[1.3] Smokin' -Burning Arrow -lvl 86 in Bloodlines
![]() This is a build that originally was made to avoid reflect called Smokin'. It evolved to Crit -Burning Arrow & Puncture The idea of the build is you proliferate ignite from Herald of ash and finish bosses with puncture/ignite from burning arrow. For this you have two bows for your two main skills. So during fights you will weapon swap. With Herlad of ash you free up a gem slot in the main skill chain, because you no longer need elemental proliferation in there. As a consequence your proliferation will sometimes do less damage, but your single target dps will sky rocket. The advantage of this will be your survival against reflect and an extra 5-6link. The disadvantage is the time needed to weapon swap and the absense of leveling gems you normally carry on your offhand. Microtransaction weapon cosmetic can really help with a visual effect for what weapon you are currenctly using. This build is pretty much finished on a rampage character currently level 93. It's very enjoyable to melt mobs like a hot knife through butter from a safe distance. Killed Aziri on my first attempt. Have been one time to Uber aziri. Failed to kill her but im confident it should be possible with abit of tweaking here and there and without big mistakes on my part. VIDEO Atziri (5mins) Rampage 1.2 Accidently achieved rampage rank 13 in a 76 zana map with seawitches. This build can wreck low fire resistance maps in one big swoop. Currently trying the build in a Hardcore league: Bloodlines VIDEO Courtyard Trio 6L(30 seconds) Bloodlines 1.3 VIDEO Shrine Piety 6 LINKED Harb :)(30 seconds) Bloodlines 1.3 VIDEO Atziri RIP 6L Harb (2 mins) Bloodlines 1.3 VIDEO Precinct Map 5L(4mins) Bloodlines 1.3 25k dps penetrating 33 fire resistance.....times 2 arrows... 50k dps on single big targets. That just the stuff on tool tip... then add Flamability & Assasin's Mark & Power charges & Shocked ground from trap & the normal ignite from burning arrow... yes you get the picture: Smokin'. A creative accountant would end up with 150k+ dps penetrating 75% fire res. The bloodlines character has gone completely out of control with his new 6L bow. Will soon make a new video.
[2.0] Beta
eleprolif base radius of 12' kinda killed the build. Single target is still awesome, but you can no longer burn screens of monsters to ashes.
[1.3] Bloodlines lvl 85
the following stats are from level 82. ![]() Tool Bar: 1) movement 2) BurningArrow -swap- Puncture 3) split arrow curse 4) smokemine 5) vaal lightning trap. 6) Vaal Grace 7) Mirror Arrow
![]() Defense 14.129 Eva (29.629 with Jade Flask) Acrobatics Ondar's Guile 4.789 Life resists: max and overcap 35+% to handle any elementalweakness map or sudden curse. chaosres: -37%-> chaos puddles are an issue atm. crit chances are without power charges / curse (3 max, thats like 13% extra crit chance with Harbinger, 10% from assasin mark = 23% extra crit chance.) ![]() Why proliferate ignite? - Damage over time effects do not reflect - Great visibility, since all monsters with a tiny bit of damage are visible by their healthbar. - Dead monsters proliferating kill new monsters from a box or the ones you kite to your killing zone.
Absolutely NO #add cold dmg is allowed. Else you loose (frozen shatter) corpses that could otherwise proliferate burn. latest change: -I've polished my gems abit. -No longer use Quicksilver, got a topaz with shock immune. (latest patch change was introduction of immunty to shock on flask) Typical Ranger problems are Strength and Intelligence. Those will limit your options in the skill tree. Currently looking for a 2+% Mana leech & additional curse amulet. I'd like to get 20% Enfeeble in my curse on hit chain. I do not have a Chinsol Unique Bow yet for the puncture weapon swap. Not sure if its viable in [1.3] but will try lateron.
How do you avoid physical reflect?
The burning arrow gem converts 50% physical to fire The Blackgleam unique quiver converts 50% physical to fire 50+50=100% converted. So you do zero physical damage with burning arrow. It is important to get a high roll Blackgleam so your immortalcall will not trigger on burningarrow physical reflect. Puncture is activated by a Trap. so will not reflect physical damage to your person. The only physical damage that can be reflected is from the split arrow gem linked to curse on hit. If you shoot while you have the blackgleam equiped, half is converted to fire. So it will be no big issue. Your immortalcall will trigger, so your second cursing split arrow will do no reflect.
