% quality) i get 5813-15061 dmg per hit. so i can't wait to get my bow 6L and be able to use both of them at the same time. my dmg is gonna be nuts. |
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The ranged build looks very nice I want to try it. What's the rationale for using Phys2Light for the 6L, any other gem to use like crit damage or something?
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Looks cool looking for something new to try in torment, one thing i wonder since you have a few passive points easy to get would it be worth cutting through blaze for 1 extra passive point. Cheers fhark
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So I tried the ranged build and it works very well!!
I added elemental proliferation to my burning arrow 6L as well as my HOA - I believe the 2 sources of burn are stacking. But I might try and use Inc. Crit Damage gem instead. I also tried Blackgleam and looks like it is giving me almost the same DPS as Drillneck (2K less). Looks like an extra 40%+ of your phys damage converted to fire gives DPS on par with 100% pierce chance with Drillneck. But Blackgleam would give higher burns if you have elemental prolif on burning arrow (I had to remove cold damage on gear to get the proliferation working) The burn damage is pretty sick with this build! Definitely feels a lot stronger than puncture I have only had trouble with bosses that do not have adds that you can proliferate on like Shrine Piety. However bosses like in Courtyard are easier because you can proliferate. I also tried Dominus on Palace map and 1st form was pretty easy given he has adds, but the 2nd form was a bit trick (I had to kill adds only when they got close to him to proliferate the burn). All in all a very nice setup, I like it a lot and feels very strong. I changed the tree a bit, I am using this version: Also - if you are comfortable using weapon swap for COH this gives you the opportunity to run 3 6L setups, with the potential to add a 3rd 6L on your main bow that is for single target like maybe puncture/frenzy or something. Last edited by Ceryneian#3541 on Jan 1, 2015, 12:54:18 AM
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" awesome. glad you like the build. it would be a great help to have you aid in optimization and fresh ideas to spruce up and super power this build even more im also sticking with the ranged version, i think im going to ditch my melee version and sell the gear so i can have a little more room to play with the ranged. by all means the melee version is still very strong. not the same amount of dmg but much higher survivability especially with the insane regen you can get with bino's so cery what is your damage per cast with burning arrow? i find the burn on HoA to be all i need, and i don't think i'll worry bout putting ele prolif on burning arrow because i think it would be more ideal to raise its dmg so your overkill dmg is higher for the HoA burn. once i 6L my bow and socket PPAD im pretty sure my maximum hit dmg will reach upwards of 18-19k (without crit multi factored, or the curses). this obviously causes extreme overdmg. but yes, absolutely you can run something other than drillneck and even other than pierce. i've tried it and it works just as good, really. you can run a different quiver and literally run 5x full heavy support dmg gems such as phys to lightning / added fire dmg / WED / PPAD / crit dmg i do like the idea of having 3x 6L at your disposal, that would be extremely powerful. it would take a little bit more micro-managing, which im not personally fond of (i play very lazily, haha) but it would be extremely powerful. another skill that does do well with this build is vaal burning arrow. its base dmg of 160% is enormous (highest in game i believe) and it has 100% hit chance. with pierce its even more powerful because it will do its massive explosion to each target it hits which would create a LOT of burn on its own. also i see the difference in your tree. other than 8 more passives that you have for being such high level, haha, what is your chance to hit? granted this is supposed to be based off lvl 80 max mob level, so showcasing it at level 92 or w/e you are will be lower than it actually is i believe. i do however heavily suggest the straight elemental damage boost at shadow start because this scales your hit damage AS WELL AS your HoA burn dmg. so you're essentially double dipping your bonuses with the same passives, which is fantastic. i think if you unspec out of deadly draw 4 passives and add it to shadow ele dmg you'll gain a giant boost in DPS. not sheet dps but it should probably stay around the same actual damage, if not slightly more (if you convert 100% of your dmg to elemental like i do) but you'll also gain 88% more overkill burn dmg on HoA. |
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On the archer tree: don't you think it would be better to take the sniper cluster instead of master fletcher? 6% damage lost but projectile damage also scales elemental part. And then you might as well connect to life nodes through Coordination instead of the two 10 int nodes, unless the int is needed for the auras, herald, and curses.
On the melee tree: I feel that it still needs some work. - There's lots of melee physical damage which doesn't scale the projectile part of lightning strike (or molten strike, they're quite interchangeable). - The pure movement speed might not be as much needed since we have whirling blade which is a totally broken skill for quick moves and evades. But it looks like you really like increased evasion too, because of your shield (see below). - I don't like the shadow area that much. Fire and lightning damages are taken but the 5 elemental nodes are left. But I don't see how to fix this without spending more point. The best I could do the as few points as possible is this tree, but this is not my preferred choice. Btw, your melee gear is not properly displayed. So we can't figure out how much your shield is good to justify all these shield related nodes ;) Other things I'm concerned with: - no problem with lack of leech? - reflect, obviously. I've experimented one shot death to physical reflect too much. The very high elemental damage you have here is quite worrying ;) Maybe I'll reroll one of my rangers into the archer version. I also wanted to test herald of hash to the fullest so it's a good opportunity :). Ranger builds list: /917964
When two witches watch two watches, which witch watches which watch? If the witches watching watches watch the same watch while you watch which witch watches which watch, they switch watches; then, the watch switching witches watch which watch you watch. Watching witches watch watches is not for the faint of heart... |
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