1.3 LL BM Summoner - Atziri viable on a budget (142k - 282k Single dps - 4link only - MF viable)
Hii guys,
Ok, i know, the 500th summoner thread, but this is new. BM. 4 Evangelists. no 5/6links needed, not even shavs. doing atziri in really good amount of time. More Videos will come later. ---- Updated for 1.3. Tree is updated. Drop grace, since the nerf of mortal conviction. should be enough. If you want, you can pick ZO now, its only 3 points. ---- ![]()
Since many people think otherwise, Im gonna state two things clearly from now on: 1. NOT a leveling build. Level with flameblast to lvl 60. Just make sure you level your gems with you as you go 2. NOT a beginner's build. The build uses ES, low life, lots of aura's, is much overusing gem slots etc, and has a very steep curve for gearing up. There's much to know for this, and I recommend looking at ghazzy's SRS, or angryafrican's threads if you want an easy summoner
General Playstyle and skillsets needed for the build
The build itself plays mostly like the regular summoner, use convocation, desecrate and flesh offering in the right ways to basically direct and boost your minions. Some differences to other summoners lays in the fact that you dont have normal es regen, just the delayed es recharge, meaning that when you take damage, you will want to stop using your spells since your BM, in these situations, move out of danger as well as possible and subsequently use your default attack to keep directing your minions, preferably towards the closest threat seeable. To push your minions ahead of you, either use this default attack again, or just walk forward yourself, convocate and turn around. In darker area's, the first is preferred, since you dont have arcane visions, while in open area's, the second is preferred since you want to stick close to your minions to prevent being flanked. Skillsets needed for the build in order: 1. Being able to gear yourself up perfectly Your gear is the biggest issue for you, if it doesnt do what it needs to do, this is the first that will get you killed. Knowing which rings to get, for what price to get them and just finding cheaper ones to be able to mastercraft, is a huge thing. It will save you a lot of head-troubles with farming currency if doing it right 2. Being able to notice danger before it notices you Dont play this build while sleeping. Even tho the apm on the build is very low, and thus a really relaxed build to play, it requires you to always be sharp and to know what your minions are doing and what is happening around them, and what is happening with the stuff they are ignoring. Your minions work as your meatshields, but as long as they dont distract the mobs for you, they dont work well enough towards that. Know what mobs are in the map and read the mobs mods when they are blue/rare. There are not a lot of things that kill you when you are aware 3. Timing Timing of flasks, vaal skills and offerings is crucial. You wont always need them so wait until you need them. This of course doesnt count for vaal haste, use that as much as possible.
Skill links
1. Our spectres: Raise spectre - Spell echo - Increased duration (Q priority) - Minion dmg (for 5link swap dmg for conc and inc aoe, 6link adds minion dmg back, unless you have a red slot left (Life leech) or a green slot left (Culling strike Q). 2. Our zombies: Raise Zombie - Multistrike - Blind (for extreme dmg reduction) - Empower lvl 3-4 or Minion life 3. Our aura's: Reduced mana - Vitality - Discipline - Grace Reduced mana - Generosity - Hatred - Haste Shield (saffels): Reduced mana - Purity of elements - Purity of fire Shield (rathpith): Reduced mana - Purity of elements - Purity of Ice Shield (crest of perandus): Reduced mana - Purity of elements - Purity of lightning Explanation: You will want saffells and crest in your inventory at all times, run rathpith as a base shield, if not, run saffels. We are using necromantic aegis and being able to switch shields is really helpful. PoF in saffels for both shipyard and crema boss. PoL in crest for precinct and dominus. His lightning beam does a lot less dmg than his fist, and this way you dont need to weapon swap. Rathpith for Shrine, courtyard, Academy boss. PoI is really important for piety for yourself, since you can be very fragile for her ice shots, as can your minions be. The cycloner in the courtyard has the same. Academy is because your saffells wont do much there, rather have more life and dmg on your spectres since you want him either down asap, or are going to be in trouble with tornados killing your spectres. Its the only boss lategame that WILL kill them reliably. 4. Support: Desecrate - convocation - Flesh/Bone or both Offerings. Use an unset in the case you want to have both on bar. Also, its really useful for if you want to put on PoL during piety. Try to add in Arc (to proc elemental equilibrium) in an unset/leftover slot 5. Vaal Skills: If you can fit anything in, do it. Order in which to do so: Vaal haste Link it to increased duration Vaal grace Vaal discipline Multiple V-hastes
Passive tree lvl 89
Passive skill tree build
Dont go off from this on lvl 89. the way of leveling is up to you, just pick up BM and mortal conviction as soon as you go LL. It will severely increase your power. After this lvl. pick up either minion life nodes, or the hybrid life/es nodes or the ones at scion. Id recommend the hybrids tho, since itll increase your total regen and leftover life pool, meaning you might be able to fit in that Purity of {element} without turning off grace or being unable to summon zombies. Just convinience tho.
