[2.0 updated] Shmizz's hardcore perma-freeze guide

Unk_Particle wrote:
Can I ask why you not take "Fingers of Frost" Nodes? Some special reason?

Shmizz wrote:
fingers of frost:DO NOT GET THIS NODE. I briefly tested out this node and came to the conclusion that in this build it is terrible. In order for this node to be effective, your build must freeze an enemy, then have an amount of time after that where the enemy is no longer frozen but still alive. The whole point of this build is to make sure enemies are permanently frozen, making fingers of frost not even worth the single point.
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Couldn't a variation between Ice Spear and Freezing Pulse be a solution for the lack of clear speed people are complaining about? Taking the pierce nodes away, this build seems to suit both spells very well. Just use each one in the apropriate time. That's what I'm looking forward in the Witch I'm building right now.
Monsieur_Madeline wrote:
Couldn't a variation between Ice Spear and Freezing Pulse be a solution for the lack of clear speed people are complaining about? Taking the pierce nodes away, this build seems to suit both spells very well. Just use each one in the apropriate time. That's what I'm looking forward in the Witch I'm building right now.

I never experienced the lack of clearspeed they were complaining about, so I see no need for it, however it's possible you might want to add freeze pulse in but I doubt it would do more dps unless you picked up ballistic mastery and a karui ward. I think the most helpful thing for more dps would be more crit multi on your gear and a 5-link.
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men how do you survive seriously... you dont have armor or evasion?....i sell almost only ES gear i get almsot one shot everywhere right now in cruel... im afraid XD
Lambr0 wrote:
men how do you survive seriously... you dont have armor or evasion?....i sell almost only ES gear i get almsot one shot everywhere right now in cruel... im afraid XD

once you get to higher levels you'll be able to support a high level arctic armour, you have curse on hit enfeeble, a larger than normal life pool, and the point of the build is to perma freeze everything. when your ice spear gem levels up a bit you'll be able to freeze everything so it can never touch you, you just have to practice good positioning.
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would you pls post a Screenshot of your Damage on ice spear (gmp) and solo??

+ stats of crit.

maybe a video?? (you might have one already?)
Lambr0 wrote:
would you pls post a Screenshot of your Damage on ice spear (gmp) and solo??

+ stats of crit.

maybe a video?? (you might have one already?)

I don't have the character anymore, and I didn't record any video. Sorry.
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so basically is it normal that at lvl 55 ishh i ahev 688 dps on my spell with no herald?

kinda low no? or it's mroe crit based?
Lambr0 wrote:
so basically is it normal that at lvl 55 ishh i ahev 688 dps on my spell with no herald?

kinda low no? or it's mroe crit based?

I never payed attention to the tooltip dps, for 99% of builds it's inaccurate. Ice spear's tooltip dps does not take into account either pierce or the crit from the second form so it's pretty much completely irrelevant. If you feel like your dps is low, pick up more crit/dps nodes next. When you're comfortable with your dps pick up life and defenses instead.
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Low DPS tooltip was common while I was leveling.

I don't think I hit 1kdps till mid 60s
Last edited by sibbleTV#0274 on Jan 13, 2015, 6:30:29 PM

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