How do you avoid elemental reflect?
The nemesis for this build are monsters that don't die because of the immortal aura from a rare mob or a totem. If its a big Reflecting pack you cannot shoot at them 3+ times in a row. That's why on the Bloodlines league (HC) I do not use Pierce on Burning Arrow. So the maximum targets i hit with a burning arrow shot is 2. Since you do a crazy amount of damage with burning arrow crits; ondar's guilde + 12k evasion is not anough to take 2x2 high rolled arrow reflects in a row. This ranger uses no elemental leech and has no vaal pact. With added Acrobatics it is still not anough "when the stars align" and you can die with a lifepool 4,5-6k life. Flasks do up the number of shots you can do on elemental reflect packs. Currently using to mitigate damage. Sometimes i shoot elemental reflect monsters offscreen. I will then instantly react to immortal call (best signal that sounds the alarm for any incomming damage) by activating these potions. After that i will use split Arrow to lower the reflect significantly. Split Arrow can kill a rare on a 78 courtyard map in 4-10 shots. So by taking your time you ensure safety. So to repeat: Elemental Reflect combined with sticky monsters are a danger. Map mod elemental reflect or a reflecting Rare monster combined with: -Skeleton packs with totem (aura Other Allies Cannot Die) -Rare with aura: Other Allies Cannot Die - Fracturing map mod. - Bloodlines league: champion pack with Phylacteral Link Invisible reflect: - Flooded area's where you cannot see ground effect of aura's. - Offscreen hits. * This danger is considerably diminished by not piercing with your burning Arrow.
Level 82 tree still want to get rid of survivalist, but still nice for leveling on maps with elemental weaknes curse. Debating about -ballistic mastery & Revenge of the hunter [vs] -Reflexes & Hired killer & True strike help oak kill (attack speed is nice too) Kill (power charge is nice too)
Off Skills
Vaal lightning Trap Shocked ground increases damage taken by 50% and will also make the monster take 50% more from the DoT. A very nice double dip. You can hoard up 3 uses unlike other vaal skills where you get only 1 shot at a boss. That means you can use your vaal skill much sooner in maps because you know you'll have one at the end. Note: lvl 1 gem has the same duration as a higher level one, and we're not interested in trap dmg. just the shock on the floor. SmokeMine Not only for opening boxes, also good versus Master Vagan and other nasty bosses that need to be blinded for evasion to work better. Not to mention elemental reflect :). Smokemine also provides nice movement at Aziri. Curses Curse on hit makes your curses stronger and is really really really OP. It would've taken this ranger ages to manually cast x curses on a monster. The tricky part about this build is not getting crits with burning arrow. Flamability and Assasins mark give you reliable chances to ignite a boss or proliferate an insane burn from overkill. Assasins mark is your only means of acquiring power charges. Future curse: nr. 3 Enfeeble is needed to indirectly increase your evasion and lower incomming spell dmg. For normal play i would not substitute this for elemental weakness or Vulnerability. * Bloodlines 85. My damage is now completely over the top. Going to tweak for survival soon. planning: Enfeeble + Temp Chains + Damage increase curse. Damage curse will be Flamability if I can play without the mana gain on kill from assasin's mark. curse: nr. 4 Projectile weaness together with skill node king of the hill will give you protection against any monsters that wants to get close to you; knockback ftw. The pierce is good to be able to reach the totems behind the monsters. Alas pierce isn't that great for hardcore since your burning Arrow can now pierce 10 monsters offscreen and do too much elemental reflect to you. Mirrow Arrow Wohaa! what a great new skill. Decoy totem on roids, that needs no castspeed. So you got all the benefits of a decoy besides the Cheeky uses like: - setting of corpse explosion boxes - trigger frozen sky (bloodlines league champion mod) so it's on cooldown, etc etc. Link to increased duration for maximum effect. Pro tip: Use it as your radar. Mirrors shoot accurately offscreen, watch their fire, plan trajectory, let loose hell.
HC viability
Cruising to level level 81. Things going great. Most safety comes from knockback and hence super attack speed so monsters cant reach you before they dead. Chargers just get stunned mid air and drop down in puddles of flame. Since you always start off rotation with the cursing splitarrow they can hardly dodge all 7 arrows to make contact. And if they do , you most likely evade/dodge/block and after that you either kill or knock em back again. Knockback is also ideal for nemesis mobs with volatile explosions on death. Aziri is not safe with this build. Even more so with block nerf to Acrobatics for rumi's flask.