My current gearing
Obvious. 4 spectres. I dont want to use montegruls because it limits the amount of zombies, tho they become really tanky. we can run all the auras we want regardless since running wrath/anger doesnt do anything as well as determination or all purities at the same time. Im not gonna explain or shavs. put your spectres here if shavs, or your dmg auras if solaris. Main reason is coloring GG corruption is a big want. occurs once every 20-30 i would say. I got 2 in 50 and this one had better stats than the other. minion dmg first. Zombies plox in tha +2 to them. Use geofri's crest instead if you have both empower lvl 3+ and shavs and your helmet doesnt have close to as good res as geofri's and use vertex if you want a cheap high es option. shield swap (add in rathpith, gonna buy it one day myself but dont feel the need yet) For no chaos bosses like Atziri double vaal or atziri herself. really good since it buffs your ES up a lot if you dont have shavs yet. if you have shavs dont worry with this. the place for you to get ES, Res and stats.
1 Granite with staunching 2 Quicksilvers, 1 with of heat, 1 with of adrenaline/dousing/dispels shocked 1 Cautios eternal of animation (double regen on high speed :3) 1 Panicked Divine of animation (insta power regen :3)
Want to MF Piety/Dom/Maps?
And I simply took out NA for the 1% regen +7% life node for minions so I wouldnt have to run vitality. Arc is linked for higher mana usage so I can use divination distillate throughout the whole map. 275% IIR without flask up on my culling spectres. I killed Courtyard bosses with this setup and will try palace dominus too I run only 4 aura's in this setup (hatred, haste, disc, poe), to service running the flasks by having 400 life unreserved, so I can maximize the usage of it.
DPS = 142k single target, 61k to 142k for AoE. Vaal Haste + Flesh = 233k. (+EE gives 282k)
Zombies: Base damage: 691-1613 (lvl 20 gem, lvl 3 empower) Base attack speed: 0.625 Damage increase: 220% + Hatred (35% * 110% of aura effect = + 73.5%) - 36% from Multi Total dmg = 1152 x 320% x 173.5% * 0.64= 4093 per hit. Attack speed increase: 20% + Haste (16% * 110% effect = + 33.6% increase) = 53.6% inc aps + multistrike 107% more attack speed total attack speed: 0.625 x 153.6% x 207% = 1.99 (lets say 2x a second) 10 zombies means 20 attacks per second of 4093 per hit: 81860 damage per second from zombies. (this is not counting flesh offering) Spectres: Base damage: Estimation at 1k (higher for palace evangelists, lower for sceptre ones) Base cast speed: estimation at 1 per second Damage increase: 249% + Hatred (73.5%) + Gem modifier (lvl 21 gives 12% more dmg) -10% from spell echo Total dmg = 1000 x 349% x 173.5% x 112% x 0.9 = 6104 per cast Cast speed increase: 20% + Haste (33.6%) + 66% more from spell echo Total cast speed: 1 x 153.6% x 166% = 2.55 (lets say 2.5 casts per second) 4 spectres means 10 casts per second means 61040 damage per second from evangelists. AoE and 4linked that is. 142k single target dps that is. Would we add in flesh offering this goes up to: 142k / (153% old cast/attack speed) x (193% new cast/attack speed = 179k Would we even add in a vaal haste (in a second unset ring of course) giving 40% x 72% effect = 68% increase 142k / 153% x 251% = 233k Since Ive added in arc to proc elemental equilibrium, we can take the damage hatred gives and multiply that by 1.5. > 233k/173.5 x (73.5x1.5 + 100) = 282k
quick leveling summary from Quasireel (about how it should be done)
" Some credits to Matrixfactor (for discussing about some stuff initially, since now in a later version im actually using vaal skills and EE) and to Ghazzy (for just inspiring me to do this build and kill atziri with it, and, push for uber, which still has to happen) Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro Twitchtv: leary93 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ Last edited by leary93#3748 on Jan 3, 2015, 4:46:56 AM
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Seems pretty solid, especially like that you're using Necromantic Aegis.
