[2.2] Streaming - Lokailiths' 100k+ DPS IB Facebreaker Berserker (Previously Max Block Static)
Lokailith's Marauder Build Page
6 Link Occulist in 5 Fuse!! FIRST 6L FUSE Best RNG in 2 Maps EVER! Voltaxic + Windripper + Binos
NEW 2.0 78+ MAP VIDEOS :
Perandus League - Lokailith's Facebreaker Berserker
Lokailith’s Facebreaking Berserker No Charges, Self Buffed with Bloodrage No Charges ![]() Details with 4 Frenzy Charges ![]()
How it Works:
Since we don’t use a weapon, ALL our #-# Physical Damage comes from items with Adds #-# Physical Damage to Attacks. Each piece of flat physical damage gets multiplied by the facebreakers 600-800% Increased Physical Damage. The more +#-# Flat Physical Damage, the more the DPS scales.
How To Gear?
Rings: Iron Rings to start, and then get rings with extra #-# Physical Damage and Life/Res Amulet: Needs #-# Physical Damage, and other nice stats would be life and resists. Belt: Meginord’s Girdle – The only belt with Flat Physical Damage gives a huge bonus to DPS. Gloves: Facebreakers – 600-800%, closer to 800% the better. Shield: Great Old One’s Ward (Required Level 46) – Great shield with life, spell block, and FLAT PHYS #-# Helm: Abyssus (Requires Level 60) – Best helm for facebreakers. The Flat Physical is best in slot. Try to find one with “40-43% Increased Damage Taken” Chest: Any 5 or 6 Link – Need Life and help to cap resists in Merciless. Boots: Movement Speed + Life + Resistances.
Main Attack - Infernal Blow Links
4 Link – RRRG Infernal Blow + Melee Splash + Melee Physical Damage + Faster Attacks 5 Link – RRRRG Infernal Blow + Melee Splash + Melee Physical Damage + Faster Attacks + Multistrike 6 Link – RRRRRG Infernal Blow + Melee Splash + Melee Physical Damage + Faster Attacks + Multistrike + Added Fire Damage
Other 2-4 Gem Links
Other 2-4 Links RR = Reckoning + Endurance Charge on Melee Stun GR = Blood Rage + Increased Duration RRRG = Shield Charge + Fortify + Faster Attacks + Blood Magic RG = Herald of Ash + Hatred RR = Ancestral Protector + Melee Splash (Optional)
Passive Tree
Passive Tree @ Level 94 https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAECAADuBIcEswUtBjkJMwthDF8M9w3NFCAVIBjXGbQaOBo-G60cziFgIZAnLylPKaUqTStQLOktgy_MMk41kjrYOuE8BTwtPQ894j38PydAoEa3R35I7krIUEdRYFOlWGNfP1_QYuxlTWZUZ5to8m6qcql07XTxeK55OXrvfNl9dX7igpuDX4PMhNmE74V7hrOMz4-ZkFWaO5_fogCnbamVrK-uPq9sr6exs7Xytoq3Pr02vqfAZsC_wYLE9sauxtjRNtNv037YvdrB4NjiLORR6hDsOO8O73rvfPAf8i_yRfMG9kj2o_cy-F_7qv4K_lT-ug==?accountName=levy42088&characterName=Lokailith__ Passive Tree @ Level 65 https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAECAAHcBIcEswUtC2EMXwz3Dc0UIBjXGj4cziFgIZAppStQL8wyTjwFPC09_ECgRrdHflBHU6VYY18_X9Bi7GVNZ5to8nKpdO108XfjeTl5aHrvfNl99X7igpuDX4PMhNmE74zPj5maO5_fogCpbqmVrK-uPq9sr6e2irc-vTa-p8BmwL_BBMGCxPbGrsbY02_YvdrB5FHqEO8O73zwH_Iv9kj3Mvhf_gr-VA==?accountName=levy42088&characterName=Lokailith__
Current Gear:
Thanks for Checking Out My Guide!! Feel Free To Ask Any Questions In This Thread
Archive - Lokailith's Max Block Static Strike + BOR + Aegis 2.0
2.0 Guide :
REVAMP FINAL- NEWEST NEW 7/26/15 REVAMP - still testing 2.0 Passive Tree Pre-Revamp Thanks for the passives help sartikcz!