Mana Issues
Mana is an issue; split arrow is the only skill that gives mana leech. So you cannot spam burning arrow for the biggest ignite roll. Currenly fixed with 4%mana leech and abit of mana regen. I've taken "mana flows" near the duelist, for more fluent game play. its a blessing.
Current plans
- get +1 curse on amulet to add enfeeble - get a 6link chest
Atziri on bloodlines
Mistakes can be fatal. So this is running the gauntlet for real. - Went Triple curse: Enfeeble / Temporal chains / Flamability. Used windscream & Doedre's Damning. (I just couldn't get an amulet with +1 curse) Champion Packs: serious danger of nasty combo's. Clearing the passage ways was tediously slow when facing obelisk packs in choke points. Vaal Twin: Double Topaz flask equiped. Setup 2x Vaal lightning trap and a smoke mine to teleport from the first to the second. All went like a charm. Trio: Killed the machinegun demon bitch first. Had some difficulties of not killing the righteous fire dude. But managed to kill the whirlwinder on a good spot. Last boss kill was easy anough, he took the bait on any mirror / blink arrow decoy i put down. Atziri: Equiped an extra ruby instead of the jade flask. Had 2 life flasks of staunching. Died because of multiple reasons: - I went in "cold". ie i didnt not do a practice run before hand on standard to warm up. - I overestimated the effect of temporal chains, i thought i had more time to walk out of flameblasts. - I should not have blinked but just taken 2 steps into safety. - No lucky spell dodge - I thought i was in the clean. So I didnt bother to pot a ruby. (the one i used just ran out. used it to curse immune before curse on hit atziri) ******************************************************
Bloodlines 84
Bloodlines lvl 81
Will probably drop blink arrow for vaal grace. Typical Ranger problems are Strength and Intelligence. Those will limit your options in the skill tree. Currently looking for a 2+% Mana leech & additional curse amulet. I'd like to get 20% Enfeeble in my curse on hit chain. I do not have a Chinsol Unique Bow yet for the puncture weapon swap. Not sure if its viable in [1.3] but will try lateron. Level 81 tree still want to get rid of survivalist, but still nice for leveling on maps with elemental weaknes curse. Debating about -ballistic mastery & Revenge of the hunter [vs] -Reflexes & Hired killer & True strike ******************************************************
Bloodlines lvl 72
![]() Tool Bar: 1) movement 2) BurningArrow -swap- Puncture 3) split arrow curse 4) smokemine 5) vaal lightning trap. 6) Blink Arrow 7) Mirror Arrow Tooltips ![]() Defense 13.453 Eva (22.183 with Jade Flask) Acrobatics Ondar's Guile 4.494 Life resists: max and overcap 25+% to handle any elementalweakness map or sudden curse. chaosres: -60%-> chaos puddles are an issue atm. crit chances are without power charges / curse (3 max, thats like 12,3% extra crit chance with Harbinger, 10% from assasin mark = 22.3% extra crit chance. Will probably respec Rogue quest to 4 max power charges.) ![]() Level 72 tree with major int problems **********************************************************************
[1.2] Rampage lvl 93
This skills are mega user friendly. You only have 5 on your bar. 1) movement 2) BurningArrow -swap- Puncture 3) split arrow curse 4) smokemine 5) vaal lightning trap.
Defense 18k evasion Acrobatics Ondar's Guile 4.597 Life resists: max and overcap 40+% to handle any elementalweakness map or sudden curse. chaosres: -60%-> chaos puddles are an issue atm. crit chances are without power charges (4 max, thats like 36,6% extra crit chance with Harbinger) chance to hit: 90% BA: dmg: 36.3k dps 2474-5750 fire dmg 13-170 lightning dmg 8-12 chaos dmg aps: 2.6 crit chance: 54% crit multiplier: 597% Split Arrow Quad curse on hit: dmg: 5.2k dps aps: 2.4 crit chance:54% crit multiplier:374% Puncture: dmg: 4,9k dps 828-2390 phys dmg 232-596 fire dmg 9-125 light 9-13 chaos Trap throwspeed: 15% crit chance: 32% crit multiplier: 582% currently dropped Survivalist since i dont need overcapped resists for Atziri, and i took some life nodes @scion wheel. Life total 4,850 Why proliferate ignite? - Damage over time effects do not reflect - Great visibility, since all monsters with a tiny bit of damage are visible by their healthbar. - Dead monsters proliferating kill new monsters from a box or the ones you kite to your killing zone.
