[1.2.1] FishermensFriend (Low life, burning melee build with Zombies)
Please note, that this build is still under development, so those trees, skill constellations and suggested items are subject to change! Since I am still in the leveling process at the moment, I cannot yet tell which route works best. Please bear with me and wait for some updates.
![]() Hello there , fellow fishermen. Wether you like herring or shrimp the most doesn't matter right now. What matters is, that all of them have to be cooked. That's what I and my undead fish heavers are here for. So let me explain to you, how you can contribute to the wellbeing of Wraeclast's citizens by roasting fine fish - for everybody on this godforsaken continent to take delight in some tasty carp! Or halibut. Or even mussels. Hell, I hate that oozy mucus, but people like to eat them nowadays, so who am I to tell them what to eat and what not... First, you need to gather some experience in the business. So go out there and catch some fish. Then roast and eat them together with your friends. If you feel like you could be called the "Old Fisherhand" of the local shores, just go on reading this little guide on how to roast them more efficiently. Or should i say e-fish-ently? Ha! Good one.
Passive tree (Resolute Technique)
I expect this build to need a little bit more dexterity on your equipment. It has the big pro of always hitting the fishes and leeching life. Zealots Oath is used for a constant refill of your energy shield, which is a counter against DoT-effects like desecrate, puncture, viper strike, etc.
Passive tree (incl. crits)
This is the build in its first form, which I've focussed on building at first. It didn't work out as I hoped for, so I've switched over to Resolute Technique (see above). Your hits can crit and thus you are able to achieve some high peak damage, which goes well with the Herald of Ash buff. This one takes advantage of the Zealots Oath Keystone as well. It should play pretty nicely, but you need some very good gear with accuracy, crit chance, crit multiplier, mana regeneration, etc on it. This is, because you will always have to run away from the burning shrimps and herrings all around you to not get burned yourself, since you are very (!) squishy. (Please note, that you will also need a lot more levels to build like this, while not dying all the time! Please handle with care. I for myself have found RT to be the more reliable/safe way to play this build.) Now believe me, before you want to get started for real, you'll need some items first. Either you search for them yourself, let your friends do it for you or simply buy them in a marketplace of your choice. Don't even think about the markets in Sarn, they're just not what they've used to be. Here's a little shopping list for you, specifying what kind of gear you should be looking for:
Shopping list
Dyadus (3 links required)
This is your main hand weapon. You will use it with the double strike strike skill to knock those fish unconscious. It burns when you do so. Dyadus has an awful physical damage, so we won't care about that and only concentrate on the fiery part of it. It even burns more, when those fish have been cooled down to a chilling temperature before. To achieve this, we'll use a frost nova skill gem. (See skill section below for more information.) This one shouldn't cost much more than 1 or 2 Chaos orbs. Aim for a high attack speed (14-15 %) and high fire damage (minimum should be above 180; maximum should be above 210).
Redbeak (3 links required)
This is your off hand weapon. When you are on low life (which will be always from level 69 onwards), this weapon provides you with an extra 100 % of damage. Since you only hit with your main hand weapon (=> Dyadus => doubling the fire damage dealt), you don't have to care about the damage of this weapon at all. Its only purpose is to get us some serious damage boost. Honestly, just buy one with three links for 1 Alchemy orb. There are plenty of them out there on the market.
Solaris Lorica (6 sockets; 4 links required)
This armour is cheap and good. We'll use it, so the rotten stench of the dead fishes all around us doesn't bypass our energy shield. This one is cheap as a fetid fish. Shouldn't be more costly than 1 or 2 Chaos orbs as well. I got mine for 1 Alchemy orb and needed only 1 Jeweller orb to get it 6 socketed. I'd say, that I've made quite a catch here. (Ha! Good one.) Normally this would be more expensive, so do keep some Jeweller orbs stashed. I coloured mine to RRRGGG. (Of course, this armour could be replaced by Shavronne's Wrappings. But I honestly doubt that most people can afford those or have the luck to find one themselves. So for the sake of credibility and down-to-earthness I wouldn't want to center a build all around it.
