[1.3] Aegis Aurora BoR 30k dps Super-Tank with 2-3 Counter Attacks +Molten/Static/Lightning Strike
Yes herald of ash in doryani's catalyst was the first thing that came to my mind sawing this build .
About the suggestion i want to drop those few 3% hp with recovery from flask above duelist start and invest them to something else not yet sure where exactly but some better life nodes would be great since if this build is going to be melee or part melee depend on main skill use we need a little bit more life for sure. IGN: BerserkCry LVL 91 / MoodyGod LVL 81 Last edited by Lancelod1992#4796 on Dec 16, 2014, 12:29:33 PM
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" It is fully possible, although I wouldn't underestimate the flask recovery nodes... They have saved my skin a number of times ^^ About the tempest shield ideas, I just noticed that it has a cooldown of 0.5 seconds, so it might not be optimal to use it for curse on hit/mana leech. Maybe it should just be forgotten. If we could pick up some less maximum reservation nodes it would be possible to run all 3 - grace, hatred and HoF... but then it seems very tough/impossible to cast with mana. Sooo complicated :-) |
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I have decided to (sadly) switch to a CWDT setup, even though I was hoping to not have it in this build... The problem is that Riposte is single target and the damage is simply not high enough to justify that. I may be missing something and really hope it is somehow usable in this build.
I have CWDT+Enduring Cry+Molten shell linked, although I will most likely switch molten shell to enfeeble as soon as I stop being lazy :-) |
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Hey there! I'm really liking your build. I really wanted to do a crit sceptre aegis build, but I guess the crit part won't be to easily possible anymore, so I've put that on hold.
A few things. Physical damage will scale your damage the best. Good to see that you don't underestimate the flask nodes. How much life% do you have on the tree? How much ES? I'm on the phone at the moment. Finally, you should consider using cyclone or ground slam for clearing as they are much faster than molten/lightning/static strike. For try, for see, and for know.
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" Thanks a lot for the reply! I think the crit part really isn't feasible in this build... I mean, we need life, a little bit of es, armour, block, damage and resistances on the tree. Getting crit as well just seems impossible. Currently, at level 75, I have capped block and stuff and the 'core' of the build is complete. Now the choice is whether I want more damage, health or armour. I'm currently just picking up the Marauder life/armour nodes and will work from there. I also think that the Mace nodes, just under Resolute technique, are a must and should give a big damage boost.
The tree above seems to be amongst the tankiest, with 174% life by going through the templar area. Unfortunately, the mace cluster had to be cut out. If you want more damage and decide to pick up the Mace cluster, then this is the tree:
That tree has 163% max life, which is more than enough as well. Currently, at level 75, my passives give me 121%, which results in 3.6k life in total. My life pool will increase sharply with levels and more passives. If your life feels low, there is always the whole scion life wheel at our disposal. I have realized that ES on the tree isn't really too necesary. By just picking up a couple of 'increased shield defences' nodes we get enough ES, and 600 es is more than enough to utilize the bonuses of Aegis. OK, and about physical damage vs elemental damage. I really don't know. Catalyse just seems like such a good notable that it is impossible to miss out on. Do you think it is worthwhile? And about using Cyclone/Ground slam... They are fully viable, but obviously they won't scale with Doryani's Catalyst nearly as well, and now that I shelled out a couple exalts on it, I do want to put it to good use :-) When planning this build, I was aiming high (for a Soul Taker) to be able to run Cyclone/Dominating blow on mana, but I think it is an unnecessary extra cost. Ground slam I'm pretty sure would work great with a nice rare 1 hander, but once again I want to use the Catalyst now that I have it :-) In any case, I feel the clear speed is decent enough thanks to the counter attack gems. They clear most of the trashy white mobs I miss and contribute decent damage to bosses. Thanks for the reply! |
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For one point catalyse is well worth it.
Also the crit tree I made was before the block nerf when it was possible to easily cap it without sacrificing too much. That is no longer the case, though I do have a couple of ideas for it. As for skills, well I guess each to their own. I personally prefer fast clearing skills. Believe me cyclone outperforms most other melee skills by a large margin. That is, until you have to go back to pick up the loot haha. For try, for see, and for know.
