Optimized WoE + BoR dual strike duelist [1.2.x] "Then We Doubled It"
" WoE = [246 damage * 1.2 attacks per second (295 dps) x2] (246 * 5.13) * (1.2 * 2.01) (3043.9) x2 -> 6087.8 (246 * 3.46) * (1.2 * 1.52) (1552.5) x2 -> 3105.03 6087.8 / 3105.3 = 1.9604 96.04% higher dps given that gems will add more phys % the difference is actually smaller, but 25% is very inaccurate Last edited by tidus1492#3642 on Sep 3, 2014, 10:17:53 AM
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you have 39k compared to 31k. that's not 96.4%
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" Your understanding of "Optimized" is Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ |
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" I can add the phys from gems and give you an exact # but frankly I'm getting bored of this. If people want to use your build then please do so. If you want to use mine then that's great hope it works as well for you as it has for me. I believe if you step aside from your build vs my build you'll see that unless you place a very very very high weighting on hp/block that my build is SIGNIFICANTLY stronger point per point. If the life regen from flasks are that important then simply take those nodes instead of the 8% status ailment nodes or monster can't leech from you nodes (but you will lose hp% in the process which is why I don't take those nodes). And yes my rares are quite poor, 28 life on gloves, 27 on ring, no dps on 2nd ring, etc etc. I'm sure someone can drop some exalts and make a stronger char with my build than the example given. Last edited by tidus1492#3642 on Sep 3, 2014, 10:27:34 AM
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" Please elaborate |
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What is optimized?
Optimized means youve improved something. In this case a build. Since you didnt state you optimized Dps, we assume you are implying you optimized the general build. Since we look at the general build, there is a couple things we look at: 1. Dps 2. Clear speed 3. Survivability 4. Affordability We can take 4 off, since thats the same for both, leaving 1,2 and 3. You would have optimized it in this case, if you improved at least 1 out of 3 and didnt comprimize on the other 2, or improved 2 and comprized only marginally on the last. Since Im going to explain how much more you die below, you didnt stick to this. Almost halving survivability while gaining just a double dps and a marginal increase in clear speed (double dps doesnt mean double clear speed, not even close) I dont agree upon having optimized the build 9.7% less life. 4% less block and 65% less life recovery from flasks(from 73 down to 69, means from 27% dmg taken to 31%, meaning an increase of 14.8%. If we just look at general attacks (not considering Ev vs Ar, this is a personal choice imo), this means you are: 1. Taking 14.8% more dmg 2. You have 9.7% less life to take dmg from 3. If you take dmg, you recover 100% - 115/180 = 100-63.9 = 36.1% less life Taking this into acount you die 1.148 x 1.097 x 1.361 = 1.714 or shortly said 71.4% more often. Considering Variancy is a big thing in this game, you lose a lot experience and its not even HC viable anymore (which zivko's build is). NB: Im not even taking into account how valuable leech is, or how easy you die to reflect. Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ |
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took about 5 mins to come up with that, basically same tree as mine but has 1% more block than Zivko, the flask effect nodes, + the benefits of way higher dps. I don't personally think it's better than my original build but if you feel that the block and flask nodes are going to make you live 73% more often or whatever than this 5 minute build is still more optimized than mana based original since this build has 1% more block then I guess you'll die 22.33% (repeating of course) less often with this build Last edited by tidus1492#3642 on Sep 3, 2014, 11:28:08 AM
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Look, tidius
This is not an optimized version of WoE + BoR build. What it gained in dps, it lost in survivability. It doesn't take a genius to understand that. Here's the stats you have: 39k dps DS+splash 4.9k life 69% block 52% spell block 500 hp/sec life leech problems with reflect Here's the build you're 'optimizing' 31k dps DS+splash 5.9k life 73% block 73% spell block 30% chance to avoid being stunned 1200 hp/sec life leech reflect a non issue 1800hp restored from instant life flasks Here, i even highlighted the better stats so it's easier for you to notice how much you optimized the build. Or didn't. If you think calculating percentages and writing long number crunching posts will convince people, it won't cause smart people will see trough that and dumb people wont even read that. You're getting bored with this? You want me out of this thread? Remove misleading title and long spoiler about my build from OP and replace title with something accurately represents what the build is - A high dps WoE + BoR buld. Its just that. You optimized only dps. You reduced survivability. Just facts, bro. Deal with it. |
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I'll admit your gear on standard is a lot better than my rampage gear but I was comparing the passive tree vs passive tree not passive tree + 2 weeks of rampage gear vs passive tree + 2 years of standard gear. 52% spellblock becomes 69% with rainbowstrides, 4950 life becomes 5.5k with better rares, 69% block becomes 73% with successful vaal gem on amulet, 39.5k dps becomes 45k+ with dps on gloves or ring, etc etc etc.
Compare apples with apples please As for your last paragraph, I haven't taken any shits in your thread despite you filling 2 pages with skewed info and misinformation in defense of your incredibly unoptimized build. I haven't indicated anywhere that my build has more survivability, simply that it loses very little survivability for a very large dps gain -- that's still optimization. The numbers are all there for people to consider without trying to fill the build with misinformation based on gear variables as you continue to do. If someone wants a bit more survivability and they're willing to tank their dps in the process then they will find your build and it will serve their needs. I will add more information about the loss of survivability between the two builds in the opening paragraph p.s. If I replace blood magic gem with added fire the splash dps goes from 39.5k to 50k, and with the higher dmg of my build comes extra mana leech, but the sustainability of that is no easier in your build (semisustainable) or mine and not really completely sustainable at all which is why I do not recommend it or mention 50k splash anywhere in this build. p.s.s. It's Tidus or TiduZ not tidius, Zivko. Your spelling was impeccable aside from that one error though Last edited by tidus1492#3642 on Sep 5, 2014, 1:54:49 PM
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Not gonna bother replying anymore, it's just not worth it. gl & hf.
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