[2.0 updated] Shmizz's hardcore perma-freeze guide

Hey, I'm having a good time playing the 1MHC Flashback build. I'm level 74 and I think I'm doing fine.

This is my tree:


And this is my gear:

The question is: what should I do right now? Should I get an unique item, keep leveling like this or change something in the tree?
uit wrote:

The question is: what should I do right now? Should I get an unique item, keep leveling like this or change something in the tree?

Since you decided to grab all thee power charges in the tree the best upgrade you can get right now is a pair of maligaro's virtuosity. I would say get to the point where you can shuffle your stats around and afford to lose the resistances and life on your gloves. you could also try to get a better wand that would allow you to master craft % cold leech on it, but that's not really a big deal.
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an update: I survived the all-mods weekend :D! Thanks shmizz

here's my gear, it's pretty much all self found, I'm mentally preparing to spend a bunch of currency to get some endgame upgrades. What would you recommend I focus on first? I'm aware that I screwed up my CWDT taken setup by overleveling the supported gems, wasn't thinking clearly yesterday in a hungover haze.

tree (sibble's)

Trentemoller wrote:
an update: I survived the all-mods weekend :D! Thanks shmizz

here's my gear, it's pretty much all self found, I'm mentally preparing to spend a bunch of currency to get some endgame upgrades. What would you recommend I focus on first?

Ice spear definitely gets a huge damage boost when you get your 5th and 6th links, so based on your current gear I would say try to work your way towards that. You may not want to use a rare chest piece in the end game, so before you try to get a 5link or 6link you might want to get a cloak of defiance or a lightning coil then 5 or 6link that (lightning coil is really terrible to get the right colors on so it's probably not as good as a cloak)

Also it's mostly personal preference but I like running 1 bubbling and 2 seething flasks rather than two bubbling and one saturated. Gives you more burst healing in a panic situation.
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Just wanted to let ya'll know I've been testing the build in 2.0.0 with the EB changes.

Build is working, and I'm not using EB, and I'm still running a high level AA.

A few adjustments need to be made, picking up additional mana nodes and/or reduced mana cost nodes.

Currently I can't walk with AA on, I teleport around. My regen is only 121.2, and the cost of my AA is currently like 150 (while moving), so I'm close. My gear is terrible, self-found only, and I'm level 65.

Not going to post the tree or anything, no spoilers. It's really not much different from the original build.

The question becomes, what do you do with your extra energy shield now that EB isn't needed.

What sucks a lot.... is these damn mana nodes are tied in with life nodes. If it weren't for those I'd say it would be easy to go CI, but we need the mana nodes for the high level AA, which also gives us life. It wouldn't be efficient to go CI.

Just some things to think about ;)
FredSavage wrote:
Any tips for leveling?

If possible, run your ice spear in a +1 or +2 cold gem wand while leveling for a substantial damage increase. If in hardcore, definitely make sure you get the life in the skill tree first. While leveling, the biggest damage increases will come from gem levels, so if you level fast and tend to be significantly under zone level, stop a bit and farm up to let your gems keep up. It's relatively slow to level with because the cast speed is terrible until you get spell echo, so you might consider grabbing a reverberation rod or some other low level uniques to help boost your damage until you can scale your gem level up.
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does this build still work well with the new arctic armor?

also I want to play this on standard, and what do people use to level?

Last edited by rnshah5#5333 on Jun 11, 2015, 6:55:30 PM
This is a really good idea, I'll try it out in 2.0, I've been running CI ice spear witch for a while now in standard, but I need a change and since all my gear is mostly crit multi/es oriented I'll probably experiment with this build but drop CI. Standard league.

The tree I've been running since last reset is this: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgMAAW8EBwW1Bx4NfA5ID8QRLxFQEZYV1xmKGo8bJR0UHU8dqh8CIuok_SepKwospiy_LR8vbzQKNbk2xTdmN4M7fEGWRnFHBklRSbFLrkyzUUdWY1fJXGtd8l9qbRlvnnC7f8aDCYRIhq6Leo2_jmSPRo_6kyeVIJUum7Wio6brpwinK66ztAy0xbb3tvq4yrmTwcXB88LswwnDOsNtykrQ0ND118_YJNkT2Vvb59-K4Yji9-dU6NbpAuq662Pr9ewY74jw1fId9tr3pvk3-wn_3g==

And my gear is this (totalling 10.3k es atm):

The damage is more than enough but I've hard time as CI vs flicker mobs/devourers and similar tbh. I don't run AA since I can't sustain it without EB, and I used to run mana leech in my 6l instead of power charge on critical, and herald of ice instead of clarity (double heralds/discipline). Lately I swapped herald of ice for clarity and added pcoc instead of mana leech, but had to swap gmp for lmp to sustain with a single mana flask. Its work in progress and I'll probably make a lot more changes before I settle down in 2.0, but this works well for now (lvl 84).

Excellent guide! Feel free to throw out any tips, thanks
Last edited by Evangela#7079 on Jun 12, 2015, 4:39:14 AM
With the changes to arctic armor, I'm debating dropping the mana/mana regen nodes, picking up EB and investing the points elsewhere for defensive passives.
sibbleTV wrote:
With the changes to arctic armor, I'm debating dropping the mana/mana regen nodes, picking up EB and investing the points elsewhere for defensive passives.

I don't think EB makes sense in this build. As I see it totems are now required. That being so, you don't need a large amount of mana regen, you just need a relatively large unreserved mana pool to be able to place two totems and curse, then you don't need to spend any more mana until you move to the next pack. I've been testing in the beta with running only the two heralds and clarity then spending 2 points to get righteous decree in the templar area, which is more than enough mana to support a 5 link so far. I'm working my way towards maps which should be the real test, and I will be completely updating the guide very soon before release so any input from any of you guys is appreciated.
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