The Avatar of DOUBLE DIPPING [45k-87k DPS for less than 10 Exa!]
Disclaimer: I'm not a pro gamer or streamer, so please don't expect any earth shattering build here. This build utilises a mechanic that I haven't seen elsewhere and that I think is pretty clever. I play mainly in Standard and made the build as such, but believe it can be tweaked to work in hardcore. Thought I'd share it with you guys. Hope you enjoy the double dip!
SUMMARY BUILD VIDEO Hey all, dlrr here with The Avatar of Double Dipping build. Yes, it's an attempt at a disgusting attention grabbing name, but I like double dipping and that's my prerogative I mean, come on... you have a nacho and you're only getting half the salsa required? That's a travesty! Screw those silly hypochondriacs. We're in it to win it. ![]() You dip the way you want to dip … I'll dip the way I want to dip HOW ARE YOU DOUBLE DIPPING?! I'm double dipping in 2 ways, all via the Avatar of Fire passive node. 1. Avatar of Fire double dips on Elemental and Physical damage
This dip style is the most common of the lot but definitely deserves a good mention. This lovely and very underutilised node converts 50% of all elemental and physical damage into fire. With a skill that already converts some physical into fire damage, this allows a full 100% conversion of physical into fire. This allows any pure physical weapon to double dip on both Fire and Physical damage mods.
My number one way of abusing this lovely double dip? Melee Physical Damage / Added Fire Damage + Weapon Elemental Damage = Lots and lots of multiplier love This set up gives you a nice CI-Melee build style multiplier setup without needing CI gear with red sockets. Yummy! 2. Doryani's Catalyst double dips on mainhand and offhand increased elemental damage
This second double dip requires a pair of Doryani's Catalysts.
Whilst not cheap (I bought my two catalysts for 2 exa and 5 exa in Standard), the total cost can still be below 10 exa. These lovely babies individually offer: - Add Physical Damage of up to 85 - 160 which is FAR higher than the "Cremating" and "Flaring" 2-Hander weapon prefixes for fire and physical respectively - Increased Elemental Damage of up to 100% (+ another 10% implicit) is higher than the "Unleashed" Weapon Elemental Damage prefix, but it isn't exactly a "Tyrannical". [Hold your horses here, we'll revisit this point shortly] This applies fully to our damage because of Avatar of Fire - The all-important leech Where the double dipping magic happens is here. Unlike the Tyrannical prefix which is local, Doryani's elemental damage affix is a GLOBAL affix. Ie: It applies to BOTH your main AND off hand weapons. That means, this double dipping magic offers you: - Increased Elemental Damage of up to 200% (+ another 20% implicit) that's crazy high - Added Physical Damage that's FAR higher than "Cremating" and "Flaring" - 2% Fire Leech Disclaimer: Doryani's Double Dip Increased Elemental Damage doesn't increase the base damage of the item so isn't directly comparable and is probably weaker than the Tyrannical mod. Despite that, it is equal to increased damage from 5 sets of "Ash, Frost and Storm" clusters (or 20 passive nodes). It is still crazy good. Other things to add to the double dipping fun:
Doryani's Invitiation (Fire Variant) is an obvious inclusion. The leech alone justifies its existence but the damage, resistances and armour round it off very nicely. This can be bought easily with c. 10 chaos. Meginord's Girdle works as well and provides a strong boost to DPS. You could also consider adding an Abyssus or Bringer of Rain into the mix given their flat physical damage works well with the double dip. CAN DOUBLE DIPPING REALLY ACHIEVE 45K-87K DPS FOR LESS THAN 10 EXA?! You bet! Here's my calculation for the 10 Exa cost and we'll work out the DPS from there. MUST HAVE ITEMS: Pair of Doryani Catalysts - I paid 8 exa for my pair, with proper trading you can get yours for 6-7 exa. Abyssus - I bought mine for 10 chaos Doryani's Invitation - not a must have for DPS but I paid 10 chaos for this too 5L chest - You should have one already, but if not, let's say it costs you 2 exa. Total cost - 8-9 exa and 20 chaos
With the above setup, my 5L DPS for Molten Strike is:
Tooltip = 24.2k DPS for main attack Damage per projectile = 24.2k x 0.6 projectile reduction x 1.43125 for point blank (credit to litesabr for calculating the average multiplier based on molten strike distance) = 20.8k DPS per projectile Most enemies will get hit by at least 1 projectile so: Minimum DPS = 45k DPS Larger bosses like Brutus can get hit by all 3 projectiles, so: Maximum DPS = 87k DPS!!! ![]() THE TWO SAUCE VARIANTS Having covered the double dipping technique, let's go into the sauces, the skills. There are currently only 2 skills available that work with Doryani's Catalysts and convert Physical to Fire. Like sauces in real life, there's no right or wrong answer here. It's all about your personal preference.
