[2.0] Cheap, 5L Atziri Farmer - 22K TT DPS LMP Incinerate RF
" Good question! |
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I did a respec today with my l91 shadow going max spell block using lazhwar, rainbow striders and legacy safells frame, my gear.
Ttdps is +9000 now seems to play well was getting a touch sketchy with some dischargers in residence. My tree
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" I am going to experiment with this tonight, I respec'd my level 89 Scion, not as efficient but essentially the same tree. Was able to hit 9K Dps Incinerate using Cybil's Paw and all my old gear. However with the introduction of the new Spell Damage Helm, and Apep's rage. Those two could be a very deadly combination. I just don't have the coin in Torment to try this yet. It's also difficult to buy gear in standard ATM as everyone is playing leagues. It might take me a few days to find an Apep's. Also I don't know what price point the new spell damage helm will end up at. |
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I respecced my 66 lvl Witch into this build and like it a lot, doing low-level maps at the moment. I was skeptical about the tankiness but my life total just refuses to go down ;). And it IS kinda cheap, with the exception of 5-link Cloak of Defiance which is going for about 5 Exalted in Standard right now (I found a 4-link one to use).
Just a question: Are the three nodes for 10% maximum mana and some mana regeneration leading nowhere near the witch start really necessary? I'm feeling the strong urge to respec those into more life or spell damage nodes since the gain seems quite small... scroogetemplar / scroogewitch / scroogemarauder
Freezing Pulser (safe + affordable): https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1529856 |
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" Mana and Mana Regen are Premium nodes for this build. You want as much mana and as much mana regen as you possibly can so that you have a large 'Mana Shield' which regenerates as quickly as possible. Ideally you want around 1000 Unreserved Mana. ****Torment League Progress Update**** I am currently a level 76 witch doing 3500DPS running LMP on level 17 Incinerate on a 4L. I have 3.2K life and 3.4K Mana with 1K Man unreserved used by cloak of defiance, giving me a total life pool of 4.2K. I'm able to run level 72 Maps (Haven't been able to try higher as I haven't got any higher maps this early in the league) easily using a level 17 Arctic Armour. Basically taking no damage. I traded for this last night. It is an incredible DPS boost for any Incinerate build and with AA you take no damage from it. Last edited by AngryCustard#6831 on Dec 17, 2014, 6:51:33 PM
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I use this build in my 89lvl Witch and it`s great. With Heralds i have 6700 dps.
My gear
I have 3k life and 1600 unreserved mana. I use Pyre Ring to increased burning damage and for resist. Geofri`s Crest Helmet give me resists (even chaos) and +1 to gems. I try to use Voidbringers gloves (+1 to elemental gems) but skills have +80% to mana cost. This is really great build. BURN THEM ALL:) ps. Sorry for my poor English. Last edited by piotreksu#6315 on Dec 18, 2014, 5:03:55 AM
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" I hear you on the Mana and Regen...it's just that the numbers on those three nodes are rather small, and I already have 1.2k unreserved mana. But I'll wait a bit on respeccing to get a feel for the build. Just got myself a Doryani's Invitation and it's really nice for this build. Only thing a bit troublesome is getting stunned (mostly by Rhoas and Blackguards), I have 85% chance to not be stunned/interrupted from tree but still it happens from time to time, which is why some more life would make me very comfortable and I'm already close to the Scion life wheel. scroogetemplar / scroogewitch / scroogemarauder
Freezing Pulser (safe + affordable): https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1529856 |
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" Once you hit 4K of actual life you will notice a significant reduction in stun. I personally do not believe that Doyani's invitation is worthwhile for this build. You can get close to 165 Increased Max life on a rare belt. 40 Implicit, 100 explicit and 50 Strength. When you add increased life % a rare belt is worth close to 500 Life. So in my opinion, ditch the Doryani's and grab as much life as you possibly can on a belt. A rare belt can also have added energy shield and increased flask recovery rate etc. Both are very helpful mods. Last edited by AngryCustard#6831 on Dec 18, 2014, 8:49:05 PM
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Thanks for the update!! I respec'ed my 87 Witch today and she IS even tankier than before,using your earlier build. Sweeet! I have a 6 link CoD (gift from departing friend) but still have an extra green socket I cant seem to get rid of even after 1K + of chromes grr..Blind in it for now,till I hit that red socket for fire pen!! more gear tweaking needed of course,but well on the way.
I still have Clarity, 2 heralds,1 purity,and a L20 AA,capped resists, with 1500 mana unreserved..I never would have believed it could be this effective with the block nerf and without +fire dmg nodes,but yeahhhhh :) Anyway my beloved witch is better than ever,loving the build (and the patch after all) :) Some mornings it's not worth chewing the straps off... Last edited by WarHogg#7923 on Dec 20, 2014, 1:16:16 AM
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respecced my RF incinerator witch that I was using to this. currently lvl 84 and honestly this is giving as much dmg as that gave me before the patch. tried atziri last nite and I have to say, once I get the mechanics down right it should be able to do it. and currently im only running a 5l so that's cool. a few questions, with the vaals, how exactly are you supposed to stack them ontop of each other to kill them at the same time? and for the trio, what order? I was doing good with them except for a mistake that I made. I killed the cycloner easy enough, and while I was kiting the DS one around I oopsed and ran into the chaos pool left from the cycloner. am I going the right order for them and saving the titty bitch for last since AA makes me take no dmg from her? and also any tips on the atziri fight or is it pretty similar to doing it with the RF incini build? which is basically use 20.20 GMP and shotgun her to death. any help yall can offer would be much appreciated. and also, with the change is sybils really still BiS or is doryani's better for higher dps?
The past is a ghost that haunts you from the moment it exists, until the moment you do not.
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