Absolutely NO #add cold dmg is allowed. Else you loose (frozen shatter) corpses that could otherwise proliferate burn. Last trouble was finding a good belt with strenght. Problem for this build was getting anough Str & Int on the gear.
old gear
How do you avoid physical reflect?
The burning arrow gem converts 50% physical to fire The quiver converts 50% physical to fire 50+50=100% converted. So you do zero physical damage with burning arrow. It is important to get a high roll Blackgleam so your immortalcall will not trigger on burningarrow physical reflect. Puncture is activated by a Trap. so will not reflect physical damage to your person. The only physical damage that can be reflected is from the split arrow gem linked to curse on hit. If you shoot while you have the blackgleam equiped, half is converted to fire. So it will be no big issue. Your immortalcall will trigger, so your second cursing split arrow will do no reflect.
How do you avoid elemental reflect?
Since you do a crazy amount of damage with burning arrow crits; ondar's guilde + 18k evasion is not anough. This ranger uses no elemental leech and has no vaal pact. With added Acrobatics it is still not anough and you can die with this softcore lifepool. From added blindness on monsters within the smoke of the gem smokemine you are safe though. Currently using to mitigate damage. Sometimes i shoot elemental reflect monsters offscreen. I will then instantly react to immortal call (best signal that sounds the alarm for any incomming damage) by activating these potions. After that i will either kill the reflecting rare with a puncture trap, or just kill him with splitarrow hence that elemental reflect is easily survivable. The nemesis for this build are monsters that don't die because of the immortal aura from a rare mob or a totem. If its a big pack you cannot shoot at them 3+ times in a row.
http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgIAm40ILu2DGY4AXtN-fXX-urvjxKLcFafU_siv6-965woKm3jr_MVnoId2Sn1W-nfXfyvWijB8UUeNvwW11CMwcd2oS3g6QsLstMVirJ2qbIw2PW1stUgGIx9BAx4WvyaVYeJVS4w28-oqC3BS3Q0s6RUgKk19W6xHUUzKSm-egwnxs0tXwOOcpIcTdwc_J0rIbqq18jWS2L3-j03jplcxniLiR-LQgVuvIXaGzsEzOdR29zH6oJ_nVCT9_96VBQiJmvFdaMqp-uuS815F7LCMC7l8jX0j9k2SkAo= next point will be profane chemistry life node. help oak kill (attack speed is nice too) help Alira (not really needed)
Off Skills
Vaal lightning Trap Shocked ground increases damage taken by 50% and will also make the monster take 50% more from the DoT. A very nice double dip. You can hoard up 3 uses unlike other vaal skills where you get only 1 shot at a boss. That means you can use your vaal skill much sooner in maps because you know you'll have one at the end. Note: lvl 1 gem has the same duration as a higher level one, and we're not interested in trap dmg. just the shock on the floor. SmokeMine Not only for opening boxes, also good versus Master Vagan and other nasty bosses that need to be blinded for evasion to work better. Not to mention elemental reflect :). Smokemine also provides nice movement at Aziri. Curses Curse on hit makes your curses stronger and is really really really OP. It would've taken this ranger ages to manually cast 4 curses on a monster. The tricky part about this build is not getting crits with burning arrow. Flamability and Assasins mark give you reliable chances to ignite a boss or proliferate an insane burn from overkill. Assasins mark is your only means of acquiring power charges. Projectile weaness together with skill node king of the hill will give you protection against any monsters that wants to get close to you; knockback ftw. The pierce is good to be able to reach the totems behind the monsters. Enfeeble is needed to indirectly increase your evasion and lower incomming spell dmg. For normal play i would not substitute this for elemental weakness or Vulnerability.
HC viability
defenitly viable. Substitue some damage nodes for more life. Current damage is completely over the top anyway. 4 life nodes are in direct reach still. I suggest you do not use pierce gems though. That would offset things I believe. Most safety comes from knockback and hence super attack speed so monsters cant reach you before they dead. Chargers just get stunned mid air and drop down in puddles of flame. Since you always start off rotation with the cursing splitarrow they can hardly dodge all 7 arrows to make contact. And if they do , you most likely evade/dodge/block and after that you either kill or knock em back again. Knockback is also ideal for nemesis mobs with volatile explosions on death. Aziri is not safe with this build. Even more so with block nerf to Acrobatics for rumi's flask.
