[2.0] Cheap, 5L Atziri Farmer - 22K TT DPS LMP Incinerate RF

Updated to include stat sceeenshots.
hi! first: nice build! i am trying it right now.

lvling up with facebreaker still is a very fast way, i am lvl 34 now but cant use a 4 or 3 linked incinerate, mana drain is too hardcore, how did u solve this prob?
First Atziri kill for Rampage complete. Still got to optimise a few things as I died twice.


I will record the fight soon, once I have the finer points down.
Did you tried Apep's rage wand yet?
can you upload video of the whole apex?
zcrim wrote:
can you upload video of the whole apex?

I'll record each of the boss fights and upload them as separate video's.

I don't have a terribly great internet connection so that will take some time.

congrats on your first atziri kill. How will you change the passives and gems if you
are using a 6l Shavs instead of the CoD? I have a rampage char currently lvl 50+
and following your build and i have to say i really enjoy it. However, I will have a
shav to use instead of the CoD.

Looking forward to your guidance. Thank you.
miragesmt wrote:

congrats on your first atziri kill. How will you change the passives and gems if you
are using a 6l Shavs instead of the CoD? I have a rampage char currently lvl 50+
and following your build and i have to say i really enjoy it. However, I will have a
shav to use instead of the CoD.

Looking forward to your guidance. Thank you.

First off, congrats on obtaining a 6L shavs!

I'll be honest I don't know a lot about ES, and haven't configured this build around ES. You'll probably want to run some sort of low life aura setup. You certainly can't us EB, but you might consider using blood magic and taking the 60% reduced mana node to allow you to stack on the aura's.

Basically if you have a 6L shav's you'll be wasting it using this build.

I have a question: Why don't you use the Faster Projectiles gem ? More damage + more distance the incinerate travels ( and the cast speed from quality) ? Isn't it better than just Added Chaos Damage when 5 linked ?

Thanks for reply in advance, good luck.
Last edited by Ssevve#2574 on Sep 10, 2014, 12:14:02 PM
Ssevve wrote:

I have a question: Why don't you use the Faster Projectiles gem ? More damage + more distance the incinerate travels ( and the cast speed from quality) ? Isn't it better than just Added Chaos Damage when 5 linked ?

Thanks for reply in advance, good luck.

10% Increased Projectile Speed from 'Sniper'
20% Increased Projectile Speed from 'Ballistic Mastery'
40% Increased Projectile Speed from quality Incinerate.

Thats up to 70% Projectile Speed which is more then enough. The damage bonus from Faster Projectiles is 19% at level 20. Can't compete to Added Chaos damage.

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