Unique map

Kinne wrote:
Unless they somehow boosted the quantity in the chests on this map since closed I have to say that it unfortunately is very lackluster experience.

However best of luck I just wanted to add incase OP is trying to stock up on IIQ gear, it does nothing for chests and won't help you the slightest in this map, you might as well go in naked to be able to get more stuff out with each portal use.

We know that, and we actually did go in all naked. Six people ganging up on urns was hilarious :D
fluffshock wrote:
i want ss of the run and how much u get from chestS !!

Sadly this is the only screen shot that I took there. And this was after we took all the rares and uniques. You can see some blue crap from one of the chests. Someone from the party took a lot more but not really sure who it was :P Gonna ask around and ask them to post =)


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