ok i must say. i had the calculations all wrong, but i now know and confirmed all the correct calculations, so my edited evasion numbers above should be almost exact (fluctuations depending on total amount of dexterity. calculated as 400).
this is still an absurd amount of evasion, considering what most people can get. so consider 76-78% evasion, 40% dodge and say even a max of 50% block (shield+rumi's concoction) and you technically have even better mitigation than 75% block, 40% dodge and 50% evasion, since evasion is entropy based and does not have a stun/recovery. super fun! can't wait |
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" " Unless there are tree changes that I missed, I think your numbers are still off. I have very good evasion gear, take many evasion nodes on the tree, have an evasion rating that's nearly 38k, and I "only" get 71% chance to evade, and that's with a highly aura node-boosted lvl 23 Grace activated. I traded one of my duel wield swords for an evasion shield (1100 EV) and it increased evade chance by just 2% for a total of 73%. If I trade my 2100 EV chest (near the top of what's possible with Queen of the Forest) for a rare 2800 one, I only go up by an additional 1% (74% total). The diminishing returns are real. Example gear: With a nearly maxed Jade Flask of Reflexes and the above gear, I hit 81%: So I guess with crit and a Surgeon's Jade Flask of Reflexes you could hit the numbers you gave regularly as long as you constantly pop the potion. But before potions, I don't know that the numbers are realistic or worthwhile considering the point investment. Dreamfeather Elemental Cleave Ranger: Last edited by Tempada#2630 on Dec 5, 2014, 9:24:37 AM
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the point investment isn't much in fact. its 6 total out of the way points, 3 of them also add movement speed and the other 3 add resistances which i need anyway. also, as for high evasion number i do that mostly for the movement speed boost on QoTF than for evasion %.
the numbers may be off a bit, im going off my current character at its current level, and estimating a decline based off higher lvl mobs. at level 69 with only 19k evasion i have 70%, 35k bears me 80% evasion. so i figured with a higher amount of lvl (going up against higher lvl mobs) my evasion would take a hit but if what you report is true the hit is much bigger than i anticipate. obviously chance to evade is calculated against an attackers accuracy, and we can only guess as to what that is. i'll find out for sure once patch hits and i level up further. again at that time i'll update the build with tree/gear/stats. until then im just theorizing. |
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" Huh, so evasion must be like accuracy, where the higher your level, the lower your tooltip number. With my 38k evasion rating at level 91, I guess I have a 71% chance to evade level 91 enemies. It's not chance to evade that's important; it's evasion rating. We'll have to remember that going forward :) Dreamfeather Elemental Cleave Ranger:
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" yes exactly. however i figured it would always compare it to the highest lvl mob (80) and not continue on from your level. since there is no level 91 mob in the game, your chance to evade is actually quite a bit higher. essentially, to get an accurate evade % then when i level up to 78 i'll do some calculations to figure what the approximate accuracy amount is for mobs that level, then we can compare that to your obscene evasion amount and get an accurate portrayal of what evasion % you actually have. |
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" Excellent. Sorry for my confusion. Dreamfeather Elemental Cleave Ranger:
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" based on the numbers now, my mobs have about 1700 (lvl 69) accuracy and yours would have around 3000 (lvl 91) so lets even take an example of 2400 accuracy for a level of around 78, fair guess. that would make your actual chance to evade with 38k as about 76%. for my estimate of 32500 evasion that i would have that would give me 73% evasion, not too far from the calculations. jade flask used would be around 81% chance to evade. jade would be up often because of the surgeons mod, but not as much as a normal crit build because i just crit each pack once. point is, with this much evasion these builds are just as tanky if not more reliably tanky than a max block build with low evasion %. the only difference is the difference in spell block, which sadly we can only get off block (other than two nodes and one flask, that i know of) |
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just realized i can post the 1.3 tree. you need to copy/paste it into the 1.3 tree program thing, but you'll get to see my plan anyway. it isn't much change at all for 1.2, just slightly different pathing into the duelist (and saving i think 2 points doing so) edit: also, right now im messing around with dual curses by curse on hit on a 6L swap bow, just to see how easy it is to manipulate and such. so far it seems pretty decent, not really much slower than manually casting a curse. also i'll be looking to spec into mind drinker to see and hope that it fills my mana adequately, since i don't attack super fast (1 shot done basically) im hoping it fits the bill, that way i can replace mana leech with most likely additional accuracy Last edited by xMustard#3403 on Dec 6, 2014, 10:55:08 PM
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fully updated and bumped
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holy this this new support gem phys to lightning is AMAZING. at level ONE it gave me more dps than a 19/20 inc crit dmg gem. no, im not kidding. i got it up to 10/18 right now and it is giving me 5k more dps, costs less mana, and completely negates all my physical damage (so all i have to worry about is elemental reflect). this means by spec'ing into arching blows i would gain a pretty substantial damage boost also. i can't wait. edit: build just hit overdrive - don't need mana leech on amulet since i no longer do physical dmg, so i bought this guy for 2chaos and crafted it for 25 str, the very minimum required to keep wearing abyssus. the lightning dmg could go all the way up to 17%, but i prefer the evasion (at its max) and need the str (at its max). overall, this is one badass amulet for me and it just pushed my dps over 37k. a boost of 7k dps just by swapping an amulet for 2c and support gem out. Last edited by xMustard#3403 on Dec 13, 2014, 10:06:48 PM
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