[2.0] Terror's "Shatter Chuck Lite" Variant •• Barrage CoC •• 280k+ DPS •• Atziri w/ 5-Link
How do I calculate my dps? My damage feels a little low and I'm not sure why. I'm using this build on a character that was orginally an incinerator so I'm only working with 5 power charges instead of 6. That shouldn't make too much of a difference though right?
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" The goal is to achieve 95% crit on barrage with 6 charges up, are you making that with 5? The rest of the core stuff is be between 2.2 and 2.5 attacks per sec on barrage, and 85% - 90% accuracy, rest is all raising spell power/crit-multi/spell crit. Last edited by justinmm1988#6504 on Apr 2, 2015, 2:31:42 PM
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I'm at 94.5% crit with 5 power charges. Accuracy is 86 and aps is 2.5. I might be able to hit 95% crit with a 75% Rat's Nest.
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I calculated my DPS by using the old CoC DPS Calculators and multiplying the overall damage by 65% (IIRC.)
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Hey, don't know if that was answerd yet.
Leveling this Build as a Sion, where should I start investing my points and what are my mid goals (lvl 40, lvl 60, lvl 70), what are the most important notes to take? And at which point do I switch to Barrage with coc? Last edited by BansheeLP#1645 on Apr 4, 2015, 10:50:20 AM
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You basically head for crit nodes and pick up health as needed.
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" This: " " As soon as you can get your hand on a 5link or 6link. At least, thats what the OP said. And he also mentioned not to start using CoC with less than 80% of crit chance, if i remember that right. I can say, it doesn't really matter. I found a tabularasa and play with ~40% crit chance for barrage with 0 power charges and power charge on critical strike instead of life leech. With 6 power charges it runs up to ~70% which is enough. Sometimes it needs time to start, but if you got your charges up it works like a charm! Thanks for the guide! Last edited by NetZwerg#5154 on Apr 5, 2015, 3:32:42 PM
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" Shouldn't be that hard to get a tabula, I have 4 in my bank...and vendor'd like 6 of them...things drop from the sky for me! lol |
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playing the build in the 1month event and it's really great and fun BUT i have massive problems with physical damage. i just die too quick...
i'm lvl79 atm and this is my gear and my tree:
i dropped HoT because it actually made me more vulnerable because the curse from HoT overwrites Wwarlord's Mark. with HoI everything dies much quicker (also freeze is nice to have and the shattering helps against annoying stuff lke crabs) any advice/help would be much appreciated You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life. Last edited by feuerbach#2461 on Apr 7, 2015, 11:25:54 AM
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" It shouldn't be more dps to use HoI over HoL because we are criting so often, which means the lightning dmg will cause shocks, which leads to monsters taking 50% more dmg...and you don't have to put a curse on it to run it, that was optional! And HoI isn't necessary for shatter to take place as long as you use an ability that is cold dmg of course, which doesn't look like you are. All HoI does is added cold dmg to your abilities instead of lightning, and causes things that shatter to explode causing dmg to others. I would try running a cold ability with HoL, just my two cents...I use arctic breath and freezing pulse with HoL, and shatter everything! I would at least use arctic breath, the ground ice keeps almost everything away from you, great utility! I also would drop Berskering, when they nerfed CoC we actually hurt our self's with higher attack speed, shoot for 2.2 - 2.4 attacks per sec on barrage at 85 - 90% accuracy...if Berkserking is putting you over 2.4 id drop it personally. The tree I use, slightly different from the others I see.. Last edited by justinmm1988#6504 on Apr 8, 2015, 1:34:56 AM
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