[3.10] Sovyn's Lazy Pally - Tanky Templar with Max Block
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Last edited by Sovyn#2637 on Dec 15, 2014, 4:49:42 PM
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Updated to your last version (duelist) with thousand teeth temu, dropped grace, still missing some points to get to almost max block (don't have a corrupted lahzwar), but played a bit and it feels great, I added reckoning with curse on hit and blind and so far is great.
One thing I might try, is taking out Resolute Technique and see how it goes, not sure if 85% chance to hit is too low for a measly 5-6% to crit (though those would freeze monsters), but after getting the nodes leading to Slashing comeback it might be better, I'll see Great update as always. |
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" Glad you are enjoying :) Block will cap out after a few levels and upgrades, np. Very playable with what you have going there. I think I have around 70% to 75% chance to hit without RT, pretty much required. It gets worse the higher level you are. |
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Actually, ha! I missed selecting RT, so I was playing without it, hehe
I changed some skill points around, took out inner force, and went first for slashing comeback, so I am at 73% (4% block instead of 1%), next 4 levels I'll get inner force I ended up adding RT back, freezes were mostly unnoticeable, but misses weren't, so I preferred the consistency. |
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" RT used to be an even bigger deal in prior patches where mana cost of skills was higher and we were running two 60% auras. Now, with a 60% and two 25% buffs and lower mana cost of skills, mana leeching every hit is not quite as critical as I have a lot more free mana than in the past. Of course, RT is the best "damage node" for us on the tree. :) (looking strictly at the damage boost when taking it! I think I got 3000 dps from taking it and that was before I took many more damage nodes, so it's more actually.) Last edited by Sovyn#2637 on Dec 15, 2014, 8:14:17 PM
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I have been planning a max block lightning strike templar since I started playing. and having finally gotten the uniques I require, they made max block difficult to achieve. Anyway, my current plan is to use static strike, tempest shield and herald of thunder. Uniques will be aegis aurora, rainbowstride and the anvil. Doryani catalyst for the weapon if I can get the currency. I have tried to get some crit chance (to shock), but I am spread so thin getting block nodes that I get hardly any armour and ES nodes, I estimate I will have 5000 armour, so 100 ES on block (2% aurora), and 700 ES in total, maybe a bit more. I will have 77% block total, but only 18% spell block. Is this viable, or is aegis aurora build only for wealthy players? I will also need to get about 70 intelligence on my gear to use HoT.
https://poebuilder.com/character/AAAAAgUATwSb7Irkr2xo8kz_8B88LaIAd-PE9saurj49D3Kptz5nmySL9zL-CuRRBjnYvVBH-6rAGjWS7w7zBho4tfIUIFFgkFVuql8_SsgaPj8nfuIqTXk5FSDRNizpCTPK0-IsGbS-p2VNvTbvekd-035AoITZeK7Avy_MSO6plcGCG6094gz3rK9xhUbXsUKYb9wjkn3lz-nVns2nMJ_Lr6f2o01GYuyE73TtJ9VgS14TtzGMdtq58xHhc-0ggpvsOCcvKU_kIuzLT_MTzGn-xBUyThuXBS0= any advice appreciated. |
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" Thanks, this was really informative! So this is what I've ended up with, I'm going to try going Ondar's instead of US+IR, hopefully it will work. It's basically your build with a few modifications. I suspect Inner Force may not be worth it for me. clicky One last question: with only +30 int, will I have enough int to equip items? I'd be intersted to know what you think is the place to stop with int gems, for example Curse On Hit, Tempest Shield. I'm wary of upgrading the gems too far and then being unable to use them later on. Oh and do you think Unyielding (-20% extra damage from crits) is at all useful? I just bought a Rainbowstride and I'm 1 int short of being able to equip it, haha. Last edited by Yosharian#5995 on Dec 16, 2014, 1:32:55 PM
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" Hi el_indio, I don't know for sure as I'm still in early experimentation with the gem but I think physical damage nodes are better for static strike than elemental nodes. So the default build should be fine for static strike. Might want to take amplify a little earlier is all. On the build link you proposed, I don't see how you can max block cheaply, not 77 at least. You are showing 29 from tree, 32 from shield, 8 from anvil, 4 from TS. Maybe with legacy 2% corrupted anvil, but that's expensive. Also, get rid of unwavering stance and disemboweling and get resolute technique instead, you'll be much better off. I assume herald of ash, which we use in the build, would be better than herald of thunder. Basically just use the default build but swap static instead of reave -- just IMO. |
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" Looks ok, BUT you won't be shocking much as you have resolute technique (and you don't want to remove it, trust me) and no free points to spec crit. You want Retaliation and Amplify instead of the shock stuff. Here you are, same points, just better. Unyielding is fine, but for the armour, the -damage from crits is weaker than it sounds. Reading material. TL;DR they say 20% but they really mean 4%. |
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Currently experimenting with static strike as are most people I'm sure, remains to be seen if it's better than reave and with what supports. Obviously it won't beat my currently 30,000 DPS reave on the tooltip, which makes things harder to tell. Both skills mow through the library, archives, etc., in Merciless, that's not good enough to tell anything, I should get back into high end mapping but need replacement rings for re-balancing resists first. Update on this later.
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