I have been testing out Dual Curses since I'm level 100 and wanted to squeeze some more dps. My boots currently have Reckoning > Curse on Hit > Warlord's Mark > Elemental Weakness Using the +1 Curse stone of lazhwar to test if the extra dps is worth the defensive trade off.
Current Stats -
Static Strike Tooltip DPS - 68,000 / Single Target 115,600 DPS (Multiply by 1.7 for single target DPS) Max Life - 4,200 Energy Shield - 850 Running Hatred + Herald of Ash + Herald of Lightning
How to play the build
Before Map: Always have your 3 Auras on. At start of map I turn on Tempest Shield and start leap slamming into packs which does damage and pops my Fortify for 20% reduced damage. Once I have some Agro, I press R to use Abyssal Cry which Taunts, slows, and debuffs the mobs and cause them to explode on death. The more enemies affected, increases the Slow and Damage from Cry. I usually recast after cooldown or a little after. When I jump into packs, I just hit 4 and 3 to pop my Rumi's and my Atrziri Flask for the extra defense and dps. Use 1 and 2 for your Insta Heal Flasks to spot heal when your getting hit hard. If your getting hit hard, don't forget you can hold W to Leap slam into the boss and get your Fortify buff up for 20% reduced damage. I forget about this sometimes :P I also forget about recasting my Tempest Shield when it falls off, so just remember to recast once in awhile for the extra dps :D
New Gems And Gem Links -
Fortify - Support gem that gives you 20% reduced damage buff on Melee Hit Using in my Soul Taker 3L - Leap Slam > Faster Attacks > Fortify Tempest Shield - Buff similar to Blood Rage that increased Block Chance by 3, and deals Arc Like damage on block. Every block resets the duration. I am using Tempest in my Shield 3L - Tempest Shield 20/20 + Blood Magic + Warcry
What is the Warcry -
Warcrys - Since Enduring Cry is no longer a spell, it will not work with Cast When Damage Taken. It is a now a Type of Ability Called A Warcry. So we must self cast of of these Warcry's To Tank and Protect Friends from Enemies In Party, I use: Abyssal Cry - Aoe that Slows all monsters around you, and the more monsters there are, the more effective the Slow. If the monster dies while debuffed, his corpse will explode and deal CHAOS damage equal to a % of the Health (Similar to Infernal Blow). Chaos Damage cannot be reflected If I want to get fast Endurance Charges, I use: Enduring Cry - AoE that grants life regeneration and gives Endurance Charges depending on how many monsters in the area. When Solo to give more Damage: Avenging Cry - Gives you a Damage Buff that is higher the more enemies around you.
What Happened To My Auras??
As many know, this new patch changed how the Reduced Mana Gems works, and doesn't allow it to lower Aura costs anymore. This is supposed to be replaced by the Enlighten Gem and it's low Mana Multipliar. Before the patch, we used Reduced Mana and the Marauder Mana Reserve Node and we were running Hatred (60%) + Haste (60%) + Herald of Ash (25%) I went ahead and tried to run the same auras (60%x2 + 25%x1) with Enlighten Level 5 and The same Mana Reservation Node. (Level 5 Enlighten is a Level 4 Corrupted Enlighten inside a +1 Level of Gems Rainbowstrides) Even with the Highest Enlighten and the Marauder Aura Node we could not run the same auras, so we must adapt. What I have found out, is that you can now Reserve 100% of your mana, instead of being limited to 99%. Since all 60% Auras were changed to 50% Mana Reserved Auras, we can run a 3 Link with Hatred + Herald of Ash + Herald of Thunder or Herald of Ice. We dont need the Mana Reservation Node, and we do not need any enlighten to run these 3. I was playing with the idea of using discipline in place of herald of thunder. They changed Discipline to a 35% Aura. You give up a lot of DPS for about 300 Energy Shield, not worth it in my eyes, but you CAN do it if you use enlighten and the mana reservation node.
