RaizQT's budget RF incinerator (Atziri killer build) 2.0 UPDATED!

Pes_Planus wrote:
j33bus wrote:

The way leech works is that you leech the amount, and it recovers at a rate of 20% of your maximum life per second, so even with 1% of the small hits it's going to hit constantly and translate into 20% life regen per second while using incinerate.

The reason for asking was that i thought that leech doesn't stack. So I'd only leech 1% per hit (regardless how many enemies are hit). So I thought if the hits are quite small, 1% leech wouldn't really be that much...

So leech no longer stacks, but the highest rate goes first and so forth, but everything is going to leech at the same rate for you, so what's going to happen is you're going to regen 20% of your life while attach because incinerate is hitting constantly, but it will have no effect pretty much immediately after you stop casting.
Last edited by j33bus#3399 on Oct 14, 2014, 12:45:03 PM
Cool thanks j33bus. Will turn the wand into baby doryani tonight then :D
"Fixing the endgame was hard - No matter how hard we buffed red maps, people would keep spamming Gorges.
So we turned Gorge into a red map"
Bioman1000 wrote:

Fire pen would gives us more damage against fire resistant targets but not that much, which is why I chose to go iron will because the damage applies to every target instead of just fire res mobs.

fire pen applies to every target. additionally it's multiplicative in it's damage.

HeaT1 wrote:
Bioman1000 wrote:

Fire pen would gives us more damage against fire resistant targets but not that much, which is why I chose to go iron will because the damage applies to every target instead of just fire res mobs.

fire pen applies to every target. additionally it's multiplicative in it's damage.


Oh. Nevermind then, positively thought it only applied if mobs had positive fire res.
Might have to switch back then. Or get a 6L :D

Thanks for info!
Pes_Planus wrote:
Pyrelord wrote:
in the BOTW video i heard you can do this build without necessarily using Rise of the phoenix,anyone care to explain

I think that was just a mistake on Chris' part. I think what raiz meant was that you can use Lifesprig as a cheap wand. Chris probably read Springleaf.

That being said, you can run RF using springleaf on low life - that's what a lot of people did back in closed beta (the famous low-life sporkers).

Ahh, those were the days... (open beta too)
IGN Ken__Kaniff
Last edited by Knightmare101#0485 on Oct 14, 2014, 1:49:15 PM
I have to say that I am enjoying this build allot. Although I've switched it around and am going as a witch. So far to get the life regeneration needed I'm looking at 81 before I can fully support rf though. If y'all would like I can post my gear and tree to see what y'all think
The past is a ghost that haunts you from the moment it exists, until the moment you do not.
just respoc to your build 109 passives
zzzzzz sooooooooo GG
was like 40 sec atziri kill and trio bosses are joke now

100 life and mana on kill with atziri chest is nice addition
IGN: Cheap

The unending pain has left me strangely wretched
At one intoxicating glance, I lost my faith to you
My life is now a tale of the past Spent, sacrificed at the alter of the deity - you!
I dont even know how do you sustain AA + empower + inner force and still having mana for cloak of defiance.............
Im at 65 and cant run at least lvl 14 AA lol
Last edited by Resurgere#2686 on Oct 14, 2014, 10:32:16 PM
Tyoll wrote:
Hey so...Some scrubcore rampage player here, bored of the OpieOP LL ST builds and TS ranger variations.
+ My somewhat terrible internet disallows me from doing uber due to desync (My only problem is for example: Running away from flameblast on High MS ranger with Quicksilver flask > half screen away still get hit which kills me on uber), normal is fine but I must go further.

If your not interested in health I would suggest dropping the health nodes at Athleticism and picking up the fire nodes up at Heart of flame

Tree 109 points


I think i might run a similar build

Ah yes this looks better, it's only dropping a bit more life, gaining nice damage. and any levels afterwards could be gained easily for more life in the random 5/6% nodes that have been removed to reduce the level of the tree when you get bored of atziri and feel like going for some more leves =P Problem may be the buff from it giving 1% fire res may be better it's hard to say if it's needed or not

Also not sure if it's been answered (saw a post couple pages back), Fire Pen will penetrate any resistance, to the point of even going negative res on a mob
Last edited by Malum95#3190 on Oct 15, 2014, 2:43:00 AM
Just started a new character using this build. Feels pretty tanky so far.

A few questions, though. How the hell are you using lmp/gmp? Do you have to have dex on gear? Edit: apparently this has been asked multiple times before. Just gotta get dex on gear, I guess.

You said to level with lmp and added chaos. When should you switch over to gmp and faster casting?
Last edited by Clerith#0368 on Oct 15, 2014, 5:35:48 AM

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