[2.0] Terror's "Shatter Chuck Lite" Variant •• Barrage CoC •• 280k+ DPS •• Atziri w/ 5-Link
" You might try to get a different amulet, or buy/craft up a new wand with a higher accuracy rating boost. Honestly, a 79% accuracy rating at level 80 is fine. I've done atziri runs with that kind of accuracy, using the following simple and self-crafted wand : Really, once you have a good crit chance, every other mod is just gravy. My current wand doesn't even have accuracy on it and things are fine. As for RF, this is one of the things the Purity of Fire and the 3 flask nodes in the witch area are for. The nodes make a ruby flask give +13% to max fire resistance, and with level 20 purity and saffel's you've got another +8% max, giving you a 96% fire resist max. A surgeon's flask (of staunching, in my case) will then heal you faster then you are burning. The life leech will also counter the burning effect. This, by the way, is one of the reasons that a surgeon's ruby flask is so important. As for how you can deactivate it: just use a burn immunity flask and it'll turn off. I use a Seething hallowed flask of dousing for this purpose: if I need to turn it off I'm probably panicking and need a fast heal, anyway. Just be sure your ruby flask does NOT have the dousing suffix. Your attempt to slow the burn will just turn your RF off! I use a surgeon's ruby of thawing for most purposes, and a surgeon's ruby of warding for atziri or anytime I expect no issues with freeze but do expect issues with curses. Last edited by TimeDilation#5779 on Jun 8, 2015, 2:24:22 AM
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Hmm I see about the RF mechanics, I not sure if I'm able to handle it @@
Just got my very first 6L ever in this game. It really seems the hit chance doesn't matter much now, everything melted like ice. |
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" I'm not Terror (obviously), but I'll opine all the same. In 1.3 phase acrobatics is entirely viable. I have a level 90 with the following tree: https://poebuilder.com/character/AAAAAgMA37CCEESrj6YsnFWu0PVBlgVCavoOXEV-TLOus1XGg9sEBzpYXyrr5GpDwFS86msXlSAtHwj0uMo7fA_EoqPB8yepf8bbC4IeXfIOSBGWY0PbXlAwcFKJ03DVtUjz6ioLbIydqjY9bWxirLl8jAvssBa_D6tVS2HiJpWMNpu1UzXo1jpCS3jdqDBx1CMFtRqP9tr7CRmKdweHE5ykb57KSsM6wONLV_GzgwkqTX1brEdRTCo4qW618m6qSsg_J_4K2L01kqZXTeP-jzrh8kXndElR8NWVLgce For the 2.0 tree, getting phase acrobatics is going to require some sacrifices, or already having a very high level character. One of the crit+accuracy clusters probably has to be dropped entirely, and either you delay some of your life nodes until you're past level 90, or you start giving up other nodes. There are several reasons for that: Most of the "highways" we pass through have been lengthened. Single stat nodes around the scion starter area have been made into two stat nodes, with a jewel socket node on the side. We pass through two of these: one on the way to the evasion wheel, and yet another just before VP. +1 charge nodes now have a "charge modifier" node on both sides instead of just one. So both the +1 power charges nodes we pick up now come at the cost of having to pay for 2 extra +18% power charge duration nodes we otherwise wouldn't have had. Acrobatics itself is one node further down. We do want some jewel socket nodes, and basically every socket you want requires at least 2 additional skill points to acquire that we previously didn't allocate (either because of the lengthened highway, or because the socket is 2 or 3 nodes off to the side of where we otherwise want to be). Mana reservation changes mean we have incentive to pick up even more reduction than just the Charisma nodes. We need 3 nodes to get an additional 4% reduction on tree, and we can hypothetically do that twice. Possibly we can toss out Rat's Nest in favor of Alpha's Howl to save us those nodes. That's a non-trivial trade-off: the +2 to aura gems might not be much of a bonus (it's fairly meaningless on a purity, unless yours isn't 20 yet; high reservation costs on wrath and anger make them a difficult inclusion; heralds and AA aren't actually auras); and we're losing a fairly significant amount of crit chance, attack speed, and item rarity (well, rarity's not that big, but it's our principal source by default); in exchange we get at least some cold resistance in the slot (and if we're dropping one or more purities, we probably need some extra resists on gear), and we get freeze immunity (very nice), and a small chance to avoid chill (which probably doesn't help versus chilled ground, which is some 99% of the times you actually get chilled). 3 nodes is enough to add an extra jewel socket (and there's easily enough opportunities for 2 more, even without heading towards acrobatics). About the only thing we really seem to pick up from the current beta tree is that the Profane Chemistry nodes (and their mana versions, the notable for which actually has a pretty nice bonus now) are now directly available to us; they're connected to that first dex node from coming off the evasion wheel, instead of being one down from it. The three extra skill points from act 4 are basically immediately expdended (and then some) just dealing with the expanded nodes This is one possible level 100 tree, with phase acro, in the current beta: