1.3.0g Patch and New Hideout Microtransactions!

Chris wrote:
Lord_Kamster wrote:
Please give us a way to save our hideout designs when we switch over to another master's hideout (or to the same one to start anew). If it needs to be an MTX, then so be it. I am unwilling to lose my current hideout in Standard to start a new one.

Until this is implemented, I will not be buying any hideout MTX you guys put out. Keep this in mind! It's so you can earn more money and so that people who like designing hideouts will keep doing it. Adds variety to the game.


Hideout eternal orbs confirmed
hmm ....

points? Points? POINTS?
Where are my POINTS?

Oh well, lets throw some money at GGG - again
Forums are SOOO much fun on patch day!

Casuals play because it's fun, not to achieve any goal unreachable with their resources.
We are playing for the next difficulty, the next keystone, the next item upgrade.
Not to feel better than anyone else.
The wisps are one of my favorite game effects., and the vaal pyramid is awesome. Thanks for the new MTX!

If you haven't already slated it for a future hideout MTX, may I suggest the oily black death smoke from the Vaal Oversoul?

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2081910
GGG please let us use items from season 9 at bloodlines soon pls ;(
Playing marauder @ Hardcore leagues

I aint buying shit from you until you start deserving it again.
the clean-up intern is working hard huh.
I think GGG has lost rationality a bit for those decoration prices. 250 for a throne may be reasonable if they'd implement a sitting animation for it, but no, it's just a throne with flames on the side which costs $25. Same goes for most of the other new decorations.
Chris wrote:
Lord_Kamster wrote:
Please give us a way to save our hideout designs when we switch over to another master's hideout (or to the same one to start anew). If it needs to be an MTX, then so be it. I am unwilling to lose my current hideout in Standard to start a new one.

Until this is implemented, I will not be buying any hideout MTX you guys put out. Keep this in mind! It's so you can earn more money and so that people who like designing hideouts will keep doing it. Adds variety to the game.


This would be nuts.
Real shame that the Arcane Throne doesn't come with a sitting animation. I know how much those cost though, to be fair.
IGN: Daario__Naharis, Captain__Harlock, Paul__Atreides
Marty__McFly, Silk__Spectre. Kylo__Ren
Nice Hideout-Stuff, hope the Problem with the Race-Chars not going to HC will be fixed by our Christmas Tag-Team Santa Chatters & Chris ;)
Keep calm, play PoE, drink Tea & listen to Prog!

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