[Beyond] K19's CI Crit Ice Spear - Perma Freeze Bosses (10k+ ES)
" Yawn, people who can't explain their opinion generally haven't thought it through enough to deserve anyone taking them seriously. Haters gunna hate, Trolls gunna troll. IGN - Kinespear
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" Yes. Currently level 73 with it. It's very strong solo and absolutely ridiculous in a party. IGN: Dmillz Last edited by Dmillz#6641 on Oct 22, 2014, 8:19:36 PM
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So apparently Herald of thunder's added lightning damage CAN shock, its just the on death effect that can't.
I will work on adjusting this to fit with the Berek's grip version (also, running herald of thunder instead of herald of ice will possibly make solo clearing faster for non Berek's Grip users - 50% more damage from the shocks) May need to get 1-2 more mana nodes etc. Will update this evening. May include some useful support gems for herald of thunder. IGN - Kinespear
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This is so crazy close to what my build is that has been maintained throughout poe since beta on YouTube. But I prefer freezing pulse as my main skill and ice spear on my totem but it perma freezes with proliferation.
IGN CrackaQueen
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Obviously i am a huge noob for not paying attention and ripping my icespear witch to beyond t3, but i would like to share my opinion on this BotW anyway.
I don't really see the point in putting points towards %freeze if you run a crit icespear setup with spell echo and or faster cast - you could easily use an Asenath's Gentle Touch (lvl 1 temporal chains on hit) for the same perma freeze effect. To gain additional curses you can put point's towards the node on the tree or simply use Doedre's Damning Paua Ring or Windscream Reinforced Greaves, which reenables you to use assasin's mark and/or frostbite curses (+enfeeble for ultra faceroll). Asenath's Gentle Touch alone will basically allow you to perma freeze, due to your ultra high echo crit ice spear castspeed and even if you do not freeze every once in a while, the temporal chain + chill will basically render mobs powerless. Have you ever seen a truely chilled and temporal chained beyond archer? They don't even shoot, and neither do they hit you if they actually shoot and you are smart enough to sidestep. (1 super slow barrage projectile per minute?) Yes you can easily run several lowlvl uniques up to merciless and even safely on maps, if the rest of your gear is half decent. Yes you will dislike the 'monsters can not be cursed' mod on maps and obviously curse immune bosses, but you can still freeze and chill them - the effect will just not stay on them as long. But then again, if you heavily depend on assasin's mark and frostbite for damage dealing/freezing, you won't run the mapmod anyway and be extra careful with curse immune bosses (repeat: you will still freeze/chill them easily with echoing castrates). Regarding group play: your dmg/freeze effectiveness will heavily suffer if you do not get to apply your curses, thus you either don't group when your frostbite/assasin's isn't apreciated or your perma freeze ability won't play a big role anyway. IF you are applying curses you can also use asenath's (+multicurse) and noone will mind, your group might actually enjoy the sillyness of chill+temporal chains. Best Regards, sophtFX Last edited by fensterlos#5523 on Oct 23, 2014, 5:48:23 PM
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" GGG made a mistake when they said that I specifically specced into %chance freeze nodes. the only ones I'm specced into are the one that are either on route to another better node, or ones that also provide freeze duration. the belt is also ONLY for the 1% leech, and has nothing to do with freeze chance. Just because something is temp chained, does not mean you can perma freeze it, maligaro's are the best gloves for this build, end of discussion, because if I want a monster temp chained I can cast a 20/20 one myself - rather than a lvl 10/0 from gloves (of course temp chains on hit maligaro's corruption would be amazing) we are trying to freeze everything, so things like palace dominus require temp chains + frostbites/ele weakness ALONG with crazy damage to permanently freeze, temp chains gloves aren't going to make a difference if you have a party member with tri/quad curse. This build is DESIGNED for group play, freeze duration is based off 1 player HP so the same freeze is applied whether you are solo or in a 6 man group. also you get people running Haste aura/vaal haste and people casting multiple curses. I've considered using multiple curse items/nodes - but what happens if you are perma freezing 77/78 bosses on a dangerous map, and you have to stop firing to cast frostbite/ele weakness? oh yeah, its not frozen anymore, if you are in any half decent party, it will be someone's job to multicurse/MF/aura bot, and they will do a better job than the person who is meant to be freezing using temp chains gloves. Also, Assasin's mark/Ele weakness are the first 2 curses any party will use, especially if they know everything will be frozen. I don't rely on curses though, but I clear maps faster when I use them - so why not? Thanks for the input though. IGN - Kinespear
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" Yes you are totally right k19. I haven't made this clear, my thoughts were actually not directed towards you or the experienced end-game groupers, but to all the players who aren't successful with their own builds and therefore tend to copy BotW's thinking this will finally enable them - even though it isn't neccessarily the build that makes them struggle. That's why i was speaking about midlevel range and early mapping with budget lowlvl uniques. Kudos to you k19, for showcasing an icespear build with great synergies for endgame groups. Best regards, sophtFX Last edited by fensterlos#5523 on Oct 23, 2014, 5:04:01 PM
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" I'll have a look over the next few days at adding some more detail for leveling up/gear transition, hopefully this will help people when starting maps. Thanks again IGN - Kinespear
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This is actually amazing, my witch is my first char I've had here, and the build I've been doing was purely my own invention, ridiculously close to yours though. I've always disliked freezing pulse due to the smaller range and preffered ice spear.
I'd appreciate it very much if you gave your thoughts, lvl 77 witch on standard league, my talents:
Note that I haven't been able to reach a 5-6l yet, due to lack of resources, this is my first char and unfortunately I can't be that picky about gear. Currently biggest problem is lack of life leech (and thus Ghost Reaver) because of no Doriany's or 6l to use a gem :/ Thats the next goal though. Running on about 6.3k ES atm. Using cold to fire for both cold resistance maps and to make the most out of the sockets w/o wasting orbs :) Any possible tips are welcome! I kept hearing how people underestimate this build and say its practically unviable, and it makes me very happy to see your guide, thanks! P.S. To explain the spell/decoy totem and raise spectre, I've been using those as tanks mostly for the time being, until I get better gear :) Last edited by Evangela#7079 on Oct 24, 2014, 5:19:16 PM
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" Wow k19, i think, with the planned optimizations to your skill guide you will be spot on! " Looking forward to the upcomming edit! Best Regards, sophtFX Last edited by fensterlos#5523 on Oct 25, 2014, 2:38:51 AM
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