http://cb.poedb.tw/us/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgMBBAcFQgW1Bx4I9A3RDkgOXA-rD8QRlha_GYoajx2qIG4i4iSLJpUnqSoLKjgqTSycLR8wcTWSNj06QjpYOuE7fD8nQZZEq0V-RnFH4klRSshLV0t4TLNN41AwUUxVS1WuVcZd8l-wYeJirGNDakNq-msXbIxtbG6qbztvnnBScNV3B3gNfVt_xoIQgwmD24TFhxOJ04wLjDaNv4-mlSCVLpu1nKSdqqKjpDmmV6lurEeus7TFtUi18rjKuXy86sAawFTA48HzwuzDOspK0B_Q9dQj2L3bXt2o34rfsOGI7LDv6_DV8bPyRfPq9tr7Cf4K_o8= It takes us nine nodes to get phase acro, so if you want to have that at 91 instead of 100, you'll have to sacrifice 9 nodes somewhere else on the three. The profane chemistry nodes are probably a reasonable drop, as we don't have them in 1.3 anyway. Otherwise your best nodes to drop are probably: the 3 nodes spent getting an extra 4% mana reservation reduction; one or more of the jewel sockets; the spell damage per power charge node; the mana regen start node at witch; the +30 str node (depending on your gear and gems); or throatseeker nodes (drops your DPS by a fair portion, but may be acceptable for the extra defense). Note this tree does not have EB (we probably won't have it in any variant, since you need more investment to make it functional as a mana supply), which is one of the reasons we want additional reduced mana reservation: we have a smaller base mana supply, meaning we have to be more careful with how much mana we reserve so that we still have enough to be functional without consistently running out during boss fights. There is a chance that life leech changes will let us drop VP, in which case that'd free up at least 2 nodes. And we'd probably move the 3 nodes that get us the socket above VP into one of the Scion starter socket nodes. That'd convert 20 points of strength into any number of possiblities: 12% spell damage; 6% IAS; 16% projectile damage; +18% cold and lightning resistance. |
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So, how is it going on closed beta with the build? Any news? Do I sell all my gear and buy lvl 4 enlightens? Will we still work? Is the enlighten change retarded?
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" I'm personally still trying to make sense of what the Aura situation will be. Heralds have recently been nerfed. Thunder at least has had its min damage (added to your spells/attacks) boosted, but its maximum added reduced by about 50%. So we're not getting as much bang for our buck, and shocking mobs, especially the higher hp ones, will be more difficult with HoT. As such, I'd like to work the Wrath aura in, but it's a huge reservation cost to work around. A purity + wrath + Enlighten (lvl 3) in one link and a cursing HoT+Enlighten (lvl 2) in another will give us about an 89% reservation with the Conqueror's Efficiency gem, but no need for extra reservation nodes or an alpha's, and that's not a particularly big investment. Possibly we can put that wrath 3-link in the wand or shield, and move (and expand) its old CWDT set into where our old Aura 4-link went. Or you put a second purity into that link set, but only keep the one you find most important going at any given time. Purity of Fire is the default for running RF. Last edited by TimeDilation#5779 on Jun 9, 2015, 7:49:53 PM
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My calculations placed us at 2 Heralds, 2 Purities before the Herald damage change. Enlightens are not necessary, however Conqueror's Efficiency is. Enlightens sweeten the deal; you'll have to run EB though as it will bring you to 0 Mana for a level 3.
That is all assuming I find it necessary to keep both Heralds. I will go ahead and spill the beans for anyone whos been keeping up with the build: The three spells I will most likely be using are Arc, Flame Surge, and EK. Glacial Cascade may replace either Flame Surge or EK. Cold Snap is OK. Overall, the build will be appropriately nerfed but still plenty strong DPS wise, and even stronger defensively (possibility of around 40% more "increased" HP.) |
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How do you plan to run EB? You need Ghost Reaver (counterproductive here) or Zealot's Oath (incompatible with VP) to keep it regenerating. Otherwise you'll have to stand still for several seconds on a regular basis.
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We have access to around 6 jewel slots. Jewels can grant both Mana and ES on Hit, depending on your EB status.
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This playable on HC league>))?
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" It looks hard to me to fit in more than about 4 by level 90 or so. The last 10 levels can be mostly dedicated to a few more sockets, though. I suppose I haven't been paying as much attention to jewel mods as I could; I know a lot have been going in and out of circulation, so I've largely ignored them while it's unstable. " In the shatterchuck thread there was recently someone from the flashback league saying they got to 100 in Hardcore with it (from what I saw, his build was actually closer to this one). The usual problem with trying to play this type of build in HC is that your life nodes are spread far across the tree, and you would likely have to give up almost all of your offensive (including crit) nodes to get to the life nodes asap, and then finally start picking up your offensive nodes and removing the shortcuts to the life nodes around level 50 or so. By then you could have +167% life, but getting more gets difficult. And that's without any major defensive nodes: no (phase) acrobatics, no IR, etc. Last edited by TimeDilation#5779 on Jun 10, 2015, 6:51:46 PM
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