=RIP=[Lv100-Beyond/HC] EvaDodgeBlockCoilArcer tanky solo build
thx mateo.
I think crit nodes are more efficient than CastSpeed or Lightning(Elemental)Dmg node when you are high level(lv65~). At least display dps is better when get some crit node instead of Cast or LightningDmg node. And critical strike inflicts shock. I don't usually play like in the Courtyard videos. I usually pay attention(to check nemesis mod)and kite and use decoy totem. But i wanted to show how tanky ,so i rushed in huge packs. Im using /oos macro to deal with desync. Decoy totem is also good for desync. I havent tried to kill jungle vally, torture chamber,dungeon,museum,temple,palace boss. I think Lv70-90 is most tough time. Sorry for my poor English. I will be glad if I was of any help. Last edited by Yoshiharu#0381 on Nov 11, 2014, 6:39:08 PM
** Dumb Question **
IGN : Jackyboy_Trade Last edited by Jackyboy#1891 on Nov 11, 2014, 1:41:18 PM
I play on Rampage so i can die without having to start over.
I have only made it to level 91 so far and you have hit level 100 (and also in HC), that is really good work. At some points i got stuck and could not progress and i guess i would have been much higher level if i had avoided these things. One thing was getting my Lightning Coil. This item alone made me so much more tanky and i didn't die so often after that. Now i am collecting currency to 6-link my LC so i can boost my damage a bit. I also struggle with not having enough high level maps. Right now i am completely out and have to go back to lousy lvl 74-75 maps. I could really use a lot of Courtyard maps. I see you have put a Iron Will gem in the white slot. I plan to use almost the same Arc gem setup except the Iron Will, where i plan to have a Enhance gem instead. Do you think Iron Will is better? Enhance give a lot of extra quality on all other gems as you probably know. I cant wait till i finally 6-link my Lightning coil and also get the right colors on it. Getting 4 blue, 1 red and 1 green isn't easy on a Lightning Coil. |
I consumed 4chisel 1alch some chaos every time I ran high level map.
I still have 40+ lv77 map. Dont hesitate to consume currency if you want to reach high level as soon as possible. In addition,I think Beyond league is easier to keep high level map because of drop from beyond monsters. The reason why I use iron will is my LC had been 4blue 2red untill lv100 and iron will has no Mana Multiplier. You need roughly 140+(depend on cast speed) Mana regen to keep casting when 5L(Arc-SpellEcho-FasterCasting-LightningPenatration-Empower). I think enhance is not good because enhance only increases the quality of supported active skill gems. When you get 4B1R1G,I reccomend Mana leach for green socket. So you can use purity of lightning or something instead of Clarity and you can run map with [Players cannot regenerate Life or Mana(+30%Q)] mod. Last edited by Yoshiharu#0381 on Nov 12, 2014, 9:25:05 AM
When you sa that Enhance only increases the quality of ACTIVE skillgems i get somewhat confused.
I havent used this gem before, i should have checked it up. Does this mean that only the Arc gem get the quality bonus if i have a chain of Arc-Spell Echo-Faster Cast-Light Pen-Empower-Enhance? If so, that was not what i had hoped for. I thought all gems in the chain got the quality bonus, the support gems also. Well, i might have to try roll BBBB+RR instead or if im really lucky BBBBB+R. I could use Iron Will as you do if i have a red socket or maybe Powercharge on crit if a blue socket. I run Purity of Light aura, Purity of Fire aura, Clarity, Haste and soon Herald of Thunder. I also run Artic Armour so i cant drop the Clarity aura as i need the mana regen it provides. Since i dont play HC i think i will go towards more crit. I might have to use a LifeLeech gem instead for the last slot if my 2% lightningdamage leech isnt enough for reflect mobs. I dont have the currency for Atsiri crit Leech gloves that would have been really good, but i dont even know yet if i will need things like this. Your build with the shield and extra life nodes are probably best if play HC. I got aura nodes instead so i guess i will have slightly higher damage at the cost of survivability. |
First,great build!Second,do you think this build will be viable in 1.3 with block and acro nerf?
not viable
Over nerf RIP |