Hot sauce 1 - Infernal
Ingredients: Infernal Blow Melee Splash Melee Physical Damage Weapon Elemental Damage Multistrike [6L socket] Faster Attacks / Fire Penetration / Mana Leech Damage is likely lower compared to the other sauce as it requires Melee Splash and against bosses the post-kill detonation isn't that helpful. And you actually need to hit something to cause area damage with Splash, which can be quite annoying. You're prone to reflect one-shots as well from the explosions. That being said, I very much enjoy the immediacy of damage that this sauce provides since you don't need to wait for molten balls to travel to cause damage. The big boom that comes at the end of each serving is incredibly satisfying as well. Sauce rating: Great for clearing packs. Shitty for bosses. Avoid at all cost for reflect maps.
Hot sauce 2 - Molten
Ingredients: Molten Strike Added Fire Damage; Weapon Elemental Damage Multistrike Faster Attacks [6L socket] Fire Penetration / Mana Leech Damage in this variant is higher given there's no need for Melee Splash (note, however, that the projectiles do not benefit from Melee Physical Damage, so we use Added Fire Damage instead). The projectiles can also overlap with the main hit on larger bosses causing huge amount of damage. The number of hits this attack produces synergises well with the Revelry node, but makes you more susceptible to lightning thorns. Against larger mob groups, this sauce needs some Herald of Ash to help with clearing given the random projectile placement. The time between attacking using the weapon vs. projectiles is quite annoying too, particularly when you've killed one monster with your weapon and don't know if you should attack the one next to it because your projectile is still in mid air. Decisions, decisions... Sauce rating: Best DPS for large bosses. Delayed AOE from projectiles. Needs Herald of Ash to even out DPS area nicely. I've used both sauces quite extensively and don't have a clear favourite. My tree is specced to Molten Strike given it needs Iron Grip / Point Blank to really excel, but that only requires 3 passive point but affords me the flexibility to used both sauces. PASSIVE TREE
As discussed above, my tree is specced for Avatar of Fire + Molten Strike, but even when using Infernal Blow it's only 3 wasted nodes. If you're set on Infernal Blow, you can just avoid Iron Grip / Point Blank from the below tree and take the Melee Physical Damage nodes just at the Duelist start area.
Other key nodes to consider: - I've taken Unwavering Stance, but you might want to avoid that if you're using a Bringer of Rain - I revel in Revelry everyday. The mana gained from that node is phenomenal - The Blade Barrier + Dervish clusters give 21% block on top of many other bonuses, which is very very nice - Blunt Instrument. Take. Bash. Kill. Oogah oogah. - I've avoided Arsonist. It's too many nodes for too little damage. - I've taken Resolute Technique, which comes down to personal preference and gear. Doryani's Catalysts have global crit chance that provides double dipping on crit as well, so you may want to go down the crit route. Note also that I will be taking some Endurance Charges for my next few levels. OTHER SKILLS You don't have to follow this really since this thread is all about the double dip. But I'm currently using:
Low level CWDT + Enduring Cry + Warlord's Mark
Straightforward enough here. I like Warlord's Mark because of the added life and mana leech as well as the free endurance charges for more immortal call, but really you can use whatever curse you like here High level CWDT + Immortal Call + Molten Shell + Increased Duration Again, pretty straightforward. Molten Shell has the benefit of providing life leech from fire damage as well Grace / Purity of Fire / Herald of Ash Any 2 of the above. Herald of Ash is particularly good for Molten Strike since your balls may not necessarily kill the guy outright and leave him with a bit of life left for Ash to wipe out. [Note: Don't bother with Hatred! It gives the same tooltip DPS as Herald due to your use of Avatar of Fire!] [Optional] Vaal Haste / Vaal Clarity Nice against bosses to just go wild and crazy. GEAR
I'm using the Abyssus for max dps since I'm in Standard, but you could try the Bringer of Rain variant for more block and less physical damage taken if you're in a hardcore league. I don't have good phys damage jewelry, but if you have those from an old Facebreaker build or something, those would work PERFECTLY here. OTHER STAT SCREENSHOTS
Offense: 6L Molten Strike
Tooltip = 35.1k DPS for main attack
Damage per projectile = 20.8k DPS per projectile (because Melee Physical Damage doesn't affect projectiles) At least 1 projectile: Minimum DPS = 56k DPS With all 3 projectiles: Maximum DPS = 98k DPS!!! Of course, you could use Fire Penetration for the 6th link instead which applies to projectiles as well as the main hit. You wouldn't see its impact on the tooltip though. ![]()
Offense: 6L Infernal Blow
Defense: Abyssus
![]() FAQ
Q: You've got barely any mana, how do you cope?
