PoE is Dying

Xavderion wrote:
Genibus wrote:

From a purely biological point of view yes, you are always in the process of dying due to cellular senescence and oxidation. The genesis of the zygote to your coffin you are dying.

You may not want to deal with that fact from a pyschological point of view if your constitution is weak but it's the truth. As soon as you accept this inevitability you can be free to enjoy life.

That feel when we are one of the last mortal generations. Why can't I become 700 years old ;_;

seems like possible if they figure out how to stop aging. i bet they will before my lifetime is out.. but it wont be cheap... i better get back to work lol...save up....i dont want to die.

prolly like a full celluar transformation or something?
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Nov 6, 2014, 5:29:09 PM
Farming Simulator 15 is eating GGG's lunch...
Sneakypaw wrote:
Joke aside. I guess it doesn't matter whether the Leagues are 3 Months or 4 Months. The decline towards the end seems to be the same.

WARNING! Post contains serious feedback.

And might be off topic (if that even means anything?)

Someone once suggested overlapping leagues; my take on the idea: four month duration, with the first two months shared with the last two of the last league, and the last two shared with the first two of the next league.
Jan- League A, League B
Feb-A, B
Mar-B, C
Apr-B, C
May-C, D
Jun-C, D
Jul-D, E
Aug-D, E
Sep-E, F
Oct-E, F
Nov-F, A
Dec-F, A

Essentially a new league every two months (for the "hardcore" grindy gind gind crowd) and the option to participate in every other league (for the "casual" fun crowd). Make every other league just a vanilla ladder with no major content updates/balance, to cut down on development costs (of the would-be twice as frequent deployment schedule) and so people who wish to stick around for the whole four months don't miss out on any fun features (also because I don't think the "hardcore" crowd really cares about league mods, just the ladder reset).

Everybody wins.

Now, back to your business. Move along, nothing to see here.
Devolving Wilds
“T, Sacrifice Devolving Wilds: Search your library for a basic land card and reveal it. Then shuffle your library.”
Last edited by CanHasPants on Nov 6, 2014, 7:09:10 PM
CanHasPants wrote:
Sneakypaw wrote:
Joke aside. I guess it doesn't matter whether the Leagues are 3 Months or 4 Months. The decline towards the end seems to be the same.

WARNING! Post contains serious feedback.

And might be off topic (if that even means anything?)

Someone once suggested overlapping leagues; my take on the idea: four month duration, with the first two months shared with the last two of the last league, and the last two shared with the first two of the next league.
Jan- League A, League B
Feb-A, B
Mar-B, C
Apr-B, C
May-C, D
Jun-C, D
Jul-D, E
Aug-D, E
Sep-E, F
Oct-E, F
Nov-F, A
Dec-F, A

Essentially a new league every two months (for the "hardcore" grindy gind gind crowd) and the option to participate in every other league (for the "casual" fun crowd). Make every other league just a vanilla ladder with no major content updates/balance, to cut down on development costs (of the would-be twice as frequent deployment schedule) and so people who wish to stick around for the whole four months don't miss out on any fun features (also because I don't think the "hardcore" crowd really cares about league mods, just the ladder reset).

Everybody wins.

Now, back to your business. Move along, nothing to see here.

interesting Idea but it would further fragment the community and I really dont want to start over every two months lol
I dont see any any key!
Gaem is dieieing :(
No longer a forum dweller, please use PM for contact purposes.
ignarsoll wrote:
Gaem is dieieing :(

i cry evry taim
ignarsoll wrote:
Gaem is dieieing :(

If i read this stats correctly, nearly every game there is dying.

Oh, except DOTA ....
"better to simply go balls deep full retard if you gonna go retard." -Boem-

Quality is sharply declining.

Decision making is weak and information is unclear and comes from multiple sources.

When developers spend any amount of time on reddit I cringe. It's a hug-box for bad developers,

I'm sorry guys, but you are all totally incompetent at ggg. Like badly so; you will not get work at other firms with that on your resume.

I do like the game though, it's funn and all, but amateur.


In light of the infinite perfect rare/perfect vaal orb exploit recently revealed, but in practice for a very, very long time... You think it's about time to deal with desync? The reason desync was put up with for so long was for nothing.

And who gives a fuuu if people cheat, everyone plays solo/duo in a pve only game, or facerolls in a clusterfuck of badly optimized particles running on different processor frequencies where you can't see shit, and you use pure aoe because your position and mob position are totally random geuss work.

Hellen Keller mode bro.

You wouldn't put the "economy first", or ban botters unless it cut into your profit. You SPEND money to fight them, with your "small team with limited resources"

Botters that sell the exalt they find back to unapproved rmt sites anyways XD
Steam =/= individual client.

There are only 2 of the 20-30 or so people in my guild that are active players that use steam.
Shows the leagues are pretty important.

Also impressive retention rate there. Especially for a game with about 10 hours of content looped three times, that's gone 2 years without an expansion. Kudos to G^3 for that achievement.

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