Helmet, Gloves, Boots (4 links required)
Search for some with high armour/energy shield and high resists. Life, mana, attack and movement speed, etc. aren't as important, but still very nice to have on them. So just keep in mind, that these are your main sources for defences - which means you'll have to look out for high values.
If you can get some extra attributes (Strength/Dexterity/Intelligence) on those, just grab 'em. This could save you one or two passive skill points.
Rings, Amulet, Belt (no links required)
In general, it's the same as above. Look for attributes, energy shield, resistances, mana reg., life, mana, etc.
If you are aiming to do the crit variant of this build, you should aim for crit chance and multiplier as well (both implicit and explicit mods should be fine). The more mana regeneration you get on your gear, the higher you can level your Arctic Armour.
Skill gem setup
Your skill setup is fairly simple and probably the best part about it is, that you won't need a 5- or even 6-linked item for your gems to work fine. Weapons Dyadus Having it 3-linked and coloured GRR, the setup is as follows: Grace + Vitality + Reduced Mana Redbeak Having it 3-linked and coloured BRR, the setup is as follows: Herald of Ash + Elemental Proliferation + Reduced Mana Helmet, Gloves, Boots All of those are 4-linked and hybrid armour/energy shield pieces. So the probabilities for red and blue sockets are all the same. Just put the gems into whichever item gets the right colours. BBBB: Ice Nova + Increased AoE + Curse on Hit + Flammability BBRR: Discipline + Clarity + Reduced Mana + Blood Magic BBBR: Zombies + Minion Life + Minion Resistances + Life Leech Chest Your Solaris Lorica needs to be 6-socketed with 4 sockets linked and 2 single sockets (which may be linked, but don't have to). The colours should be RRRGGG. On the 4-linked part you want GGRR for Double Strike + Faster Attacks + Weapon Elemental Damage + Life Leech Single green socket for Arctic Armour. Single red socket for Leap Slam. If you get to 5-link your Solaris Lorica, Leap Slam should be connected with the supports, so you can slam faster and leech by the way.
Mana and life reservation
Assuming all Reduced Mana and Blood Magic gems are level 20: With Grace, Vitality and Herald of Ash (incl. Elemental Proliferation) on mana, we get to a total reservation of 78,6 %.
(0,6+0,4+(0,25*1,4))*0,71*0,82 = 0,78597
Discipline reserves a percentage of our life: 68,5 %
0,6*0,71*0,82*1,96 = 0,6846672
Now we still have 31,5 % of our life pool left for the flat reservation of the Clarity aura, which we need for our Arctic Armour. Assuming a low-moderate life pool of 2000, we got 631 left after activating Discipline. For instance, we could say our Clarity gem is level 13. A Clarity at level 13 would normally reserve 352 mana, resulting in a life reservation of 402. That leaves us with a stunning 229 life, which tells us, that we can level our Clarity gem even further.
