[1.3] Smokin' -Burning Arrow -lvl 86 in Bloodlines
try out the physical to lightning. it's really awesome. no crit or added fire or WED gem comes close to phys to lightning, especially not with quality. heck, a lvl1 phys to lightning gives more dmg than a 20-20 added fire.
my tree looks similar, although i started duelist: https://www.poebuilder.com/character/AAAAAgQAAdwDHgUtBbUGIwiJCLEV7Ba_GbQfQSF2I_Yk_SaVKgss6TBxMHwx-jIBMpQ1kjY9OdQ6QjrhP_xHfkp9S3hNkk3jUUdVS1b6W69daGBLYSFh4mHrYqxlTWegbIxtbG5pcFJ07XXLdvd313gNelN6738CfyuE2YTvhs6HdorwjDaNfY2_lQWa8Zsmmy2dqqCfplem4KlusKuyGbVItfK5Hb02voq-p8EzxILKqcrTz3rUI9X41orYvdnG3Q3dqOLq45_nVOd06Gbo1ulG6mLyRfPq_MX-Cv6P_94= meginord's girdle is soooooo strong btw its not even funny |
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" With that gem, this build would be able to drop black gleam. And be able to put in elemental proliferation linked to BA to proliferate shock as well...... ...However, doing 100% fire damage gives a huge single target ignite. And i can shock with vaal lightning trap. Besides that i would have to protect myself against reflecting lightning damage besides fire. That's a problem in my flask setup. Pure damage wise you're absolutely right. " solid stuff. " Can't go wrong with that one. I prefer a good resist/life leather belt. Haven't been able to get a good one yet though. Doing damage isnt a problem anymore. You need like 5k-5,5k fire damage (top end) with a burning Arrow for end game maps, atm I'm over 7,5k. Problem is finding the ballance between: survival ------damage -----playability (mana & attack speed) I'm even seriously considering taking skill duration nodes. besides increasing immortal call and curses ; Mirror Arrow is soooo OP. Decoy totem on roids. @Minstrelshadrak
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New video of courtyard trio
Dinged lvl 84 Using vaal grace and no more blink arrow @Minstrelshadrak
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finally someone else discovered the true "power" of the prolif build using ba.
your almost on the same tree then i am but i started as a shadow and i went a bit more yolo -> im using the abyssus and no i did not die due to reflect i died end of beyond to a insanely map (double palace min/max i have somewhere a pic i have taken) and desynch into a "touch of god". but there are several things i did different. i personally dropped faster attacks - for me just tooltip and not using it didnt changed my clearspeed but solved the mana-issues - and im only using firepen on certain mapmods. double curse is good enough to oneshot anything in the game beside cremaboss/atziri. the vaal lightning trap is a nice idea i keep that in mind. i also dont use the +1 arrow quiver atm sincei dont need it anymore for my dps. its nice to use with the splitarrow cursing though. weapon swap is the usual puncture chin sol stuff and it still works.... so my setup is BA-WED+AF+PPA+CritStr+CritDmg (PcoC sometimes or EleProlif when im scared of reflect) and with that 6l im having like almost 50k dmg before charges (using abyssus ofc). with charges up i have 84% crit chance/92 hit chance. this is one of the fastest killer i ever played and i literally one shot any boss ingame including some harder ones alot guys never do although im wearing a "dead mans helmet". im using a 40% though. for the boxes i swarm mobs to me then kill them and then open the box ... they melt anyway. safest place in poe is the burning ground around me:) (only thread is freeze and empty unfreeze flask (my fault) with detonate dead box....insta death) this league im trying something different but i will for sure play that one again ... beside the bow its cheap as fuck and even on a 5l you do like what ... 30k on my setup (i bit more scetchy then his) and that clears rooms/maps/bosses easily. its easily comparable to flameblast but way faster in movement...i found a new love last league.... gl for the last "weeks" |
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Thx for your comment!
