[1.2.4] Windz's Fiery Blizzard (Crit firestorm build)

Just want to share a build that I have been enjoying on rampage.
The playstyle reminded me of D2's blizzard sorc, but you need to crit to get that effect :P

Crit based firestorm with Herald of Ice + Thunder.

How this build works:

Cast firestorm -> crit -> freeze/shock/ignite mobs -> HoI shatters, HoT curses mobs with assassin's mark -> finish off surviving rare/boss with flame surge -> move to next pact

Not claiming this build to be the best and fastest build out there.


Pretty generic spell crit build. Have room to swap nodes around to suit your needs. Grab the cast nodes instead of spell dmg on witch if you prefer faster casting.

I opted not to grab increased duration nodes because they are too far and inefficient for crit builds.


Normal - oak
Cruel - kill all
Merci - power charge

Can get cast speed in cruel if you like


Nothing is mandatory, but I do recommend

CoD + AA synergy is too good... especially for fire builds

Damage and leech.
Can replace with life res belt if you can get cata's fireleech mod on your 1hand

You will need some str/dex in either gear or passives.

My Current gears:

Can dualwield if you prefer more damage/crit/leech over life

Grab life mana regen jewleries to help sustain AA



Main spell:

4 link: Firestorm, Crit multi, Faster cast, Fire pen or Enhance or Increaed duation

5 link: Firestorm, Crit multi, Faster cast, Fire pen, Enhance or Increased duration

6 link: Firestorm, Crit multi, Faster cast, Fire pen, Enhance, Increased duration

I do recommend that you have at least a 5link, but you can get by with a 4link.

Enhance is only useful at lvl 3+, so use increased duration if you dont have one.
I got lucky in vaaling mine to lvl 4.

Prioritize getting high q firestorm as it helps both damage, and consistency.

I chose faster casting over echo because since firestorm's innate cast speed is 1sec ,which is remarkably slow:
1) echo roots you in place
2) if it doesn't crit, you lose too much time casting the 2nd non crit firestorm

Single target:
3 link: Flame surge, Echo, Conc effect

Great skill to finish off rare/bosses. Try to ignite them with firestorm before using it. Flame surge is really strong, so beware using on reflect pacts. AA cannot save you from its enormous damage.

4 link: Reduced mana, Clarity, Herald of Ice, Cold to Fire

Cold to fire does not have mana multiplier, adds extra fire damage, and converts 50% of cold to fire so, AA can absorb some of the damage from reflect. Not mandatory if you cannot get the colours or spare the link, but as a fire build, the aoe explosion damage is significantly increased and helps with reflect pacts (AA).

4 link: Reduced mana, Herald of Thunder, Curse on Hit, Assassin's Mark

Great to keep up powercharges w/o slowing down your clear speed. Auto cursing too good to pass up.

3 link: Warlord's Mark, Arctic armor, Faster cast/inc aoe/anything you like

Use warlord's mark on tough bosses/reflect mod to keep both your mana and life up.
Arctic armor is amazing for this build as firestorm is composed of multiple mini fireballs that gets mitigated by the flat fire damage reduction from AA. Combined with MoM and leech, this allows you to kill reflect pacts with ease. Just don't flame surge them though!



without powercharges

with powercharges


without powercharges

with powercharges


Gorge Run

Feel free to leave a comment or ask any question.

Thanks for reading!
Last edited by windz on Nov 7, 2014, 12:29:59 PM
I kinda doubt a crit based firestorm is as efficient as a non-crit version with concentrated effect and increased duration.
First the crit doesn't synergize with the secondary burning it triggers as the damage per hit is too low so the burning won't do much damage. Second because of the very low damage effectiveness of firestorm i kinda doubt one can shock/freeze magic/rares in maps as the reduced damage of the added cold/lightning won't make it past the threshold barrier.

On the other hand it ain't always about min-maxing damage so why not.

BTW video not working as it seems to be set to private.
Bada_Bing wrote:
I kinda doubt a crit based firestorm is as efficient as a non-crit version with concentrated effect and increased duration.
First the crit doesn't synergize with the secondary burning it triggers as the damage per hit is too low so the burning won't do much damage. Second because of the very low damage effectiveness of firestorm i kinda doubt one can shock/freeze magic/rares in maps as the reduced damage of the added cold/lightning won't make it past the threshold barrier.

On the other hand it ain't always about min-maxing damage so why not.

BTW video not working as it seems to be set to private.

The video should be working now.

Thanks for your input. I do agree its a shame I cant fully utilize the fire crits and I did make this build first with 3 dragons and ele prolif, but the clear speed was slower. So i just added a rare helm with life to help with survivability.

I dont shatter unique/high hp rares with firestorm, but i can shatter them with crit flame surge :P

Let me know what you think of it again after watching the video :)

Also realized you manage the witch's build list on the forums. Thank you for adding mine to that list :D
Last edited by windz on Nov 1, 2014, 12:50:02 PM
Why faster casting over a 20/20 spell echo?

IGN: Brain
Last edited by Brian2one0 on Nov 1, 2014, 2:40:50 PM
Impressive. Much more effective that I imagined. How do you deal with Reflect, however? How about Double Reflect, -max res?

I'd imagine AA helps a great deal, but on a crit build, and with Heralds...
[3.22] 💀The Grim Reaper💀 - Hexblast Poison Mines Assassin

[3.22] ❄️⚡CantripN's Hadoken! - Lightning Conduit / Crackling Lance / Arc Permafreeze⚡❄️
Last edited by CantripN on Nov 1, 2014, 2:45:07 PM
CantripN wrote:
Impressive. Much more effective that I imagined. How do you deal with Reflect, however? How about Double Reflect, -max res?

I'd imagine AA helps a great deal, but on a crit build, and with Heralds...

i have tried a reflect mod on a 78 map i joined. as long as you are careful and make sure your mana isnt depleted, i can cast firestorm comfortably.

also i cast warlords mark on big pacts to help sustain mana. you can bring mana pot also to help you clear it.

i have not tried - max res with reflect yet, but i assume it wont go that well. need warlords mark + pots + life leech gem (replacing firepen).
I think you want to use on of those

as this can save you the fire penetration gem and makes reflect much easier to deal with.

Also in my experience, increased aoe slowed down my clearspeed. Conc effect is a greater more multiplier than even a lvl 4 enhance, but maybe those extra fireball make a better statistic...
Ign: Ohjeahx
Last edited by Ohjeah on Nov 2, 2014, 1:30:15 AM
Ohjeah wrote:
I think you want to use on of those

Or not. He would lose MoM and a lot of regen that way, or otherwise said, a lot of mitigation..
Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ
Ohjeah wrote:
I think you want to use on of those

as this can save you the fire penetration gem and makes reflect much easier to deal with.

Also in my experience, increased aoe slowed down my clearspeed. Conc effect is a greater more multiplier than even a lvl 4 enhance, but maybe those extra fireball make a better statistic...

thanks for the input.

i feel like without CoD, survivability takes too much of a hit for my playstyle.

i have tried out conc effect and while the damage is insane, clear speed took a hit because i had to cast more to get the whole pact. however, for atziri type of fights, i would def swap in conc effect.

with the converted damage, are you able to handle reflect well?
Yes, reflect is very easy to handle.

Firestorm has very little hits and conversion plus a high level AA takes care of reflect.
The biggest problem is actually lightning thorns, with enhance it"s an even bigger one ;)

I feel save enough without MoM. Most packs will get oneshotted or stunned. With leech from warlords mark I feel I have enough survivability for a softcore league.
Ign: Ohjeahx
Last edited by Ohjeah on Nov 2, 2014, 3:47:19 AM

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