[2.2 WIP] Grocery's 400k+ DPS Frenzy Tornado Shot Physical Bow Build!
It is not worth the nodes to travel there. It costs 2 points if you have mind drinker or 3 without it.
For my current builds, thoughts and videos.
youtube.com/andypistone www.twitch.tv/GrocerySC |
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uber atziri capable?
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" Yes, I have killed her about 5 times now. Will be doing her again this week, hoping to capture it on video. For my current builds, thoughts and videos.
youtube.com/andypistone www.twitch.tv/GrocerySC |
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I was looking for a physical bow shadow build and this is the best I found so far. My only issue with this is that my best armor and bow is a 5L Lightning Coil and a 5L Lioneyes Glare. I am not that rich to afford any better gear for now, so I had to make slight changes to the passive tree. With Lioneye's Glare I cant dodge my own reflect hits so I decided to go Iron Reflexes for heavy armor + Granite Flask and ignore Ondars and Acrobatics. Since Lioneye has a 100 % chance to hit I can afford to ignore the accuracy nods aswell. My plan is to respec to your build as soon as I get some decent bow and armor but in the meantime, please check out this and tell me what do you think. |
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" Lightning Coil is great for this build. If you go Lioneye's it is almost a must have! To be honest though, ti is not an issue if you use a cheap ele bow in your weapon swap. Just use that to kill reflect packs if you need. You probably want the life node next to Blood Drinker as well. You will have to respec quite a few points, but it looks decent if you are high enough level to use all those points. I'd go to Harrier last as it does not lead to anything else and is a dead end. For my current builds, thoughts and videos.
youtube.com/andypistone www.twitch.tv/GrocerySC |
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Posted Deathless Uber Atziri kill video thanks to a spell dodge haha.
For my current builds, thoughts and videos.
youtube.com/andypistone www.twitch.tv/GrocerySC |
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Is drillneck a viable quiver for this build???
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" Yes, I would pick up piercing nodes and use pierce if you want to go drillneck route. I prefer a rare quiver due to crit/life/res etc though. still a very good option though. For my current builds, thoughts and videos.
youtube.com/andypistone www.twitch.tv/GrocerySC |
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Hi Grocery!
Great build. I have a question though: When you use a higher DPS bow, how are you dealing with physical reflect? Currently I am using a 5% crit chance bow, with a pair of acuities. Is the 2% life leech enough to take on reflect when you have a higher crit chance with a high physical bow? Also - How would lightning coil work with the build in terms of itemization and passives. Would you have to take out rat's nest for a resist helm? IGN: Brutalitop
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" You would probably need to drop it unless you had some god gear with 45% ele res on a few pieces. Reflect gets close to killing me if I derp into a reflect pack but it is usually okay. I weapon switch for phys reflect because that is the safest thing. Crit is more important than DPS for the most part due to the way crit scales. For my current builds, thoughts and videos.
youtube.com/andypistone www.twitch.tv/GrocerySC |
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