352*0,71*0,82*1,96 = 401,671424
Example build gear
Build gear will be added at level 70+
Diary / Leveling process
Level 61: leveling as physical cleaver
All of these items are self found/crafted, except for the wraith axe, which was bought for 2 Chaos for faster leveling. Passive tree at 61: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgMABAcHHgj0DkgRDxFQEZYVUBa_Fy8bJR0UHU8nqSoLLR81uTbpOlg740T7RwZI50lRS65MLUyzVcZV1lnzXfJfKmQJZOdmnmpDa9ttGXBScLtw1XRVfll_xoCkg9uJ04ooj0aP-pBVlSCVLpuhoqOmf6cIpyusmKyqsbO1SMAawFTB89DQ2Vva3dvn34rjaukC7BjtQfDV8-r31_rS
Level 66: still physical, but already on low life
Bought a 4-socket Gang's Momentum for 1 Alch, linked it with 1 Fuse. This one could make it into the finished build if it proves to be worth the dump of life and resistances. Because it already was RRGG when I bought it, I had more possiblities to get my Solaris Lorica to the right colours (with two or more blue sockets on it being acceptable as well). Which happened to only need one more Chrome after I bought the boots. Could've saved me roughly 120 Chromatic Orbs if I knew this earlier... ;-) The shift to low life and thus to energy shield as source of defence, I didn't need more than one life flask. The one I kept was a saturated sanctified life flask, giving life recovery to my zombies in the time of need. With the Minion Elemental Resistance gem and my Discipline aura, the zombies have become a lot tankier. Passive tree at 66: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgMABAcHHgj0DkgRDxFQEZYVUBa_Fy8bJR0UHU8nqSftKgstHzW5Nuk6WDvjRPtHBkjnSVFLrkwtTLNVxlXWWfNca13yXypfamQJZOdmnmpDa9ttGXBScLtw1XRVfll_xoCkg9uESInTiiiPRo_6kFWVIJUumG-boaKjpn-nCKcrrJisqrGztUjAGsBUwfPDbdDQ2Vva3dvn34rjaukC7BjtQfDV8-r31_rS
Level 70: build is working
Now I got all the planned skills in sockets. Few respec points later, Zealots Oath and life regen have been activated. I also got a few new things on my equipment. Still searching for a Lori's Lantern to swap out the iron ring. Also gloves are still a problem, since I can't manage to find, craft or even buy some good ones. :-/ Currently sitting at ~50 unreserved life, ~2200 ES, 150 unreserved mana. Constantly using an Arctic Armour at level 7. Dyadus is working very well together with Flammability and Ice Nova. Farming and leveling has become even more fun and I'm looking forward to mapping, which I will start very soon. Passive tree at 70: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgMBBAcHHgj0DkgRDxFQEZYVUBcvGyUdFB1PJIsnqSftKPotHzW5Nuk6WDvjPQ9E-0cGSOdJUUuuTC1Ms1XGVdZZ81xrXfJfKl9qZAlk52aeakNr220ZcFJwu3DVdFV99X5Zf8aApILHg9uESInTiiiPRo_6kFWSfZUglS6Yb5uhoqOnCKcrrJisqriTwBrAVMHzw23E9tDQ2Vva3dvn34rjaukC6-7sGPDV98H31_no-tI=
Level 71: whole lotta respeccin' goin' on
Hey there, after I had my troubles with simple maps yesterday, I've decided to switch over to Resolute Technique. This did cost me my left over refund points and a few regrets (really not that many). I have changed and crafted quite a few things, adding mana regen, resists and flat energy shield. Gloves are still crap, but they provide me with some Dexterity, which frees up one node in the passive tree. :-) Now it already plays a lot smoother and my ES has gone up to ~2800. Discipline (incl. BM) has been swapped with HoA (incl. Proliferation), so I only run Discipline on life now (which results in about ~550 unreserved life). While leveling to get the last remaining 4 % reserved mana node (see new skill tree above), I still got Clarity, Grace and HoA (incl. Proliferation) activated on mana. Vitality will be added again when possible (should be at level 75 if I'm not mistaken). My mana pool has been ramped up to ~1350, which (together with the new mana regen mods on my gear and the passive tree) allows me to run a much higher leveled Arctic Armour. Currently it sits at level 12, since my mana regen is only roughly 140, but I'd aim to run a level 15 gem in the end. (If gear permits, of course.) Passive tree at 71 after respec: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgMABAcHHgj0DXwOSBEPEVARlhVQFy8bJR0UHU8kiyftKPotHzW5Nuk6WDvjPQ9E-0cGSVFLrkwtTLNVxlXWV8lZ81xrXfJfKl9qZAlk52aeakNr220ZcLtyqXRVfNl-WX_GgKSCx4RIiiiPRo_6kFWVIJUumuCboaKjpwinK6c0rJisqriTvYLAGsBUwfPDbcT20NDZW9rd2-ffiuNq6QLr5Ovu7Bjw1fb898H31_no-tL-sw==
- I could imagine swapping out the increased AoE on the Ice Nova for either an Added Cold Damage gem, if monsters don't get chilled by the normal double damage Ice Nova, or a Faster Casting gem, if I can't cast Ice Nova fast enough during battle without getting smashed. - Astramentis would be a very nice addition to this build, since it could provide us all the dexterity and strength we need (and intelligence as well), so we could for sure respec some nodes. Since I don't own one yet, I can't tell if it's as awesome as I would imagine it to be. More on this later. - A fire damage Doryani's Invitation belt could turn out quite nice and perhaps lets us remove the life leech gem on our double strike. Needs to be tested when the rest is done.
