2.3 Fakener (budget fake Mjölner) build - Trickster Version

yup I am also confused from EE since according to wiki "If you hit an enemy with two different elements at the same time it will give -50% Resistance to third element and +25% to both elements used. A hit carrying all three elements types will give +25% to all elemental Resistances." so if I am correct if you do use discharge+ice nova = all 3 elements if your enduring cry proced ending in +25% to all resistance or am I missing somenthing? :) thx for answer btw started building this up and it looks fun so far at level 40 xD
They may proc at the same time but they don't really hit at the same time. They're somewhat staggered and alternate.
A list of all my builds and guides - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1099189
Twitch.tv/Mathil1 streaming daily
About EE for Ice nova and Discharge.

From wiki, "In case of multiple spells linked to one attack skill this support will roll its chance to cast for each spell separately, so it's possible to cast either one of them, both, or none."

Whenever your cyclone hits critical, there are four possible cases.
1. Ice nova and Discharge are casted at the same time --> Mobs gain +25% Ice and Lightning and -50% Fire resists (worst)
2-1. Only Ice nova is casted --> Mobs gain +25% Ice, and -50% Lightning and Fire resists
2-2. Only Discharge is casted --> Mobs gain +25% Lightning, and -50% Ice and Fire resists
3. None is casted --> Mobs gain nothing

Let's say level 20 CoC has 70% change to cast (actually 68%).
Case 1 happens 0.7 * 0.7 = 0.49 ==> about 50%
Case 2-1 happens 0.7 * 0.3 = 0.21 ==> about 20%
Case 2-2 happens 0.7 * 0.3 = 0.21 ==> about 20%
Cast 3 happens 0.3 * 0.3 = 0.09 ==> about 10%

To maximize EE efficience, case 2-1 and case 2-1 should happen alternatively, but the possibility of the best case (2-1 and then 2-2 or 2-2 and then 2-1) seems too small (0.2 * 0.2 + 0.2 * 0.2 = 8%).

Maybe dropping ice nova (and add lightning pen or IAE or Inc crit dmg, etc.), and using flat elemental (fire or ice) damage on gear or using herald of ice/ash might be better for utilizing EE most since they guarantee that mobs have -50% lightning resist when Discharge is casted.

p.s.) Sorry about my bad English.
Mathil wrote:
They may proc at the same time but they don't really hit at the same time. They're somewhat staggered and alternate.

This is what I observed. Discharge seems to damage its area instantly, but Ice nova travels relatively slowly from the character to the edge of its area. The closest mobs may gain +25% ice/lightning resists but we can utilize EE for the most of mobs.
b0moodc wrote:
Darkith1546 wrote:
b0moodc wrote:
3 aps and 52% crit chance without charges (71% with 4). Clearing ledge is a breeze :)

If you pick up EE that dagger will make mobs resistant to lightning. Just a heads up.

I know how it works and no, it doesn't make mobs resistant.

As far as I tested with my flat fire dmg dagger, cyclone attack with fire dmg proc EE. Please refer to Example section, especially Cleave case, of wiki (http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Elemental_Equilibrium)
Seriously, watch my last video about the fracture map. I talk about lightning pen/ice nova and EE. I interchange all the time and can hardly tell a difference. Ice nova feels better for clearing usually because it a) freezes/slows everything and b) gives extra power charges due to also causing crits thus more damage and c) has a larger EE range because it hits further than cyclone would.

On strict single target swapping ice nova for light pen feels a bit better, maybe. It's still hard to tell.
A list of all my builds and guides - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1099189
Twitch.tv/Mathil1 streaming daily
Last edited by Mathil#3128 on Sep 30, 2014, 9:07:43 AM
I've been thinking about single target EE and I'm wondering if Firestorm would be better. You lose the slow/chill, but firestorm has a chance to hit a single target more than once (more power charges) and will still proc EE. The downside might be that firestorm will hit "late" but if it's a boss and you need to hit more than once anyway, it should work out.
Lol. RIP 5L Voll's Protectors on Rampage. Last Wednesday there were over 30 for Sale. Now it's down to 8 with about half of the remaining sellers offline for over a week.

My take so far:
This build is super fun, especially when the crits start rolling in. It seems to do less damage than Facebreaker Cyclone I was making until I saw this post. At equivalent levels it does about 1/3 of Facebreakers, although I am only level 47. (Cast on Crit not factored into tooltip I believe as well)

Only issue I have at the moment is sometimes I get streaks of no crits (only about 25% without charges, working on getting the dagger crit nodes) and makes me question if I'm desyncing. I also barely do any damage if I'm not critting those spells or missing. The misses are real; Where are the accuracy flasks at?

