1.3 ✮ The Crit DoT Chin Sol build ✮ Puncture Trap / Ice Shot (Build of the Week S3E3)

Been player this char for weeks and weeks and am still having huge fun. Thanks a lot, mate!

One little improvement I made:
I put my curse on a SplitArrow/Blind/CurseOnHit/ combo. That way, I can use split arrow to scout for monsters off screen, they often get blinded (even if they're curse immune) and they often get knocked back. Plus they get damaged. Also, the curse can be more effective with a high lvl CurseOnHit.
Downside: Fewer monsters are cursed. But the curses are mostly for hard bosses anyway, so that downside is no problem for me.
May your maps be bountiful, exile
new tree posted, 0 change to the build

I play a revised version, i always like to touch up builds i play to better suit my play style

If anyone is interested

Passive Tree:



This is my off hand quiver

With a decent rolled black gleam i do physical reflect maps no problem.

However Ele reflect is still a huge problem with ice shot, I can turn off HoA and Hatred and use Tornado shot to clear a map if it's a high level corrupted map and i see a huge necessity in doing so.

The lightning conversion on the quiver is incredible, I get a 7K DPS boost while not losing ANY cold damage thus our burn and aoe damage is not affected at all.

When I see a reflect pack, doesn't matter physical or elemental reflect, pop your jade flask and volley into the pack with your TORNADO SHOT. You will have no problems.

I currently sit at 70,600 DPS with Ice shot and it's our bread and butter. It clears 6-man 78s and uber trash mobs easier/faster than any other build I've ever seen.

Still not BIS kit and to be honest I see no point in further tuning and sinking more currency into the build. It's already got a TON of fire power while still keeping a nice "glass cannon" (completely manageable like I've mentioned above).

Edit. I really hate puncture trap. It's unreliable for 95% of all bosses in game and you are completely vulnerable to any sort of damage while you try to be cheeky and kite around while hoping the boss will get lure onto your trap. As well as the fact that you have to spend points to spec into extra nodes that only benefit that one gem really turns me off from the whole idea.

a 4L puncture is way more than enough for ALL bosses in game. any extra links will only affect either the attack speed or the WED or crit chance. As long as you crit with a 4L puncture, the bleed damage is completely the same since it scales off physical damage. I personally really enjoy having puncture along side with your ice shot and tornado shot. The DOT from the ele prolif burn and the bleed synergy is OP. Your tornado shot is your safe go-to for left over mobs or those one or two types of mobs that runs really fast and is hard to aim with ice shot/puncture.

After many trials with gear, gem links and passive tree. Imho, I think this is the optimal approach.
Last edited by B_L_3_E_D#7278 on Dec 3, 2014, 9:31:10 PM

First of all, I do really like this build. Thank you very much!

Second. I worry about 1.3.0: will this build still powerful with new skill-tree and new balance? Excuse my anxiety, but all builds I play are seem to be nerfed one by one, and I want to have at lease one of them that will be still actual.

Will you take care of this build? Will it be possible to keep its effectiveness?
Thank you again.
Sorry my bad english, I'm not the native speaker. Please treat with understanding.
Ranger and shadow areas looks absolutely same, so only thing that affects our build are how strong GGG will nerf puncture and scaling 100% more damage from Chin Sol and PB with trap.
new tree posted, 0 change to the build

I play a revised version, i always like to touch up builds i play to better suit my play style

If anyone is interested

Passive Tree:



This is my off hand quiver


With a decent rolled black gleam i do physical reflect maps no problem.

However Ele reflect is still a huge problem with ice shot, I can turn off HoA and Hatred and use Tornado shot to clear a map if it's a high level corrupted map and i see a huge necessity in doing so.

The lightning conversion on the quiver is incredible, I get a 7K DPS boost while not losing ANY cold damage thus our burn and aoe damage is not affected at all.

When I see a reflect pack, doesn't matter physical or elemental reflect, pop your jade flask and volley into the pack with your TORNADO SHOT. You will have no problems.

I currently sit at 70,600 DPS with Ice shot and it's our bread and butter. It clears 6-man 78s and uber trash mobs easier/faster than any other build I've ever seen.

Still not BIS kit and to be honest I see no point in further tuning and sinking more currency into the build. It's already got a TON of fire power while still keeping a nice "glass cannon" (completely manageable like I've mentioned above).

Edit. I really hate puncture trap. It's unreliable for 95% of all bosses in game and you are completely vulnerable to any sort of damage while you try to be cheeky and kite around while hoping the boss will get lure onto your trap. As well as the fact that you have to spend points to spec into extra nodes that only benefit that one gem really turns me off from the whole idea.

a 4L puncture is way more than enough for ALL bosses in game. any extra links will only affect either the attack speed or the WED or crit chance. As long as you crit with a 4L puncture, the bleed damage is completely the same since it scales off physical damage. I personally really enjoy having puncture along side with your ice shot and tornado shot. The DOT from the ele prolif burn and the bleed synergy is OP. Your tornado shot is your safe go-to for left over mobs or those one or two types of mobs that runs really fast and is hard to aim with ice shot/puncture.

