1.3 ✮ The Crit DoT Chin Sol build ✮ Puncture Trap / Ice Shot (Build of the Week S3E3)
" How is it bad? Dom melted in 3 traps. Just deals less dmg now. Here is my lvl 89 tree.
Also thinking about getting +18% DOT, instead of useless clever construction. ![]() Join /global 5055 Reddit community channel Last edited by Crz#6770 on Dec 14, 2014, 11:49:46 AM
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I also agree, that this build keeps on working quite well. Punct Trap ain't OP anymore, but that doesn't make it bad at all, it's just not overpowered anymore. To me this is still the best build I ever played, and I am acutally very happy to see, that I can keep on going :)
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I was thinking about something else for single target, how about barrage? I'm not using chin sol but a harbringer to have a more consistent crit chance for ice shot.
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I don't think that any of range atack will be as good as puncture trap is. The problem with single target skill is that you must have clear area to shot, and as you know very often rare monsters / bosses are circled with trash mobs that u can't pass to kill boss. So i still think that trap is best single target atack for range build. Maybe try bear trap.
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If the target is surrounded by minions ice shot will clear off easy. Problem is when rare/boss survive that and are alone.
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Since puncture is nerfed, do any of you consider burning arrow trap now? It does more DoT damage?
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" Puncture is supposed to melt Dom in 1 trap. And Uber, for that matter. Seven traps is all it should take for Uber (normal->split->etc) This build is very much glass cannon. The longer the enemy lives, the more likely it is they'll pull out a fatal attack (excepting Atziri, who is predictable SNES style boss). As for clever construction, it is in fact extremely useful to being able to attack the enemy at all with traps. This is most notable in PvP situations, but can be applied to any time when the enemy has AOE attacks. Examples include Igna Phoenix, Megaera, and a host of weaklings that would have previously been one-shotted by Puncture (e.g: Loathe boss, which uses Lightning Strike). Since I've had it for a long time, I've never had to puncture without the benefit of invulnerable traps. But it would be undoubtedly frustrating against certain enemies. IGN: ArborealTeapot [Standard]
~Your Happy Hugfriend~ (Not Hugfiend...) | |
" Puncture is supposed to melt Dom in 1 trap. And Uber, for that matter. Seven traps is all it should take for Uber (normal->split->etc) This build is very much glass cannon. The longer the enemy lives, the more likely it is they'll pull out a fatal attack (excepting Atziri, who is predictable SNES style boss). As for clever construction, it is in fact extremely useful to being able to attack the enemy at all with traps. This is most notable in PvP situations, but can be applied to any time when the enemy has AOE attacks. Examples include Igna Phoenix, Megaera, and a host of weaklings that would have previously been one-shotted by Puncture (e.g: Loathe boss, which uses Lightning Strike). Since I've had it for a long time, I've never had to puncture without the benefit of invulnerable traps. But it would be undoubtedly frustrating against certain enemies. IGN: ArborealTeapot [Standard]
~Your Happy Hugfriend~ (Not Hugfiend...) | |
Yeah, this build works fine in 1.3.0. too, but now, when Puncture was nerfed, I'm inclined to start experimenting with it. So-o-o, can it be replaced with Poison Arrow? Or Burning arrow? Or any else interesting skill? With comparable damage, I mean. What do you think?
Sorry my bad english, I'm not the native speaker. Please treat with understanding.
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after the tree reset I decide to try out this build with my ranger. i'll say that I like it a lot more than my spay & pray slit arrow I was using. this build requires u to aim at ur targets which I like a lot better, way for fun. most of the gear I already had sitting in my stash except for the ammy & le heup ring, I'm using a harbinger bow instead of the chin sol. the damage is kick ass with ice shot and my puncture trap but my problem was resistance , had to spend 3 points in the scion section for res. with my current gear I was bout 60-65% on all res. here is my set up, open to suggestions, thxs for a fun build.
tree http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgIAAdEDHgW1BiMOSBUgFr8Z_hsBH0EhdiP2JP0mlSoLKjgqTSzpMHEwfDH6MpQ2PTnUOkI_J0p9SshLeE2SUUdVS1b6W69d8mHiYqxnoGqMbIxuqm_ycFFwUnDVdm92gnb3d9d-sH8CfyuC5IbOh3aJ04qvjAuMNo19jb-QEZUFnaqgn6EiokCi2aOKpuCn1Klur-uw2LTFtNG1SLXyuXzBM8LsxKLIDMgU1CPWitnG2o3b59wV3Q3dqOOE45_nVOyw8-r0-PVv-WP8xf7I_94= gear "FMR it's another day in paradise" IGN NEEDBLOOD
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