Dual void battery, cold crit, ci witch

Here's my build. I'm playing this as my main char.
You can have a look at it and build one yourself if you want.
I appreciate any suggestions on how to improve it.

First thing's first:
Dual void + rest of gear is very expensive. A new player will not afford it.
Depends heavily on gear. Even the smallest desync will get you killed. No mana regen map mods are very very hard. Ele reflect is very dangerous. Softcore build.


Survivable if played right. Perma freezes everything, including most bosses.
Can equip farming gear and live.

xp gear

farm gear

I switch gear based on the map i'm running. For harder maps i use rathpite and damnation blow. I can switch to arc as main skill instead of ice skills for cold resist maps.

Chayula + dream fragments - cuts dmg but improves survivability a lot. I think they are usefull enough to use full time.

Easy to notice that i don't have a lot of +mana on my gear and this is the problem i am having now. Untill i get + mana on my gear, i have to pay attention and don't do 2 casts (94 effective because of spell echo)without hitting anything. Hitting nothing means no leech and mana regen can't cut it.

Skills and links:
arc + chain + curse on hit + "curse"
i use arc to apply the curse because of the high crit rate of this build. Most of the times, one cast will leave a group cursed and shocked. The curse can be frostbite (best for solo play) or assasin mark (for charges) or ele weakness for group play or anything else you might like.

freezing pulse/ice spear + spell echo + lesser multiple projectiles (or greater) + life leech + mana leech + power charge on critical or increased crit dmg ( if you are getting charges via assasin mark or power charge on crit linked to ice spear on another item)
ice spear does not require voidbringer, it gets a lot of crit chance in second form so you reach 95% without voidbringer

you can run 2 of them. Since the char uses Chaos innoculation, one of them will have to be Discipline. The second one is a matter of player prefferences. I use haste/purity of elements/clarity or whatever aura is needed to adapt to the map that you want to play. Mostly i use Haste. I only switch it out if the map is very dangerous.

defensive skill:
cast on dmg taken + enduring cry + immortal call + increase duration (or something else, i don't think that increased duration is very usefull for this char, freeze is the main defense)

lightning warp + decreased duration + reduced mana (so you can spam it, faster casting does not make much of a difference anyway)

meat shield:
spell totem + summon skeletons (+ increased area of effect)
you have to love this one. it will keep bosses busy, it will keep other mobs busy. it turns most bosses into a piece of cake

Quality skills: they are very important. Only quality FP+ quality leeches will allow the use of voidbringer. without quality skills, you won't leech enough mana to be able to sustain spamming FP.

passive tree:

Note: do not aim to level following this tree. This is an end game tree. You respec it to get like this once you have everything required. Untill then allocate passives based on your own requirements.

Farm gear does not use voidbringer. This means no more increased mana cost for skills.

2 ways of doing this.
1 - use power syphon and cull, usefull for boss farm, can equip everything
required, someone else must do the killing

2 - run the map, kill everything with farm gear on. Can solo maps up to 74 (blue maps, yellow might kill you with farm gear)
I usually like higher iiq over iir so i run it with iiq items (no andvarius, sadima instead of aurseize)
Prefered skill: ice spear - can offscreen anything, freezes everything
ice spear + lmp + powercharge on crit+ increased quatity + mana leech + spell echo

note: don't expect top iir iiq stats. The purpose of the farming gear is to allow for solo farming with relative speed.

Map mods and how to deal with them:

Reflect elemental maps

this seems so dangerous but it is not. I always carry EK with me.
On reflect ele maps, i use it continuously. On normal maps, i switch it when i see a tight pack of mobs around a relfect boss.
Hitting just the boss will not kill you. Bosses have more resists => lower dmg inflicted => lower dmg reflected => +20 q life leech can support that. Hitting a pack of weak mobs close to a reflect boss will kill you in one shot though. You hit a lot of dmg and get a lot of dmg reflected. For these mobs, you must use EK

EK + faster casting + spell echo + pcoc + life leech + mana leech

50% regen maps
use clarity instead of haste. Also use ice spear as possible, makes it easier.

Enfeeble maps:
Do not use voidbringer. lower dmg = lower leech = no mana
i use

with ice spear.

Dual void - without a shield on, you won't block anything. Keep this in mind !!! if a tough mob does not get frozen and gets to close (it rarely happends but it does) warp away.

I'll add my stats when i can join the game.
If someone explains to me how to do it, i can also make some gameplay movies.

Char can solo hard 78 maps (crafted to get to over 100iiq)if it is played right.

I'll complete this guide if anyone finds it usefull.

0 charges

fp-lmp-spell echo - pcoc - life leech - mana leech

fp-lmp-spell echo - increased crit dmg - life leech - mana leech

9 power charges, 3 frenzy charges

with increased crit dmg

very slow map
Last edited by ionilete on Oct 18, 2014, 8:47:08 AM

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