" Yeah you've summed it up there. Once you got the hang of the mana issues it's just a matter of play style. I like the faster attacks for boss killing, smoother stick and move capability. That's still a severe trade off for more damage and bigger proliferates though. I even wanna go triple curse, but then with enfeeble & temporal chains and go for atziri. Damage is indeed over the top, so plenty of room for defensive. " Good to hear, it's next on my list. " I'm a little afraid of CritDmg swap for faster attacks, entering one shot reflect then. Fire penetration just smooths your damage, takes the edges off, ie; 1 shot boss on prolif from a close by zombie, and take more time to kill monstrel with curse immunity and high fire resistance [vs] less insane damage, but never face slow dying monsters either. " Yeah the single target dps is so nice. never be afraid of abaxoth spawns, you can sleep safely now. Multiple roads lead to rome with this build. Should travel them all. But once you've taken out elemental proliferation from your burning Arrow link setup, and experienced the true power of single target dps, it's not comming back in. @Minstrelshadrak
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with the somewhat "nerf" to the critdmg gem and loosing like 40 crit multi treewise im feeling safe now.
with over 600 crit multi before the changes i was sometimes really close to dieing but like i said i never died to it ... once the ic pops i keep my quiver closed!:) the good thing about this build is the safeness coming from the burning ground. as long as i burn something leapers/rhoas/95% of bosses simply cant reach you. once i realized that i was feeling safe even by using the abyssus. atm im experimenting with other skills (same tree different quivers) and a piercing lightning arrow using the phystolightning gem + drillneck clears almost at same speed. same goes with crit split pierce (i might gonna do that in the next league) by mixing fire+lightning prolif has insane dmg+clearspeed 2. but those too simply need vaal pact/acuity or your dead lol. and ofc a single target skill. btw in 90% of the time i dont use the weapon swap since my single target is more then enough too kill. i mostly used it for vagan dailies (friends loved me for that) since vagan worked like that: drop three traps click on begin ... 0.5 seconds later vagan is dead and turn in quest...hehe. i also loved domi farming with that setup (i had some item rarity gear for swap then)... one crit at start and domi was dead once his feet touched the ground (first phase) and the longest part was waiting for his second form to come out lol. |
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okay with the recent changes to flameblast we are now the number one burning build (by far i would say...) and will soon get rekt to. (i hope not but hopefully GGG doesnt check this one here)
we were already on pair dmg wise and we already had alot more movement speed/mobility then this charging "flamerino". if they dont change anything i will 100% play this one next league... have a nice weekend mate |
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" Y safety comes from firing only one-two arrows. But even then i refrain from added lightning and such so when i pot a ruby flask versus reflect, it's stopping all. I did some party with Broccolini's support witch. EE & quad curse & 6 aura's. I didnt not encounter extra damage reflect rare, but otherwise i could've died. " Y burning ground works good, especially if you have prolif in your main setup. For me the main safety came from 1) King of the hill- knockback triggered at the start of the skill rotation: split arrow. 2) Mirror arrow. How nice of the monsters to group up there, a save distance away. @Minstrelshadrak
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I guess this can be played as a shadow going through the starting ele damage nodes?
Should I go with the bloodlines or rampage tree when i'm playing torment? Also can you tell me how this compare to explosive arrow builds? I'm torn between yours and this: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1202364 I never really played any bow builds so need some advice. Thanks in advance. Last edited by countothreeandie#4180 on Feb 22, 2015, 6:53:52 AM
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" Yeah those will do better then fine. " They don't differ much. Go for all the Key skill nodes. Int / Str / Manaleech-regen from your gear will dictate the finetuning of your skill tree. " The magic find builds cannot be accomplished with end game burning arrow. Not anough space to get good resists and magic find. Vice verca the survivability. Explosive arrow's area of effect is much much larger then the burning arrow build. But the effect uses a fuse, so it's not direct damage. Always hitting but no crit so no king of the hill (key skill node) i so fell in love with. Apples and Oranges. Both solid builds. Solution: try both :). Magic find to +/- 80, gather your BA gear in the mean while. Finish with some Atziri fun. @Minstrelshadrak
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