I would try to get Duration-Vhaste-Flesh Off in there somehow, as well as EE, putting curses into unset. RM-Gen-Haste-Hate RM-Disc-Grace-Purity Dur-VHaste-FleshOff Totem-Arc | Convoc In ring: curse At least with SRS Vhaste is literally double DPS, so I imagine with normal summoner with 72% aura effect it will also be amazing. You could also move Flesh off into a 2nd ring and add Vdisc onto the duration link with Vhaste. Vdisc is pretty much immortality, so you don't have to worry about purities for +max res against tough bosses. Also your tree is broken atm, but I assume you take IR. All my builds /view-thread/1430399 T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265 Last edited by MatrixFactor#3574 on Sep 1, 2014, 8:25:09 PM
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Please fix tree or use poebuilder. It's broken.
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" for the duration vhaste i dont have the slots. just take a peek at my gear. same counts for EE. Im not using SRS. Im using pure zombies and evas which is the reason i can go bm without downside. I updated tree, works now. no IR :P. I dont take any dmg anyways. I can do palace dominus, or -max crem or that kind of stuff. ofcouse, rampage, wouldnt try on beyond :P. Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ |
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Well I checked your gem links. To get VHaste, and EE you would have to drop vitality, two purities, and use 1-2 unset rings. At that point there may no longer be a good reason to go blood magic. If you're not using IR then dropping grace is also a decent option.
Being able to do -max crema is impressive, but I'm sure you could do it even more easily with dur-vdisc, especially since your minions already have ES from your disc and from rathpith once you get one, they would instantly jump up to some sick amount of ES. Also vaal haste even in your case is such a huge increase in DPS, I don't see how you can justify not having it. Also EE with a 110% hatred for 1 skill point and 1-2 gem slots, don't see how you can get more cost effective DPS than that. All my builds /view-thread/1430399 T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265 Last edited by MatrixFactor#3574 on Sep 1, 2014, 10:28:54 PM
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" Vitality = casting my skills. not dropping this. Purities = res. Im not dropping res, because i dont have mirrored gear, i literally cant drop these. Long story short, i cant drop auras. Grace is a lot more useful than you might think, even tho im not IR, because it allows me to dodge a lot of projectiles, and the same counts for my minions. Trust me. Having grace in triboss is huge, without that my minions would die to quickly, with or without vaal discipline. " Duration Vdisc is nice, but i dont take dmg so why would i? For my minions i have bone offering, which works a lot better than vdisc, since not taking any dmg is better than restoring dmg taken. with 85% fire res (6% from PoF and 4% from saffells) and 75% spell block they dont take much dmg at all, and the dmg they do take theyll out regen/leech. Sick amounts of es btw is exagerating, since they dont have es nodes. even tho we can get over 10k from it, they will not get more than 2-3k which imo is not worth it. Vitality overall combined with flask usage gives more regen to them without having to sacrifice gem slots which makes myself more squishy apart from the occasional vdisc pop. Vaal haste i would for sure put in a second unset, tho, as i said, i dont have mirrored gear yet. EE is kind off the same, but i dont see enough spot for it. If we wouldve had pants, yes. Your suggestions are fine, but I need the auras more than anything. Maybe if i get shavs I could try thinking of dropping 1. maybe. Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ |
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A lot of mortal conviction summoners out there. Am tempted to make a summoner buzz saw build with anger/wrath/hatred + tentacle miscreations.
" Epic comment lol. We are all pants-less in wraeclast. Btw I don't think grace is doing much for you. Might as well pick up something else like anger or wrath. Or a curse in that slot. Necronomicon: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617098 Build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/409940 Summoner Dischord: https://discord.gg/XwWdSUa Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/zhoukon Last edited by mattc3303#7526 on Sep 2, 2014, 12:19:35 AM
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" you seem to underestimate 40% evasion for both you and your minions a lot. its a lot. lets keep it at that. :P. Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ |
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how much ES do you have?
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For players who love summoners, definitively a build to look forward to.
Just a few notions for skeptical players who have the need to be invincible: - replacing +2 minion helm with alpha's (+8 more reduced mana res = one more aura, immunity to freezes, great synergy with IR) - once zombies are level 20 and supported with all bm summoner's auras, they are already capable of taking on any high-level map damage and surviving (still might require convocating out of dominus with multiple projectiles channel), two more levels are just a flavor - dropping body and soul cluster and taking IR instead makes this summoner almost invincible (around 16k armor with alphas and auras, around 68% armor mitigation), allows taking Unwavering stance for stun immunity (since we are there already and it's just one point) With just these two minor changes, bm summoner can literally sit near enemy packs and hardly take any damage at all (purities + huge innate physical mitigation + freeze/stun immunities). Definitely not needed, just putting it here for the aforementioned types. Last edited by Grimlocke_#4737 on Sep 2, 2014, 9:27:26 AM
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