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" It takes another point to get to Catalyse. I think now that Catalyse is only truly worthwhile if you follow-through by going through the Templar area's life nodes. You can see my recommended tree in my previous post. About cyclone, how do you plan to run it? I mean it has a huge mana cost. And I fully agree, it is an awesome skill and probably the best for melee clear speed. Another personal reason why I don't use cyclone: I have a facebreaker marauder which uses it, so I wanted something different. About crit, since I have never done a crit build before, how much is 'enough'? Enough crit chance, enough multi? Since there is a crit cluster right next to Resolute technique... |
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Well cyclone would be on blood magic, like always. And if you don't want to use cyclone, that's up to you. Play the game as you enjoy ;)
As for crit, it was viable in the previous tree with the three crit clusters. Those were nerfed and now it's near impossible to get a decent crit chance without going over to shadow. Any crit based build would have an entirely different tree. I'm on phone right now, I'll post a tree so you can see. Also crit is difficult because we can't use abyssus. In endgame you generally need 50%+ crit chance and 300-400 multi as a minimum. This build doesn't need crit. You're doing enough dps as it is. I'm just happy to see that the aegis tank is still possible. For try, for see, and for know.
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Another small update on my progress: I ran a twinned Kolennade (Collannade) and it went fine. I wasn't going to try afk-kill both of them (yet) but I think afk-killing one is a realistic possibility in the future.
I think I am getting closer to the ideal uses of the counter attack gems. I think that Reckoning is by far the most useful of them, especially for damage purposes. I have linked it with Conc effect- Melee Phys- Added fire and it is giving me a very solid 4.4k damage (NOT DPS). When you consider that the cooldown time is only 0.4 seconds, and that with capped attack block chance almost all attacks are being blocked, we have a gattling-gun of shield bashes adding 10k dps! This is huge! Vengeance could have been great and another big damage supplement, but unfortunately due to a cooldown time of 1.2 seconds, it is simply not worth the effort. Instead I am using it for mana leeching (since I now deal purely elemental damage due to conversions, I can't really leech with my main attack and sustain my mana cost) and it works well enough for that purpose. I very rarely, if ever, switch back to auto attacks due to insufficient mana. I am also thinking about linking it with Life gain on hit, or with a curse on hit setup. Most likely I will go with the curse and these will be my gem links in my rainbowstrides: Vengeance - Mana leech - Cure on hit - enfeeble. It shouldn't be too hard getting 2 off colours. Now, as for Riposte... I really see no real use for this, neither utility nor damage. For starters, it is single target so if I wanted to have something useful melee splash would have to be linked. That in itself would hugely decrease the damage, and even more so because I only have an available 3l on my Doryani's. The second problem with it is the cooldown time, which is 0.8 seconds (double Reckoning's). So instead, I use a CWDT setup with enduring cry and molten shell, although soon molten shell will be switched for immortal call I think so I can afk-kill Kolennade. |
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My dualist is level 90 and i think i will try your build too -) but i made some changes
https://poebuilder.com/character/AAAAAgQAvYGZKxXsuR2E2cqQZU29Nkd-73r2o6-nLOnK0xm0vqfTfhutSO54rj3iKaVOKluv3Q1i7LaKL8zBggUteu907YTvYEsyTo-ZBIfAv0CgXhOsrwz3qZXiLAkz0TYVIP4K2L01krXybqpKyD8nKk3kUWebrj534zwtxq63Pl8_FCDvDlBHeTl-4ho-8wb7qgY5JIs9D8T2UWD-VA3NK1AczoY7FPY6nVfid-V8u4Kb7SDvfDwFmjt82fcycqnAGlnzrKqQVRo4-tJmnoCkVdZk5xcv42oWbySq And I think i can run Grace, Hatred and HoA.Before this update i did run 3 auras and i had like 160 mana left over -) I was with Hatred and HoA + PoL.. if i have mana left for 2 times to use the skill then ill manage with that -) with 2% mana leech it will be perfect... tell me what you think of the three |
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