2.3 Fakener (budget fake Mjölner) build - Trickster Version
Is it really that essential that the weapon is an Ambusher? Because I tried Cycloning around with a fast weapon and a slower one and the difference didn't seem that big. You also reach the 95% crit cap much easier with something like a Platinum Kris.
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This build is disgusting; everything just melts like butter. Once I switched to EE and bought a bunch of Accuracy pieces... my god. I never realized how much of a different it makes. I went from 79% accuracy to 90% (only at level 77) and the difference was unreal. Critting almost twice as often. My crit rate is at about 70% without power charges but it seems to be more than enough. I still need to pickup the Heartseeker cluster, and my rings aren't diamonds so I can get some more crit rate there, but 70% is a good sweet spot unbuffed. Tempted to just go for Depth Perception or Acuity instead.
Crafted this mid ranged Ambusher: Alted and got the spell damage and crit, figured good enough for now. Yolo Regal'd and luckily (for once) got the attack speed. Thinking of just crafting spell critical strike chance on it, then once I get Cata to 6, put lightning leech on it. Unsure though. Level 77 gear:
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" Cyclone only takes 1 gem slot and attack super fast giving you many fast crits. That's the reason for using it over any other skill. " It does, when you discharge your lightning damage procs EE and things become lightning resistant but before it gets a chance to hit again typically either ice nova or the ele damage from your weapon on cyclone will trigger it back to being weak to lightning again. This gives just about every 1 of your discharges a nice -res boost. " Same gems as you see in the gear section, nothing changed. I have crit most places I can get it and yes levels do help because it allows you to fill out crit in our passive tree. " To get one just like mine is fairly tough, yea. High spell damage rolls on daggers are pretty rare so to get the right alt/aug/regal is rather costly. If you want one with spell damage and all the good stuff you're probably better off buying one. If you just want a base dagger there's nothing wrong with alting a dagger into t1 attack speed or crit and regaling/crafting the rest at a master. " It's a pretty big deal, yes. You don't really need to reach the crit cap easier for starters because with the right setup you'll hit it fairly easily with an Ambusher. Other than that, even though it may feel really good still that's only because the build is OPOP. If you take your speed down from 2.0 to 1.5 then you'll for sure be proccing 25% less. Up to you if that matters or not. A list of all my builds and guides - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1099189
Twitch.tv/Mathil1 streaming daily |
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" Pretty much. I may include a warning in the OP that after playing this you'll ruin the game for yourself because nothing will be as good or easy ever again. A list of all my builds and guides - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1099189
Twitch.tv/Mathil1 streaming daily |
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" You can find daggers like this on poe.trade pretty easily. Only cost 2 chaos and works with the build just fine. It's a great starting dagger till you can afford a better one. IMO crafting your own is too expensive. A glyphic (max spell damage roll) MAGIC ambusher costs 3ex on poe.trade because of how rare it is to roll. Last edited by Darkith1546#6161 on Oct 9, 2014, 4:24:37 PM
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" Are diamond rings not necessary? I know it's hard to get accuracy life and res on a diamond ring and I want to know if it's worth getting them on diamond rings or just settle for normal rings with life/accuracy/res. |
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" Thanks for the answer, for sure cyclone is very good, but concidering you hit only one target, and frenzy gives you a frenzy charge per hit which could be discharged, and you also get some attackspeed, it should be something to at least try out; one frenzy charge per hit to me sounds like a huge damage bonus. for trash and packs of course you would cyclone, but for hitting a boss that waits in his room alone, frenzy could be something to switch into. RIP King of the Forest view-thread/1738625
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hey guys im having a ball with this build since i got my crit chance up more but reflect is doing my head in im only lvl 54 but how do i fix the reflect part?
thx in advance |
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I'am 85lv with this build,ele reflect is also one shot to me, so I pick up VP for 2 passive point, and
use life leech(I am 6L voll's), I think it is a good way to deal this problem. |
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" Diamond ring increases your crit chance by a decent amount. 2x diamond ring + crit chance on amulet can give you about 10% more, which is crucial for CoC build. But if u have a high crit dagger 9% base then skipping diamond ring won't be too much problematic. In any case, I would prioritize accuracy rating. It's important to have about 85% or higher chance to hit. |
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