[Elïte] Elite Pack // Temp League Only // Discord Required // Recruiting 4 Metamorph

Interested, but you're not online so feel free to send the invite.
I'm interested in join the guild, I'm from Puerto Rico
Once I switch from Beta back to normal version I'll send invites.
On my command, unleash hell.
interested aswell! nolife confirmed :D mainly league sc
Recruiting for 3.0!

We're a temp league only guild!
On my command, unleash hell.
Bump for EP! Recruiting for 3.0! :D
On my command, unleash hell.
Recruiting for 3.0!
On my command, unleash hell.
On my command, unleash hell.
Check us out, we're recruiting for 3.0! :D
On my command, unleash hell.
Interested in joining up for 3.0. East coast Canadian here. Been playing for a few years now and usually play quite a bit. At work for another few hours but will add ya when I'm home.

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