Gameplay Videos From Stream
![]() Testimonials: "There is always one... who never dies... That is Lokalith" - theWAYNETRAIN "Your build feels like Heaven" - Lyzerk Updated Today JULY 13, 2015 -Added New 2.0 Tree and Gear Below -Recent Changes Tab -Now Testing.
2.0 Passive Tree Thanks for the passives help sartikcz! CURRENT GEAR AND LINKS (GEMS INSIDE THE ITEM) Hey there! If you don't know who I am, my Character name is Lokailith, Level 100 Marauder in the US Gateway Standard. Marauder is the only class I play so I wanted to share My extremely fun static strike build with the community so you can have as much fun as I am having!! In 1.2 we got a huge buff thanks to new gems Static Strike and Physical to Lightning.
Recent Changes:
6/25/15 1) Recently purchased a Doryani’s Lightning Belt with 6% increased radius corruption. Although I lose about 100 dps tooltip and some life with the removal of the +35 Strength, but I think having the extra radius is much more beneficial in theory, but I do not have the numbers to compare. 2) I am so stoked for the Awakening, and the jeweled socket addition to the passive tree. This will only make out build better! 3/17/15 Switched the Gems of my Boots. I decided to move away from the CwDT, and go instead with Reckoning > Elemental Proliforation > Curse on hit > Conductivity Reckoning L20 > Elemental Prolif L20 > Curse on Hit 20/20 > conductivity level 15 (low intel) Same uptime, if not up more often, and gives a nice little bit of damage to leech constantly. Reckoning will also have a 10% chance to freeze, shock, and ignite so enjoy seeing a wall of mobs turned to ice in 1 swoop. Looks pretty awesome. Really trying to get a taming ring. To either use with my Shock leech ring, or instead of. But too expensive. Wish List - Rainbowstrides 24%+ with +1 Gems - Berek's Respite (Orange and Red) - The Taming (Prismatic Ring) - Better Gloves with Max Attack Speed, Life, Fire and Lightning Res. Need Upgrade Survivability Very Very High DPS High in Solo Play, Decent for large parties. Made to speed through map rotations. Life 4,214 Shield 900 Block 75 Spell Block 60 MAIN ATTACK Static Strike 49k ToolTip ATTACK SPEED - .11 (9.4 Attacks Per Second) ![]() ![]() NECESSARY UNIQUES: Soul Taker (Non Legacy 7ex, Legacy 100ex+) + Aegis Aurora (1-3ex Non Legacy, 15-20 Legacy) + Bringer of Rain (Legacy 15% Block 5-10ex) + Stone of Lazhwar (1C or 5ex For Corrupt 4% Spell Block) + Rainbow Strides (24%+ Spell Block 1-2ex) + Doryani's Belt (Lightning) (20c-1ex)
Gameplay Videos From Stream:
NOW STREAMING ON TWITCH Just Chillin, Mapping, Listening to good Music, Having a good time. http://www.twitch.tv/levy42088 Total Cost Of Non Legacy Necessary Items = 15-20ex 10-15ex isn't an outrageous price for an amazing, fun, unstoppable end-game Melee build. To put it in Perspective, the gear you need to play those low life spectral throwers are at least 100 exalts to even begin to play it.
Will this build work with Non Legacy Bringer of Rain??
