[2.1] Berserking Reverse SWT Searing Bonder || The original Searing Bond Atziri killer
How are your opinions about adding shock to the build?
With Elemental Proliferation and added lightnin damage as 2 additional supportgems of the lightning-warp spelltotem? Reduced Duration may be a problem, reducing the chances of a shock... any thoughts on the idea? |
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I originally built with shock in mind but LW totem, even with added lightning, wont have enough damage to make a meaningful shock after EE is applied. Even on the rare chance a LW totem crits, you better not blink or you will miss the duration of shock on the mob.
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If this is accurate we are getting a nice damage buff!
https://onedrive.live.com/view.aspx?resid=2BEAE397E90A86D4!54061&ithint=file%2cxlsx&app=Excel&authkey=!AGjpQ3l8tllmPvA should pump the DPS to about 15.5k without any change to the gear. 2.0 Totem Gems that will work great with this build... SPOILERS!
Increased totem HP and Totems can't be stunned http://imgur.com/CVxQCmB Reduced quantity found and increased burning damage http://i.imgur.com/KDwALnK.png build improvements: Looking at possible ways to boost the damage of the build without increasing the initial costs or sacrificing defenses. Right now I have a way to get it to 16K dps tool tip or almost 18k dps with the 2.0 gem changes without changing gear... only running a different passive tree. Last edited by Kartikdon#5867 on Apr 23, 2015, 11:16:11 PM
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Ha, I was playing this back in beta (when SB was terrible). Actually, originally it crashed instances every 30 seconds until GGG patched for me. =D
Glad to see there are still ppl having fun with it. Many lewt.
Much desync. Such rewarding. Wow. According to forum mods "sandwich" is considered an offensive word. Who knew? |
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been messing around with this in 2.0 and it looks like this build will be receiving some massive love. Searing Bond will have more damage, totems will have my sustain built in, and the new defensive options will be quite welcomed.
2.0 is looking good in the current state for Warping Searing Bond |
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How are you thinking of doing endurance charges with the cwdt changes? Manually casting Enduring Cry?
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Still testing to be done but for now manual cast EC, AA, armour + ES or pure ES gear running with EB and ZO.
With EC + Inc. Duration to affect regen life on cast and having plenty of downtime to actually run it there shouldn't be any mana issues. Not sure on MoM yet though. |
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What would you think of a tree like this one, Kartikdon? I'm aiming for Reduced Mana Cost + mana regen rather than EB+ZO, but it's basically the same as your old tree. Not too sure about MoM when I'm running Purity of Elements / Discipline / Clarity, but it's just another option, so we'll see.
http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwUATwRDyFugp1V8Dmjy8B-iAASzfEuWdK9sC2HGrsT2r6cczitQDc3-VCftBg7UfAn2PC2DzINftz7-Cti9NZK18m6qZIQGoPm9QYf56ILHKPq4kxzc6-6PGprgRZ1TUpitpwh8g6eUXl3R_Y9Gm6EYalgH99esmDpYVcaD23RVXyrxbCGwNthJGyqN7FUdFBJpFxxxefrSFm8kqjbp42pmnnIPWfOfPi3SGjiQVScvlG9mVHGFeuZj_UbX8xGxQohaXsAQzPiTWOVaK6PyjEYrtsMTeC985REtLJwQWIdlhTI= I was referred to this build by a friend, and I have to say it's one of the more creative Totem variants I have seen. I am having a lot of fun leveling with Searing Bond and Flame Surge, and I hope to keep the thread updated with more info. Thanks for the inspiration, Kartikdon. |
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Hey VirtuousSphinx,
First i just want to say this build is in an amazing place. The damage boost to this build is tremendous, instead of my recommended gem level 19 for atziri you can do it at gem level 17. Though we do want to make a push for the totem duration nodes somewhat early as they will be some nice QoL points but that is it. The +2 increase ranks on SB are exponentially huge. This allows us to push into 2 higher brackets and as you know with SB, each brack is a massive boost. This also means the higher maps will be zero trouble, even the RIPy ones. The tree you linked is very similar and is actually a slight variant of one of my ideas for this build.I am currently playing it this league as my first char. I have had a slow start due to family being in town but time to get back to it. Here is my current plan that I decided to aim for after much debate. http://poedb.tw/us/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgUBBAcEswYOBqAJ9gthDc0OXBDMEmkWbxccFy8YahkuHM4c3B0UIbAn7Sj6KhMqjStQK7YtHzWSNtg6WDwtQYdDyEV-RZ1JG0rITLNPBFNSVcZV1lgHWOVaK1ugXl1ewF8qZIRk52aeaPJqQ2r6axduqnF5dFV4L3wOfEt8g3zlffWApILHg1-DzIPbiFqMRo8aj0aVIJZ0mK2a4JuhogCj8qcIp1WnlKyYrY2vbK-ntfK3PriTvOrAVMT2xq7PftH91HzYvdlh2t3jauvu7FXwH_Fs99f4k_m9-d356PrS_gr-VA== I was thinking ZO+EB at first but I feel it is just to much investment. Instead I am looking to push everything off mana. So far mana costs seem very little. The decision to go with MoM will be late game and most likely will require 3 Elreon jewelry pieces to help out but I think it may be viable. Note: ZO+EB really requires the new unique chest, forgot the name, to be super effective with minimal investment. One thing I am doing different this run is getting Alchemist. This should allow our curse immune to last longer (or so I have been told). For my variant there are quite a few undecided points such as getting Heart and Soul. I probably wont make the trip to get this. Also for your tree, Drop Celestial Punishment. It barely helped before 2.0 and it definitely will never get used now after 2.0. Currently 49, just got my +2/+1 scepter for 8c with crafted slots available. Going to be some epic times ahead. EDIT: just wanted to say i was sad to see Malachai fight get nerfed today. I wanted to beat it before the changes. I heard a lot of people struggling and with this build I felt it was just a joke. Though I can definitely see why people would complain. Edit2: Flame Golem is a nice small DPS increase and an extra target to distract on the field. Also Rallying Cry can add a nice chunk of DPS to the build. Last edited by Kartikdon#5867 on Jul 13, 2015, 2:05:23 PM
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Dropped Cruel Mal. and my only advice is drop Soul Mantle for a life chest for that fight. I am not sure what damage types go on in there but there was a few times it felt pretty close calls cause of getting hit between curse cleanses. Though I also did play it pretty in-his-face style just cause.
If you dont want to drop SM just cast from off screen for EZ mode win and keep your curses off you. |
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