Crest of Perandus is amazing for leveling.

Actually using this build at a lower level and it works for the most part, except against some Exiles and Corrupted Bosses.

Found this after a fail Vaal strongbox.

Good daggers are super super expensive I'm finding out.

However, Seems to work as long as my cyclone procs Ice Nova before Discharge, although to be honest I cannot really tell..

My questions:
Do you think I should spec out of EE until I get a different dagger or should I just rely on the proc of Ice Nova before Discharge? If I do spec out, should I just replace Ice Nova with Lightning Pen or Arc (like the original build) in the mean time? Which stat on the dagger would be the most important ones; crit? Like what order should I prioritize? Crit-> spell damage -> Attack speed?

Current garbage gear if anyone cares. Surprisingly works. I just reached Merciless last night, so I will be replacing a lot of gear with ones that actually have resistances and are level appropriate as I near the 50's.
Level 47
Last edited by Blood_Sail#2593 on Sep 30, 2014, 11:56:35 AM
My questions:
Do you think I should spec out of EE until I get a different dagger or should I just rely on the proc of Ice Nova before Discharge? If I do spec out, should I just replace Ice Nova with Lightning Pen or Arc (like the original build) in the mean time? Which stat on the dagger would be the most important ones; crit? Like what order should I prioritize? Crit-> spell damage -> Attack speed?

Easy to answer imo.

You DONT need EE until late into the game that means 72++ maps. So specc out of it and get the crit nodes. I leveled with this specc and got Nightstalker first then the defensive ones ONdars and Acrobatics. After that I went into the templar area and went for all the crit nodes working my way up to the Powercharge. Currently am lvl 68 and everything is melting.

Dagger stats should be prioritized like this: 8%+ crit AND 1.8+ AS after that get spelldmg and lightning leech.

A Budget dagger should have 8+ crit and 1.5+ AS those ones arent that expensive and suffice for the early maps..

But you can actually jsut buy a ilvl 79 ambusher, then alt it until you get good rolls. Might take some time but is the cheapest way to get a good dagger right now.
I am having a lot of fun with this, currently lvl 75 and i specced into it at around level 68 ( because doryanis, but i think i couldve switched earlier easy). And it works pretty well.

I am not using EE at all, i just run herald of ice and all the crit nodes. My 5L is setup with arc&dis.
The result is many, many crits and usually shattering of all the enemies. Have done a few 70 maps already and some 72s easy.

I prioritized crit chance and crit chance attack speed on my dagger. Getting those crit and charges up all the time is really the main thing. Even a 1.5 aps dagger with 9% crit chance is better early on then a 2 aps one with 7% crit. You want at least 68-70% crit on cyclone before power charges before this build really starts to flow.

On gear capped res and a lot life helps a lot. You need as much life there as you can. Starting maps with 2800 life was not good. It worked but just barely. At 3300 life with better rings i had no trouble whatsoever. Getting accuracy on something also is a game changer. You hit more, you crit more, you discharge more, you leech more, everything just works better.
I ran around a little while with 4L cyc+coc+arc+bm, that was also fine. Slower but more controllable.
Getting a cwdt setup as soon as possible also helps a whole bunch.

For leveling you can easily do an arc 3 or 4 link setup. Arc+Emp+mana leech in a +2 scepter works well with the assassins curse. With the mana leech you can also use the volls and gain power charges earlier getting a bit more dps out of arc. And you never ever run out of mana. Otherwise i would wear some other chest because you will have trouble sustaining arc. Getting the life flask nodes near ondar should be a priority, helps a lot early on.

For Single target in the offhand searing bond on searing touch staff. I just specced both fire and lightning damage nodes and specced out fire later. For leveling i went life and ondar/acrobatics then the route tree nodes first. Then at around 50 you want to get all the crit you can get and the charges. i still dont have either EE or the area and life nodes near templar.
And it feels like i can grab those now and the thing already works.

I did an EE map and honestly i cant say, it felt good. 5 points good? Hmm. Maybe a bit faster. I think it will be worth it in higher level maps for sure, where mobs have more resists. I already noticed with blue packs. But just curseing them would prolly work pretty well too.

Anyway hope everyones having as much fun with this as i am :D its really a enjoyable thing to play.
If it only wouldnt bake my potato pc :D
Last edited by marvtobi#3024 on Sep 30, 2014, 6:32:02 PM

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