[Elïte] Elite Pack // Temp League Only // Discord Required // Recruiting 4 Metamorph


wow this looks pretty cool

PS: sorry for only playing standard so far lord i'll try to play in the temp league soon.
We are a legion for we are many. No one shall stand in the way of the exiles of wraeclast.
Sorry for any missed replies, just message me in game for an invite.
On my command, unleash hell.
Looking for Warbands Guild and want to join yours, I'm active, positive and like to share stuff. I am online daily from 1-3 hours. I have been playing for a year. I myself am from Lithuania, timezone +2.
Name: Damsonn
Hey Looking for a Guild. Casual but pretty experienced. If you would permit, Please send me an invite blakbro2k6.
Interested in joining but no one was online at the time of this post. Would love an invite whenever a higher rank gets on, IGN: Cracker.
I love this guild. it is suppose to be a temp league guild but I did not feel like playing this temp league and they aloud me to stay. Lord (the leader) is a pretty chill dude.
We are a legion for we are many. No one shall stand in the way of the exiles of wraeclast.
Is this guild still active? Do you guys run maps? I've been playing for about a month and I'm running maps. Would love to get in with some others to run maps. Based out of Nashville (GMT-6).
Recruit thread updated. 12/06/15.
We'll now be accepting any applicants for the new Talisman League. :)
On my command, unleash hell.
Bump for ElitePack. Starting to recruit for Talisman leagues. :)
On my command, unleash hell.
Check out ElitePack! We're recruiting for Talisman League! :D
On my command, unleash hell.

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