After looking into the ability to use this build with a non legacy Bringer of Rain, I found that it IS possible. But you must give up an aura slot to use tempest shield. And you must craft 2% block onto your gloves to make up the difference. Non Legacy BoR Has 8% Chance to Block instead of 15, so we need to make up 7%. We can take 1 node right away for an extra 1%. Then use Tempest Shield for 4% Block. So thats 5%, and then on your gloves you can craft 1-2% block chance. So 4 + 1 + 2 = 7% Block In order to use Tempest Shield, we must give up an aura, either herald of ash, hatred, or haste. So Yes, it IS possible, if anyone wants to test it, feel free and let me know! Now Using For Extra Shock DPS CAN RUN 2x 60% and 1x 25% AURAS!! BUILD HAS RESOLUTE TECHNIQUE - CANNOT CRIT, BUT CAN NEVER MISS BUILD HAS IRON REFLEX - ALL EVASION BECOMES ARMOR *At level 100, I took the 3-4 points going to Iron Reflex and got some extra dps nodes instead. Bandits = Norm - Help Oak (+40 Max Life) Cruel - Help Krayten (16% Attack Speed) or Oak (+18% Phys Damage) Merc - Kill All (Passive Point) or Oak (+1 Max Endurance Charge) ABLE TO SOLO REGULAR ATZIRI + TRIO + DUAL VAAL RESISTANCE - Since all our gear is pretty much Uniques, we will need to MAX our resistance with only 3 items. 2 Ring Slots + Gloves (Now with the new Lightening Ring, you will only have 2 items, 1 ring and 1 glove -- This build can be fairly inexpensive since mostly unique items are required. You can get for cheap, or you can get for a little more expensive. -- As for PVP, I can tell you that all those level 94+ Low Life Spectral Throwers CAN'T TOUCH ME in a duel. Between my dodge, block, and enfeeble, oh and I cannot be Leeched :) All in all, INTELLECT is the Biggest Issue in this build. Even with those +30 Nodes. If we had more intellect to spare, I would really want to use Herald of Thunder and mess around with Discipline to give us some extra Energy Shield. Currently, we can't get the gems higher then 15 and 10 respectively. Most Recent Passive Tree
FUN FACT: With my 24% Rainbows, I still have the same 60% spell block as wearing my 25%.
Static Strike > Weapon Elemental Damage > Multi-Strike > Physical To Lightening
Faster Attacks > Leap Slam > Vaal Haste or Vaal Cyclone
Cast When Damage Taken L4 > Enduring Cry L7 > Molten Shell L9
Reduced Mana L20 > Hatred > Haste > Herald of Ash
Reckoning L20 > Elemental Prolif L20 > Curse on Hit 20/20 > conductivity level 15 (low intel)
Cast When Damage Taken L3 > Cold Snap L9 > Elemental Weakness L6 > Elemental Prolif L20
If Want To Use Some Magic Find...
Sometimes when I’m playing solo, I sacrifice a little DPS for some Magic Find. I put an Item Quantity Gem into the BoR and replace Weapon Elemental Damage. And I put on at least one ring with some Quantity and Rarity or Andvarious (if you want to sacrifice defense) There is no culling so I would not recommend in a group. But when your solo, or with a friend that can pick up ur DPS, give it a shot! May RNGesus be with you all
If Want To Use Molten Strike Instead...
Molten Strike 36k Tooltip Just swap Molten Strike in for Static Strike, and put a level 20 Concentrated Effect instead of Physical to Lightening in BoR. Then wear a Fire Doryani's Belt, instead of Lightening.
What About Tempest Shield?
Tempest Shield - Blue Gem 25% Mana Reserved Grants 4% Additional Block Chance There is no need for Tempest Shield because we have all the block we need in our gear and passive nodes. But it does open up several options! You can run 2x 60% Auras, but you will lose Herald of Ash in place of Tempest Shield. -This will allow u to remove the 2 Block nodes above Iron Reflex. This frees up 5 passive points. If you think those 5 points will give you more DPS than the Herald of Ash then please give it a try and let me know.
Can I Still FREEZE and SHOCK If I Have Resolute Technique??