After many trials with gear, gem links and passive tree. Imho, I think this is the optimal approach.

I Really like your version of improvement, I used the Blackgleam to counter physical reflect map and litterally did not feel reflect at all.

Is there any simple solution to elemental reflect? Turn off auras + Tornado shot is the only way?
"Your grandchildren will awaken screaming in memory of what I utter today!"
- Path of Exile, Legacy Whispers of Doom Keystone
NaarJitsu wrote:

I Really like your version of improvement, I used the Blackgleam to counter physical reflect map and litterally did not feel reflect at all.

Is there any simple solution to elemental reflect? Turn off auras + Tornado shot is the only way?

Thank you mate, the only solution to elemental reflect maps are to turn off auras and use tornado shot.

I would just advice you skipping elemental reflect tbh, it's not worth the hassle.

However, elemental reflect mobs are a piece of cake, just pop that jade flask and volley your tornado shot slowly. You should never die because since you do have that life leech gem in your set up, if you do get hit by reflect your life should go straight up. Since we are playing evasion characters with ondars, as long as we have high evasion and dont spam skills into reflect, it shouldn't be an issue.
Last edited by B_L_3_E_D#7278 on Dec 5, 2014, 1:22:41 PM
To be honest, I found a solution just today because I died to reflect four times. (Fucking Off Screen OPness).
This is an extremely ridiculous and expensive way to handle all types of reflect, but it works like a freggin charm.

If there's anyway to improve it, let me know.

Replace Elemental Proliferation to Herald of Thunder only on reflect maps~ Packs are still managable.
I also managed very well even with HoA + Hatred still running, so no need for lot of switching, just one tab of a key and I'm into my anti-reflect mode.

I ran Full Reflect Maps (Element, and Physical to test this) and luckily, ran into elemental and physical reflect packs in those maps too. Had no issues what so ever. Huge DPS Sacrifice comparing to the main bad boy I use but shit, totally worth it.

Sorry if I seemed like I'm showing off, I'm not, I'm just glad I finally fixed my biggest issue with the most amazing build I've played.

Any criticism are welcome, love to keep on learning, no matter how much you know, POE seems to make you feel dumb :D
"Your grandchildren will awaken screaming in memory of what I utter today!"
- Path of Exile, Legacy Whispers of Doom Keystone
Last edited by NaarJitsu#5740 on Dec 5, 2014, 3:25:17 PM
V nice, I never thought about voltaxic rift but with eva/ondars, acro or block characters, as long as you dont one shot yourself. With decent leech and damage "AVOIDANCE" reflect should pose no problem coupled with

HOWEVER I would like to argue that the game is much more, exciting and forces you to pay more attention without acuities. On my other accounts, I can faceroll content with my eyes closed but after a while it's just boring lol, you dont have to know what the mods are, dont have to care what mobs you're hitting, what the nemesis mods the bosses have. Plus I wrote what I said previously towards the general public that cant afford such gear. Plus, if you consider the potential of this build with just 2 5-Ls, it seems highly unrealistic for anyone to aim to achieve something potentially costing you 50x the rest of your kit.
Absoloutely, I am speaking singularly ofcourse. It is my way of finally countering Reflect.
I ran a level 76 map with 18% Ele and Phys reflect with PLENTY of double reflect.

Using my Volt Rift and CoC Barrage Procing Spark and Arc has been a miracle. I also added pierce which works flawlessly as it continues to proc.

Now here's the funny part, I recently ran http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1020597 this build. On camera it looks fantastic but comparing to this build it's absolute garbage. I died to reflect, I need SO much currency so I decided to retire it and continue committing to this build. I have a spare Shavs and 2 void batteries just sitting rotting in my stash. Thsis build has EVERYTHING, I mean fucks sake, I never thought I'd be able to have a character this fantastic. Clearly you can see how passionate I am about this build, finally!

I'm glad I don't use Chin Sol any more. A high Phys Crit DPS bow is exactly what you need.

Moving forward, I'm extremely curious as to how I can make this build even stronger. I want to be able to break the absolute limit of Puncture, and Ice Shot Prolif. Any suggestions are appreciate it.


OFFHAND For Reflect:

This is my Skill Tree:


"Your grandchildren will awaken screaming in memory of what I utter today!"
- Path of Exile, Legacy Whispers of Doom Keystone
Last edited by NaarJitsu#5740 on Dec 7, 2014, 1:04:12 AM

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