1.3 Marohi Erqi Static Strike Marauder
![]() This build is using the newly added Static Strike to tear through mostly anything. *still under testing* (Works pretty good so far, aiming for Atziri viable) Contrary to the popular belief this skill is clearly made for non-crit builds and works really well with the new Celestial Punishment and Elementalist nodes. Attack speed also works really good with this skill and the former mentioned providing both more damage potential and greater survivability with the help of the Life Gained on Hit gem. Why, you ask ? Very simple !
The skill creates an Aoe blast based on damage dealt with it ... 0,75 seconds delayed to be more exact. This is not really a problem however since every blast has individual cast times and don't interact with each other at all. This means that whatever you choose to do in terms of attack speed and damage the result is somewhat the same without anything else involved.
However it has somewhat of a hidden potential. Since every hit is directly responsible for every individual blast ... this means that as long as you hit fast , the blasts will hit in the same succesion as well. This is basically how it works:
![]() Therefore lowering the time between attacks on the red side will lower them on the green side just as much. Inclination stays the same (unleess you use Reduced duration gem) To put it more simple ... I'll use an analogy. As long as you continously attack an enemy , there will be a "clone" of you doing the same thing you do after 0.75 from the first hit you've dealt. Just that this "clone" is doing 70% damage only and does it in AoE form. This makes it a very good candidate for attack speed , low elemental status chance suddenly becomes feasible (10% from nodes mentioned previously) and life gained on hit mechanic becomes your best friend. It's very much like Cyclone. Lacking however in mobility and has a delay of 0.75 before it hits full potential. However it doesn't have 50% damage effectiveness and -20% attack speed like cyclone either. Looks like GGG did a good job with this skill even if I was skeptical at first. It did make me want to play melee this patch. Well done. It's important to note that Marohi Erqi is not mandatory but it's a great addition to this build and it's very cheap as well. The free level 15 Increased Area of Effect in it is very useful for this build. Overall it can be said that it doesn't require any unique. It can be played without any and still be pretty effective. It doesn't even need to be a mace build. Some other good reasons to go for maces however are: -> Longer Stuns. -> Culling strike from newly added passive node. Gear so far ~ Belly of the beast is a good addition for this build as well and a cheap one as far as prices go. Kaom's Heart would also be very good as a chest piece, a bit limiting however since the new counter gems have been added. Windscream Boots are pretty awesome if you wish to have two curses available in difficult situations or just to boost your damage. (Really recommend these for double defensive curse.) Devoto's Devotion is also a great piece to have since it provides 16 % attack speed, a maximum of 25% chaos resistance and a maximum of 65 dexterity. Skill Tree Unfortunately I'm poor and can't afford to further reset passives in order to make it as presented , therefore the stats I currently have are worse then what they should be with the more proper version above. Edit: Managed to reset some points , however this affected my priorities and thus I was left picking more damage first instead of life and life regen. I'm still doing pretty well in maps above my level. I don't recommend doing that like me tho, it was because of circumstance. However because of this I can roughly show you how end game dps looks with this build. Note that the Aoe part isn't included in the tooltip. Add that + the chance to shock + Celestial punishment ... you judge. Offense with 5-link Offense with 6-link Defense Links
As far as links go it is important to have Static Strike linked to Multistrike, MPD, FA and LGoH. Anything after that depends on your gear and stats. (possible options: WED, added fire ... However WED is definitely the better option)
The new Phys to Lightning would scale well with WED and other elemental nodes... however I chose to go without it in order to replenish mana without the need of a bloodmagic gem or any other sort of mana regeneration stat on gear. 1% mana gained from physical attacks on gloves is enough to do so. It can be added with the help of masters(Haku) if not self found. Auras:
Hatred and Herald of Ash
Everything else is unimportant, preference based defensive options. However ... I found these to be most effective. Especially dual curse.
Head -> I found RT + CWDT + MS + Enfeeble to work effectively for me.
Chest -> HoA + Hatred + RM / LS + FA Gloves -> CWDT + EC / IC + ID (I prefer manual cast) Boots-> Vengeance + CoH + TC + Increased Area. Build Heavily inspired by -> Victor Doom's 2-hand Marauder. -> Flame totem. Yes .... flame totem ... lol. Side note: A safer more-potent single target but less efficient for AoE build would be a one-handed + shield build + dual curse linked to Reckoning. (Reckoning is very potent for dual cursing) "Sigh" Last edited by IonSugeRau1#1069 on Dec 22, 2014, 12:39:32 AM
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If you look in forums i have a thread to on asking for help for static strike lol nice to see someone else post and get a fresh look on the static strike build. Why no resolute technique if you dont mind me asking. Check out mine if you like and let me know what you think about it. I was also thinking belly of the beast. What do you make of Carcass Jack though?
