Map Drop Rate Is Shocking
" And for the thousandth time please show me where item quantity from gear/gems is confirmed by the devs as not having and effect on map drops. The only thing I see is that number of players does not effect map drops. As for running 72+ maps constantly, that is something that GGG seems to not want to happen. They have stated that they want high level maps to be a luxury. Seeing as maps are the only end game content however people arn't too hot to trade them off. One thing I could see being a nice addition is that when a low level map drops in a high level map it should always drop multiple of them. |
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" And for the thousandth time please read info on fron page in developer diary it self and even linked at start of this tread before asking. its in "map drop" section |
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I'm level 73 and ran 7 maps today and got 0 in return. Going back to the lower level zones just to "hope" maps drop so I can go back to doing the higher end stuff is straight out retarded.
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" IIQ used to affect map drop rates before. This was in closed beta. It was too strong and quantity gear was a requirement to run maps. This was removed in a 0.9.(something) patch. Item quantity mods on gear/skills do not affect map drops inside maps. |
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Me and a friend leveled together and we found 5 lvl66 Maps before we even killed Piety in Merc (played default so we didn't farm much. I was level 63 and he 64) Now after we did a few maps the last 2 Days we are down to one 68 map but we never run totaly out of maps. Maybe we are just lucky but the dropchance doesn't seem tooo bad for me.
Dear Math, please grow up and solve your own problems, I'm tired of solving them for you.
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" I quote: " It says two things: 1. Map drop chance does not get increased by increased party size. 2. Map drop chance gets increased by the map quantity bonus. Where exactly does it state that your own quantity value does not add to the map drop chance? (or the combined party average quantity). As a closed beta player I am well aware that it was indeed in the patch notes somewhere along the line. But it is not something people can become aware of by simply reading your quoted developer diary. GGG would do us all a favor if they can indeed confirm your statements and adjust the text in the diary. |
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" The problem is not with the 66-68 maps. With alterations you can reroll for the preferred mods (although I still very much dislike that system) to keep receiving maps on average to keep going. The problem is you cannot go up in level at a steady controlled pace. At 66-68 maps every map will be usable / interesting to run. When you start doing lvl 71+ maps and are level 78+ yourself, you do not want that final boss or hard to kill elite drop a lousy 66 map. That is as much junk to you then as any other random white item. So not only are you fighting RNG to keep getting maps. You now also have to fight RNG to get high enough maps! Sigh, this discussion is so pointless. GGG seems clear on their philosophy and I can't wrap my head around it one bit. Current PoE endgame is no better then farming keys in D3. It is boring, uninspiring and not motivating. Such great potential, yet so lousy implemented. People want to get challenged. People want to crack their brains on almost impossible to kill bosses at the highest levels, rolling stupid difficult mods just to be rewarded by gear and currency (not maps). Maps are the means, not the motivation! |
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My groups is starting to run out of maps.
We did all our 69 maps, then 68 maps, and no currently running 67 maps. No map drops the last days, except for one or two level 66 maps. Did alch and chaos the 69 maps to try and get the most out of those, hoping we would get a level 70 map. Did not happen. I could see how this would become very annoying if we were running level 70+ maps :p --== Enjoying the game ==--
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"Just because you're on a streak doesn't mean the problem isn't there. And those "angry nerds" are dissappointed because they're not able to play the game. I stand by my point that maps should be luxuary as GGG wants, but it should be the increased difficulty / item quantity that makes them desirable. Not that they are the only high level content available. Last edited by Hailo#4065 on Feb 21, 2013, 4:55:12 AM
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For the thousandth time, just read the folowing sections on the website: (map drops) (first phrase) For the lazy, i quote from the links above: " " I won't comment on the rarity part because there's nothing to comment: - only quantity affects map drops; - rarity comes in effect after the map has dropped and decides if that map will be white/blue/yellow/brown. So rarity has nothing to do with a map dropping or not. Last edited by mobutu#5362 on Feb 21, 2013, 4:48:13 AM
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