A: Revelry and Warlord's Mark provide me with enough mana for most of my game. That being said, I only have enough mana for 2 auras / buffs so I may taken additional nodes towards the end game for more aura goodness. Q: It's all elemental damage, why no life leech gem? A: I have 3% life leech from the 3 Doryani Uniques. Warlord's Mark helps a lot here too. Q: How do you cope with reflect? A: For the most part, I take barely any damage from single reflect ever since reflect was nerfed. The block nodes from the tree help immensely in this regard. In reflect maps, I swap out Herald of Ash for Purity of Fire to be safe. Ruby flasks help against double reflect packs. That being said, do NOT use Infernal Blow against reflect packs. Blowing up the wrong creep could send you straight to the resurrection button. Q: How do you handle elemental resist packs? A: Fire penetration helps sufficiently for the most part. You could swap out Warlord's Mark for Flammability or Elemental Weakness but I've never found the need for it. Against double resist packs, nothing much you can do but just grind it out. Q: What about bandits? A: Oak for all works well given life / phys / EC (for Immortal call). You wouldn't do too badly going attack speed in Cruel and passive in Merciless either. Q: How would you make this build HARDCORE viable? A: I'm not a hardcore player so don't take my advice as gospel truth... But I think the following steps should make this build hardcore viable: (1) Self cast Enduring Cry / Immortal Call / Warlord's Mark, (2) Remove Herald for Purity of Fire, (3) Less damage nodes on tree and more life / armour (your dps will still be strong anyway thanks to the double dip), (4) Stone of Lazhwar or Rainbowstrides for some Spell Block, (5) Bringer of Rain for yet more block Q: But double dipping is disgusting! How can you encourage this practice?! A: Actually, no. Science to the rescue! Last edited by dlrr#2847 on Sep 24, 2014, 12:12:51 PM
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Great build! Have done maps with him and the clear speed and tankiness is amazing. Pretty affordable build for end game content!
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Nice guide.
BTW I wanted to make a doubletip build too with your designed unique. Here a quick rundown: Skilltree:
Gear: double dyadus (ofc) for the 100 % conversion of the offhand dmg (mb even 150% through AOF?) as boots. 6L: Dual Strike - WED - Inc. Burn - Chance to Ignite - Ele Prolif - Fire Pen Other important things: Auras: Anger for the added fire dmg, Clarity as high as possible to support an Arctic armour as igh as possiible (to Chill the enemy for the 80% increase burn from dual dyadus) Cwdt: enduring cry, Arctic breath, enfeeble. AB gives chilled ground. Dual curse flamability and vulnerability. Maybe add a AB with inc duration as selfcast. How to play: try to get 1 enemy chilled with AB or AA, then dualstrike him till ignited for 280% increased burning dmg (105 tree 80 double dyadus 60 inc burning gem 35 from ring) with 110% inc fire dmg. Also 90% inc fire dmg with weapons. Should burn hard shouldnt it? Cyclone MARA Beginners and Advanced Guide. Last edited by Vincendra#0721 on Sep 7, 2014, 9:48:10 PM
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Great Guide and good solid build. Two thumbs up!!
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Thanks for the support so far guys! :D I'll be updating OP over the course of the week with screenshots of DPS and showing how to achieve good DPS that survives reflect on less than 10exa cost :)
" I like what you've done with the build! :D I'm planning one out myself at the moment and will definitely try out some of the tricks you have in there. The usage of Pyre and Arctic Breath for chill is pretty cool for lots of ignite. A pity that the corpses are destroyed as I really love proliferating corpses. Heh. If you don't go Pyre, Herald of Ash is pretty cool too since it ignites for total instead of just fire damage and since you and I aren't taking Multistrike, the total damage is pretty good. Something minor, you can also save 2 nodes by going right along the path below Whispers of Doom instead of the path below Cruel Preparation. I love the choice of Gang's Momentum that you had there. Perfect choice! And the art on that is a huge beauty. | |
With double doryani (crit weapons) and abyssus (insane cri multi), I see no reason not to go for crit.
Grab yourself some accuracy on gear and the insane 1h crit chance nodes in the left side of the tree, and at least double your DpS. Kinda like this: Click me Didn't think too much about optimizing it (as I don't play such a character), so pathing could be inefficient, but you'd gain some serious crit chance (about 415% if I counted right) and some multi. Accuracy should be enough, too (72%). 3.5 build: Last edited by Peterlerock#5171 on Sep 9, 2014, 8:24:24 AM
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Hey there, yup that's the ultimate intention! :) I'm starting with RT first as I don't have crit / accuracy gear but once I have those I'll slowly move over to crit. I'm wondering a bit about how that would impact my ability to deal with reflect, but I suppose I'll cross the bridge when it comes :)
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this build is so sauce.
and yes, i'm saying that more often now.
Ignorance usually lasts longer than a weekend.
But then again, a god doesn't freely share his knowledge with mortals ... |
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Nice build :p
out of boredom decided to try it out on my 82lvl marauder and it feels pretty good just so squishy (used for max block max spellblock) |
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Glad you guys are loving it! :D
@xSunday -> so sauce is the word indeed. What better term for a double dip build? :) @Rakis -> Yeah it's definitely less tanky than a max normal + spell block build. I don't like how dual wield can only be tanky with Wings of Entropy but c'est la vie... I suppose a super end game build for this would be to go crit and atziri's acuity but i suppose that applies to all builds. Heh. |