Aziri Tweaking
Right now the mirror phase is the hardest. So im using vaal lighttrap in that phase. You can nicely place it when they are spawning. Depending heaviy on puncture and not burning arrow since i gotta move so much during the fight. Considering removing flamability for vulnerability curse in the aziri fight and adding another remove curse on a potion. With the puncture/vulnerability mode i dont use that much mana... and i can still BA without flamability for good effect. the healing zombies without gem swap no problem at all. When i get to Uber, probably gotta wear but i do not know what curse to drop. If it's all 1 shotting me anyway, can drop enfeeble. Aziri Flask setup is now: and instead of flamability
Mana Issues
Mana is an issue for aziri; split arrow is the only skill that gives mana leech. So you cannot spam burning arrow for the biggest ignite roll. You normally rely on leech and on mana on kill. On maps you don't have that problem since any map boss can die from a single crit puncture trap combined with vaal lightning trap. so possible solutions im thinking of are - Hybrid pot -skill node mana on hit - blackgleam <49% conversion currently trying out and it seems to be working fine.
Uber Aziri attempt Nr1
Trash mobs no problem at all. they went up in a puff of smoke. Vaal Twins: 1 dude got crit hard, the other went underground.. so i had to kill a turbo 75% health vaal. Bad news. Lost 4 portals. Aziri Trio: killed titty, then whirl, all like a charm. Then died from ground puddles. Swapped vulnerability for Flamability. Cleared trash then I died again from vulnerability curse on me. Puncture critted last remaining boss. no more portals left. Aziri time: Died from a single quick flameblast, i'd normally be able to survive that one. Too bad no more portals, need more uber aziri training. Was not wearing aziri's step. I had my resists still overcapped for high map running, so i probably gotta change that.
Uber Aziri attempt Nr2
Died 1x at Vaal twins Died 1x at Trio Failed to kill Aziri, had 2 DC's and bad mistakes. so I run out of tp's.
Ripped my Bow
wanted to reroll it, then i got so got my self a new DoT ranger project :) @Minstrelshadrak Last edited by MinstrelShadrak#5606 on May 18, 2015, 7:59:11 AM
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Since burning arrow has a low mana cost, do you have enough unreserved mana to use one mana potion?
Or take out faster attacks and use blood magic? Or mana leech? <3 Free Tibet <3 Last edited by Opinionated#4840 on Oct 14, 2014, 6:53:51 PM
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" 194/572 mana Yes a hybrid potion is defenitly an option. Since with all the life recovery nodes you can lower the life from the potion abit. " I really dont want to take out faster attacks though. Not anough life regen for bloodmagic, and mana leech would cost more dps then 4 skill nodes to get the key skill node Revelry (mana on hit) @Minstrelshadrak
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added a vid of Atziri,
sorry for the bad quality; still pretty noob at the vid stuff @Minstrelshadrak Last edited by MinstrelShadrak#5606 on Oct 21, 2014, 8:13:38 AM
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"Hello guys, I have the best stuff on serv' and with pretty much every bow skill i can do Atziri, but here is my AWESOME Smokin' build that I absolutly need to share with the POE world."
Ok so what ? I don't consider this a build, but much more a useless show off without any constructed build behind. But nice items. GG ign : Orbist_Lightning
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" There is a tree, required gear, gem setup guide. Are you a critic by chance? Another quality ZAP! post.
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hey, interesting build, I have a pretty similar build... The only thing I am confused about is: why ain't you using ele Prolif? sure HoA prolifs the overkill but not the shock (which you could easily get with some lightning dmg)+ i think the direct proliferation will give you a bigger and more reliable Burn.
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Hey thx interest,
" I've used prolif on the BurningArrow. Even in combination with prolif on HoA. Trash was kinda never a problem so I could remove either one. So after a while i choose to remove the Prolif off the BA, to free up a gem slot in the chain. I got abit of lightning dmg that could shock, but only works on small mobs, and those arent a problem. edit: Dont get me wrong, i'd love to get something like 5-300 lightning dmg on gear to shock with.. i simply dont have it. @Minstrelshadrak Last edited by MinstrelShadrak#5606 on Oct 21, 2014, 3:06:05 PM
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remaking the build in bloodlines league
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currently level 82, and burning end game to ashes.
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