Yes. Although scoring a critical strike with an element will cause Freeze/Shock/Ignite 100% of the time. Through Skills and Passive Nodes, all elemental hits have 10% chance to Freeze/Shock/Ignite. And skills such as cold snap gives at extra 30%. Reference: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/59177
I Want To Use Some Magic Find...
Sometimes when I’m playing solo, I sacrifice a little DPS for some Magic Find. I put an Item Quantity Gem into the BoR and replace Weapon Elemental Damage. And I put on at least one ring with some Quantity and Rarity or Andvarious (if you want to sacrifice defense) There is no culling so I would not recommend in a group. But when your solo, or with a friend that can pick up ur DPS, give it a shot! May RNGesus be with you all
---- NOW TESTING ---
This weekend I saw this ring for the first time. Apparently it only drops in Hardcore Bloodlines League. Cost me 18 Exalted in Standard but it fits this build so good. +5% Chance to shock brings me to 15% Chance on Hit to Shock. And with Lightening Doryani's, whenever I pop a flask I get an extra 10% Chance on Hit to Shock for the duration totaling in 25% chance to shock on hit. The ring also gives 1% life leech from shocked enemies, and 20% Lightening Damage. The Belt is something I have not made a conclusion on yet. I have been swapping between the Physical Doryani and the Lightening. Especially with this new ring, I have been leaning towards the Lightening One for the effect. Tooltip wise, the Physical gives me 150 more dps then the lightening. (Negligible) Also, with Physical to Lightening and Static Strike over 100% of my Physical Damage is converted to Lightening Damage. If I look at the tooltip, it lists only Cold, Fire, Lightening Damage, doesn't mention Physical Damage. So technically, I don't think I deal Any Physical Damage, so I am sticking with the Lightening Doryani's. Doryani's Fire Belt - Lose 2k DPS, but gain 1% Fire Leech (which is lacking in my build) + some cold and lightening resists, which I have maxed from my rings and gloves anyway. The New Reckoning Gem - I am trying out the dps possibilities using this in my Rainbows (I always had a pair of Rainbows with RRRB, but if you don't, spend the 180 Chromes on the 3R hope for 1B :) ---- With Reckoning L15 > Melee Physical Damage > Added Fire > Conc Effect = 6,100 DPS Tooltip Now does this Combo provide more DPS and support than the Cold Snap CWDT 4 Link I have? IDK
Change Log
6/25/15 Added some information through the entire thread. Will have new passive tree once it is finalized. 1/20/15 Sorry it took so long for me to Post My Flasks. So I've been using the Valako's sign and everything seems to be great. The only thing that can kill are Strong 1 Hits, like Vaal Smash and Doms Punch. The good thing is we can block it, but its bound to get through and insta gib. The only way i think would be to get more HP or ES. 1/10/15 -Purchased a new Hardcore Only Lightning Ring - 18ex in Standard -Removed my Golem Grasp Prismatic Ring, I still have Max Lightning and Cold Resistance. Fire Resistance is 69/75%. This will be maxed with 1 Endurance Charge. Also Lose 200 Life and 50 ES. -Using Lightning Doryani's for the +% Lightning Damage, and granting all flasks will give an extra 10% chance to shock while effective. -Moved around my Last 3 Passive Points. Put 2 into the Ranger One-Handed Weapon Nodes, and an extra % area of effect from the Amplify cluster. -New Tooltip DPS is 50k. -2 Lucky Corruptions 21/20 Static Shock and 21/20 Physical to Lightening Gem. -Purchased a Level 21 Hatred and Haste for my auras. -(DO NOT BUY HATRED 21, NO DPS DIFFERENCE FROM 20, was a waste. 1/7/15 -Switched From Lightening to Physical Doryani's. (Figure Since All My Damage Originates As Physical, Then ALL My Spells Will Benefit, Not Just The Lightening Ones) -Removed Iron Grip and Point Blank Nodes Since Static Strike Is Not Projectile (Molten Strike IS) -Grabbed a Bunch of Attack Speed / Axe Damage Nodes -Added 1 More Point Into Amplify Node, and Took Out the 5% HP node, and Moved To 10% Ele Damage. 1/5/15 -Used the aura node at the bottom of the passive tree. Saved some points. -Put 2 points to get Amplify (12% Area of Effect / 8% Damage +) -Took out the DPS Axe Nodes Between Marauder and Templar, and put them into Axe Damage + Attack -Speed Nodes closer to ranger
