2.3 Fakener (budget fake Mjölner) build - Trickster Version
Maybe is a noob´s question but...how can we calculate AVG media of damage? (or DPS)...
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" Everything should be pretty affordable these days. You probably only need a 4L Voll to get started but you'd ideally want a 5L pretty soon. Aside from that you just want a lightning doryani of any quality and a crit/attack speed dagger. Rat's nest too and some random rare gear everywhere else. Shouldn't be more than a few exalts to get a solid base going. " Could be ok. As someone said you'd probably have to kill off EE so we'll have to wait and see if it's worth doing. Unlikely, but who knows. A list of all my builds and guides - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1099189
Twitch.tv/Mathil1 streaming daily |
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Im curious do you get enough life leech from just the 2% leech from lightning damage or are you relying on your pots?
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Hi everybody, I'm playing this build in the Beyond League I just wanted to share my thoughts on the build.
So far I just want to say this build is really fun to play and I'm really enjoying it at the moment. I'm lvl 78 right now and having a lot of success in low level mapping. I did make a couple of alterations to the passive tree to make it more HC viable though, this is the tree I'm shooting for. https://poebuilder.com/character/AAAAAgYAl5dFfLQ4-_XlGYw2YeJVSxa_JpWkkROeXfJ-M3BSidNw1WyMnao2PWKs1CMFtcLstMX_3iT951RRR42_1op_KzB8TZIj9o19mhNwVpAbEZYOSNvUdweHE5ykb57KSsM6m7VTNQ-rgwl9W6xHUUxKyD8nKk218m6q2L01kocZbBb8SyftxPY8Lcautz7-Cqyq5c-SfZhvWfMUTfAfxYqvbEz_ogB-vZf-wONLV_Gzp4SQVcAaGjhjQ-OEKU_sOIV9gpsEs_JFOuGmV03j_o86Qkt43agwcaluKjg= Basically what I did was drop EE since without Voll's Devotion it's pretty useless, and takes too many skill points to aquire, aquire all nearby life nodes to prevent getting one-shotted by physical attacks, and grab Vaal Pact to aid in survivability. From 1-60 I used Arc-Spell Echo-Faster Casting on a +1 lightning gem wand until I acquired most of the crit nodes near the shadow tree. After which I picked up a Rat's Nest and non-linked Voll's and relied soly on Surgeon flasks to keep my sustain up. One thing that really helped my survivability was having an extra CWDT linked with Enfeeble, it's insanely good at preventing further damage after those big hits. The biggest things to worry about are when there's a combination of large physical damage, and chaos damage, which unfortunately you'll occur a lot due to the Beyond mobs, so having flask charges up, a large life pool, and the cwdt-ic-id-ec link are your best defenses. Oh, and as for mob pack clearing, I've had a lot of success with poacher's mark, due to my low accuracy. I only recently aquired my 5L Voll's, so now, with life leech, I feel pretty confident to tackle 70 and 71. So I definitely think that this build is HC viable with the right play and I encourage other HC players to try this build. Last edited by TheMikeMan#3002 on Oct 20, 2014, 11:31:05 PM
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" Fire/cold damage on your gear will proc EE for you. Mathil is using Ice Nova to proc it. Last edited by KBdark#4580 on Oct 21, 2014, 12:30:35 AM
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That's true, I forgot about that, in that case yeah, you'd definitely get a huge DPS increase from it, but I'd still opt not to get it just for the amount of points needed. That's just me though.
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" Both. Light leech helps mitigate cyclone cast cost most of the time and also helps survive when you're dealing lots of lightning damage to many things. Flasks usually help cover any big hits you take. Put up another video. Demo of 77 map clear with 6 player party A list of all my builds and guides - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1099189
Twitch.tv/Mathil1 streaming daily |
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" Herald of Thunder will sadly not be compatibile. Since it adds lightning damage to your spells AS WELL as attacks, it will be activating EE against your Discharge on every hit. I am more excited about CoC lightning tendril depending on how the skill works. Last edited by Blood_Sail#2593 on Oct 21, 2014, 6:02:29 PM
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So I managed to walk into a zana onslaught map with about 20 agate amulets (bought from vendors and gotten from drops outside of the onslaught map), and about 2-3ex worth of scours and a couple hundred chances...and I walked out with this:
Just wanted to let my fellow fakener players know that it is possible to chance outside agates in an onslaught map to get it. So try it out and maybe you'll get lucky and save yourself ~45ex at current rampage prices. Next stop for me is the 6L voll's protector and I'll be pretty close to Mathil's ideal gear setup, it's going to be amazing. I don't know how I'll ever play another spec after this one, it's too damn good. Anyway, good luck! 20 degrees outside but toasty in the tunnel
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" That's amazing. It would have made more sense to me that Agate amulets dropped from inside the map would be chancable into the legacy uniques. Wouldn't have guessed this outcome but grats and well done. A list of all my builds and guides - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1099189
Twitch.tv/Mathil1 streaming daily |
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