Last edited by Zac89#2781 on Dec 16, 2014, 7:53:24 AM
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" Resolute Technique is there. Not sure why you haven't seen it. Carcass Jack is an interesting item however survivability is more important for the chest part. The bonus to AoE isn't really needed since you'd have enough aoe even without quality on Static Strike thanks to Marohi. And the area damage bonus applies only to the explosion. I don't think it's worth to have one in favor of Belly or Kaoms. It might be better then some rares however. So I guess you can use it. "Sigh"
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" Damn new tree i keep confusing my self lmao (there is a reason i am asking for help) Sweet well i cant afford a kaoms or that mace so belly of the beast and what ever i find for mace will have to do. Ill stick to my tree now and see how it goes but will definitely keep checking to see how your getting on with your build. Last edited by Zac89#2781 on Dec 16, 2014, 8:48:34 AM
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" I don't know on what league you are playing ... but in standard the cheapest Marohi is 10c. Given the items you have listed in your post you can afford more then one. At any rate you can use any mace and link an increased area of effect gem instead if you have a 5 link .. if not you might want to use the heavy hit version of this build. That means you give up on multistrike and most attack speed modifiers and grab raw damage increase instead. The optimum attack speed for such build would be the same as the buff duration which is 0.75. That means you also have to give up on shock and Celestial Punishment and replace the LGoH with Life leech gem. The idea behind it is very similar to prolif builds. Since you have a lower area of effect overkill damage will kill everything outside that area with the help of herald of ash. I don't really recommend this version tho. Less dps potential and more risky. "Sigh"
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Ohhh ok i thought they were in the exalted range lol guess no then ill try and buy one thanks. I will definitely be incorporating your ideas into my build and see how it goes.
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" Marohi is a cool weapon because of the great damage per hit and the free 7th gem... but it is not known for its insanely high attack speed. ;) --- I don't particularly like your skilltree. Going all around the edge between templar, marauder and duelist, then going back in to the scion life wheel... I have a feeling you are wasting skillpoints here, especially in the seven "+10 str" skillpoints between the "double-notable" clusters for maces and for twohanders, where you only get a bit of life. 3.5 build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2299519
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" That is true .. Marohi is naturally slow but it's nothing to be afraid of , there's plenty of attack speed in the skill tree and if needed with the gem. As you can see right now I have 3.1 aps and I don't have Berserking nor Wrecking Ball yet. We don't rely on it's aps alone tho. We rely on It's aoe as well. This actually means double with Static Strike. Therefore it's 6.2 for single targets where we really need the shock. Magic and normal packs of mobs don't really need to be shocked. The main use however is life per hit. This feels already more then enough so I might reconsider if it truly needs more attack speed or if I can dip in more damage. As you might know ... after a certain ammount of attack speed .. adding even more counts less and less towards making it faster. In regards to skill tree .. it was the best solution I have found so far. My main focus were life nodes , damage came second. I don't think there's a better path. If you do find one that also mantains the benefits I've picked up .. I'm open to suggestions :) "Sigh" Last edited by IonSugeRau1#1069 on Dec 16, 2014, 2:18:11 PM
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Tried a different pathing + grabbed Unwavering. Doesn't bring additional points but can pick Bloody Blugeon later.
Thanks Peter for sharing your opinion previously. "Sigh" Last edited by IonSugeRau1#1069 on Dec 16, 2014, 11:47:51 PM
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I actually respecced an old melee Marauder on Standard to play around with Static Strike. I also found it to be a pleasant surprise and am keeping on with the character, though my current skilltree looks a bit different from yours (currently level 80):
The tree could probably do with some optimization as I slapped it together in five minutes. Chose to go IR and am currently finishing the Sovereignty cluster which should let me run Hatred, Grace, and HoA together. After that, probably Purity of Flesh and Juggernaut, then back to DPS nodes. I'm glad to hear Celestial Punishment is working out well for you, I considered grabbing it but thought 10% shock chance wasn't really worth it (though HoA ignites a lot of stuff so that would be handy). I hadn't thought of trying Curse on Hit with Vengeance, might give it a roll though I find it doesn't really trigger consistently enough to be anything but a bonus. I haven't really pushed him into any 75+ maps yet, but he's facerolling low 70s maps so will probably work my way up after grinding out another level or two. Current gear (mostly slapped together):
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