MY PASSIVE TREE AT 100 (REV 7 1-30-15 )
My Passive Tree At 100 (OLD) (REV 1 OLD )
http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgEAAdwEhwSzBS0GOQkzC2EM9xQgFSAZtBo4Gj4brSKvJIsnLygqKS4s6S_MMHcyTjhTPQ894j38QKBG10d-SO5QR1FgVw1XKVfiWGNZ_l4TXz9gS2LsY_1kUmVNaPJxhXKpdO1253fleA14rnk5eWh65nrvfLh8u3zZfuKCm4TZhO-LT4x2jM-PmZBVkc6XeZtqns2f36IAqZWsr6-nsUK2ircxu-29Nr6KvqfAGsBmwL_BBMGCwaPEFcT2xtjK09E2037hc-Is4mHkUenV6hjsOO0g7w7veu988B_xrPMG8xH2SPaj9zL46_uq I know its all plain, but i will add to it, just wanted to get people theyre max block build to do once they had to respec. Let me Know Standard League Lokailith - Level 100 Max Block Static Strike Marauder. Ranked #87 In World Helped 7 Players Grind To 100 PRE Awakening & 3 Players Post Awakening ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Streaming @ twitch.tv/levy42088 Last edited by levy42088#0222 on Apr 17, 2016, 12:23:36 PM Last bumped on Jul 13, 2016, 2:40:24 PM
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Standard League
Lokailith - Level 100 Max Block Static Strike Marauder. Ranked #87 In World Helped 7 Players Grind To 100 PRE Awakening & 3 Players Post Awakening ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Streaming @ twitch.tv/levy42088 |
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Legacy items, standard, legacy items, standard... legit build
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Standard League
Lokailith - Level 100 Max Block Static Strike Marauder. Ranked #87 In World Helped 7 Players Grind To 100 PRE Awakening & 3 Players Post Awakening ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Streaming @ twitch.tv/levy42088 |
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You should drop that point after Strong Arm in the marauder start area, and put it in the Melee Damage node right next to the Marauder Icon. 16% damage versus 12%.
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Standard League Lokailith - Level 100 Max Block Static Strike Marauder. Ranked #87 In World Helped 7 Players Grind To 100 PRE Awakening & 3 Players Post Awakening ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Streaming @ twitch.tv/levy42088 Last edited by levy42088#0222 on Jun 23, 2015, 9:55:21 AM
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Standard League Lokailith - Level 100 Max Block Static Strike Marauder. Ranked #87 In World Helped 7 Players Grind To 100 PRE Awakening & 3 Players Post Awakening ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Streaming @ twitch.tv/levy42088 Last edited by levy42088#0222 on Dec 15, 2014, 2:07:13 PM
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Standard League
Lokailith - Level 100 Max Block Static Strike Marauder. Ranked #87 In World Helped 7 Players Grind To 100 PRE Awakening & 3 Players Post Awakening ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Streaming @ twitch.tv/levy42088 |
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Bump > UPDATED!!!
Standard League
Lokailith - Level 100 Max Block Static Strike Marauder. Ranked #87 In World Helped 7 Players Grind To 100 PRE Awakening & 3 Players Post Awakening ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Streaming @ twitch.tv/levy42088 |
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Standard League
Lokailith - Level 100 Max Block Static Strike Marauder. Ranked #87 In World Helped 7 Players Grind To 100 PRE Awakening & 3 Players Post Awakening ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Streaming @ twitch.tv/levy42088 |
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