Videos will be added when the build is finished and working, which should be around level 80 or so. Now get out there and roast some fish! Hmmm, delicious... IGN: Laubblaeser Last edited by Laubblaeser#1546 on Sep 18, 2014, 11:33:59 AM
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Reserved for later use.
IGN: Laubblaeser
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Inserted skill gem setup and thoughts section.
IGN: Laubblaeser
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Bump for exposure to hopefully get some advice or hear thoughts from other people.
(Also added current gear at level 61 for documentation of leveling process.) IGN: Laubblaeser Last edited by Laubblaeser#1546 on Sep 12, 2014, 11:43:18 AM
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Updated the crit passive tree to also include the Zealots Oath keystone, making better use of the vitality aura.
IGN: Laubblaeser
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Added current gear at level 66. Playing on very low life now (14 left after activating Discipline and Clarity) with roughly 1800 ES. Relying solely on leech, minions and movability to survive. Works out quite nicely so far, but I am rather squishy and so I'm searching for some high armour/es gloves and helmet right now to push the energy shield a little bit higher.
Next update will come when I'm level 69 and finally able to use my prepped Dyadus. :-) IGN: Laubblaeser
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Added current gear at level 70. Description of things that changed can be found in the diary/leveling process section of the guide.
Also made a little screenshot of my character atm and inserted it at the top of the first post. IGN: Laubblaeser
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OK. I tried a double boss, fracturing dried lake map (66) today. Got raped. Perhaps this was a bit too much to start with.
Afterwards I did a simple cemetery map (67) and miserably failed again. Perhaps I need some help with further building this character. Anyone got a suggestion on what I could do to improve my survivability? Would be very much appreciated. IGN: Laubblaeser
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That's some very cool ideas that you've got in here! :D
I love that you chose Witch. As you can see from my avatar, that's the class that thematically I'd love Dyadus to go with. The idea of Red Beak supporting burn is incredibly creative! I also like how you're using Double Strike to ignore the damage decrease from using Red Beak. I think the number of things that your build is trying to do at the moment might be a bit too much to handle. It looks like with only 70 levels you need to ensure: - sufficient crit - sufficient accuracy - lots of ES given Solaris and no shield I think you maybe could achieve those (I'm not sure actually) if you're closer to level 90 so perhaps a levelling build with this would focus on life/ES (taking Pain Attunement later) and RT? Those life flasks are superbly helpful these days. My long term project is to make a CI Melee dual wielding Dyadus. I'm hoping I get as close as you have gotten one day :) | |
Alright then, thank you very much for your thoughts. Much appreciated. :-)
After taking your words into consideration, I've decided to switch to my second idea for this build by using Resolute Technique and dumping the crits. I've changed quite a few things on this character. A detailed explanation on what and how can be found in the diary section of the guide. Will keep on updating whenever something new happens or if I get some ideas on how to further improve this build. Thanks for reading and taking your time. IGN: Laubblaeser
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