[1.2.] [Beyond]#1 Support Mambo Jambo. 450%+ IIR/Curser/EE/Conduit/Shock/Aurabot soon



Edit : Apprently to the standards of this forum, my build does ALOT of DPS and is 100% Atziri viable!

EDIT : HvR Approves.
"Sunny your build is Nice™." - Havoc.

Update : Died at lvl 92 rank 25 while playing casual.
Died because I'm fucking bad at this game and don't know how to play.
Even a monkey can get level 100 with this Nicebuild.


This is the best fucking build on this entire forum.
It's the best support build on the Beyond server.
I cull, curse, EE, conduit & shock.

The build has an insane amount of HP. Later you will transition into Lowlife & enhance your rarity and you become an Aurabot. This build requires 0 gear, just get as much rarity as you can get!

I chose the skill Arc because I like the mechanics of the skill & it shocks. I don't cull with Flametotem because flametotem just fills your screen with garbage and does nothing else. NO DEEPS NO NOTHING. THEY JUST STAND IN THE BACK WITH THEIR TOTEMS, DROPPING YOUR FPS TO 5 AND CULL A LAST RESORT.

First when I started playing Arc, I went full DPS but when I started to group with my Flameblast fwiends I gave up and went full support. This is why EE is so great, everyone in their right mind is playing Flameblast anyways or a high phys dmg build with added fire & Hatred!




+Double Curse.
+EE w/ Arc.
+Transition into Aurabot when ready for lowlife mambo jambo yolo.
+High survivability/Beyond proof!
+High level = High block!

- No deeps.
- Requires a party.
- And with party I mean atleast 1 Flameblaster.
- And when you have 1, you might aswel have 4 others because any other skill is irrelevant.

Gem links.

I haven't transitioned into lowlife yet, so here is my Life tree/Gear.
I will post info on my Lowlife transition when I actually did it and experienced the build myself!

Arc. (Culling/EE/Shock) : Arc - Spell Echo - Ele prolif - Item Rarity (- Lightning pen - Faster casting/Chain?)
I haven't gotten a 6L yet so I haven't tested Chain, but will do soon™.

CWDT : CWDT - Enduring cry - Immortal Call - Inc Duration.
I left my CWDT at lvl 4.

Curses : Empower/Enhance/Inc duration/Inc AoE - Flammability - Ele weakness - Temp Chain.
The first socket is optional, personal prefference!
I swap in Enfeeble for Flammability for really hard shit, like one of the unbalanced Beyond bosses. Or any Beyond pack. :) NiceLeague™

Auras : Red Mana - Any Purity, pref Lightning - Grace (- Clarity).
Run atleast Grace + A Purity. When you group just stick to the 5 Flameblasters that run Clarity. When you get better gear you can run your own auras, tho it's quiete unnecessary!

Lightning warp setup : Lightning warp - Reduced Duration - Faster Casting!
You better have this setup else you will never keep up with the Flameblasters!!

Brototem : Spell Totem - Arc - Ele prolif - Faster casting.
Just for extra safety yo.

Oh, btw if you don't own a Heartbreaker yet, you just throw in Culling strike somewhere.

Full Curser.

You can also go full curse mode with curse on hit & Ice Nova.
You can't really stack rarity since you need alot of HP/Armour with this build.
This is mainly for clearspeed/fast leveling with a friend that uses a skill that can burn prolif.
You will have Temp Chain/Flamm&Ele Weakness on Curse on hit w/ Ice Nova.
This levels insanely fast and is in my opinion also alot of fun.


Gear is quiete obvious, get all the rarity you can get while doing maps.
When you farm Piety/Dom get some Quantity gear aswel.
Try getting a 10:1 ratio.
Might have to use Purities to cap out your resists!
I currently using 3 Elemental auras because I swapped to double Andvarius.


Currently at 450+ Rarity mapping, Quantity ain't that important in maps imo, because you get Quantity on the maps.
For Piety/Dom I swap in quantity gear.
Swap in Romiras bonquet for 1 of the Andy's and get Conduit to give your teammates power charges.

When you get enough regen/chaos res you can start using blood rage to get frenzy charges aswel.

Update, now running double Andvarius + 3 Elemental resist auras! 461% Rarity atm

How to cull with the flask?

Utilizing the flask is quiete hard because you need to get your HP/Mana low.
I do this by using a ( low level ) Arctic Armour.
You can also use a bloodrage, it's really helpful.

Passive tree.

   1.2 Tree Scion Acro/Ondars. Level 90~        


Starting as Scion as far more efficient!

   1.2 Tree Marauder IR. Level 90~        


Marauder IR tree if you don't feel comfortable with Acro/Ondars.

   1.2 Tree Witch Acro/Ondars. Level 90~        


When I started arcing I followed Etup's guide because I was new to the skill.
After playing it I realized how shit the build was and figured I had to respec to Flameblast.
Instead I tried to do something different!

This is my first time playing a build with Acro/Ondars and honestly, I prefer MoM/AA/IR over this. I will probably respec into this version sooner or later, Acro/Ondars is doing fine for now tho!

Also I might add a Lightning Coil to my gear tho I'm not sure yet.
For now, my variation of the build also gets most of the block nodes!

Have to admit that IR/AA/MoM will be alot harder to gear tho!

Bandits : Oak/Kill/Kill.
When respeccing into lowlife kill all.
Maybe get the resists from Kraityn Normal.

Any advise/sugggestions hit me up I ain't perfect I make mistakes + I suck at this game.

Last edited by iSunnyyy on Sep 27, 2014, 2:12:01 AM
nice build but i went to your stream and you were streaming runescape instead of poe????????
nice build but i went to your stream and you were streaming runescape instead of poe????????

I'm done.
Looks great... Going to spec my rampage witch into this.

If shocking isn't a concern, do you think ball lightning would be better for culling?
Why do you have eldritch battery in your passive?
Looks great... Going to spec my rampage witch into this.

If shocking isn't a concern, do you think ball lightning would be better for culling?

It's personal preference imo!
Why do you have eldritch battery in your passive?

That was the old version of my build and I adjusted it, I'm making an updated version later today.
Hey there!

I just started new support char (Rampage league) and I am following this build.

It seems pretty cool but could you please post some lvling guide as for skill points? I am a bit confused about which way to go first and how many health nodes do I need on which lvl and so forth. Usually I wouldnt have problems with this but I never played supp char and given the rarity gear with poor def stats I am unsure. ATM I am around lvl 40, act 2 cruel.

Personally I rushed for Acro/Ondar to gain some defenses. Now I am picking up some health and aura buffs around the way.
It would be nice if you could just bump this build with some hints around lvling.

EDIT: One more thing - I read wiki article about shocking. I am still unsure how it works. I get that once you kill mob with culling strike and that hit caused shock (either by proccing chance to shock or crit hit) it then spreads on with ele prolif amongst other mobs. However how does it work with bosses? Are you capable of shocking boss (as a solo target)? Because shock is calculated from dmg done and I am pretty sure the dmg of this build is BELOW 1% of mobs health per one spell which is a minimal cap to apply any shock at all. You are also using a totem with arc and ele profil to do more shocking - does this work at all? (for same reason...it will not deal that minimal 1% to apply any shock effect)

Thanks in advance :-)

Last edited by Siliarus on Oct 2, 2014, 5:30:15 AM
can sb tell me what EE stands for?

currentley L60, i went to the left an down center to get all the lifenods, no ondars or acrobatics, trying to get a cloak or lightning coil:)

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