[2.0] Crit Mjölner - Stupidly Expensive and Fun. **UBER DOWN**
God damn it. I forgot.. There was no question then, sorry for bothering.
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Yeah if u want to use vp u cant take blood magic node. But i think its possible to run this build with vp, but its gonna need some serious rework on skill tree.
Edit. On second thought its not even gonna need that much rework. If u want i can try to make vp tree. IGN: Reoxy Last edited by Reoxy#6308 on Sep 1, 2014, 4:55:51 PM
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Hell yes I want. Thanks in advance ;) other ppl should also appreciate.
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Here is what i came up. Might not be perfect so fix if u think something better.
Its lvl93 skill tree. You probably need all those reduce mana nodes since u cant use mortal conviction. Has a little less block, but what can u do. Edit. Already edited it a bit. Took harriet off and took berserking instead. Edit. Another ninja edit. Edit. Also might be hard to fit all those auras in slots wiht blood magic gem. So do not run herald of ice. IGN: Reoxy Last edited by Reoxy#6308 on Sep 1, 2014, 5:23:06 PM
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Hope you don't mind. I changed ur tree and made this build better I believe.
Thread is here If you're too lazy to check, Here is the thread's contents: Refer to Reoxy's awesome build for everything else. (Skill tree's are at the bottom) NEW TREE / OPTIONS FOR MORE DPS OPTION ONE = Much higher DPS tree than Reoxy's tree but a little less block OPTION TWO = Overall higher dps than Reoxy's tree but "30% increased spell damage" less than option one. However You will gain more BLOCK, MAX RES and more ALL RESS with this option Please note. If you chose to run the pure dps (option one) and don't use a Saffell's Frame it would be a good idea to use a atziri flask at very strong bosses. This way you gain 15% elemental dmg as extra chaos damage which is then leeched as life. I would also recommend getting the best possible rolled rumi's concution flask you can find to make up for the lost 12% block chance. As a side note, I am using option one for maps. Then switching to a saffle's Frame (option two) for Atziri ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OPTION ONE WITH Rathpith Globe Pros WITH Rathpith Globe
- You gain 30% increased spell damage - You gain 28% lightning damage - You gain 16% elemental damage - You gain 15% lightning Resistance - You gain 1% increased maximum energy shield P.S It's still super easy to run ele ref maps with Rumi's / lightning res flasks. Cons WITH Rathpith Globe
- You lose Mind barrier cluster which is a total of 12% block chance and a semi useless 30% increased ES with equipped shield
- You lose 10% faster ES recharge (Useless) - You lose arcane vision (Will be harder to see in dark places, I feel this doesn't matter much and I can see fine without it anyway. Not to mention discharge lights the place up and looks fucking awesome when it's dark :D) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OPTION TWO WITH Saffell's Frame Pros WITH Saffell's Frame
- You gain 28% lightning damage - You gain 16% elemental damage - You gain 15% lightning Resistance - You gain 1% increased maximum energy shield - You Gain 14-18% all res from normal / legacy Saffel's Frame - You Gain a lot more block from normal / legacy Saffel's Frame - You gain 4-5% Max all ress from normal / legacy Saffel's Frame P.S It's still super easy to run ele ref maps with Rumi's / lightning res flasks. Cons WITH Saffell's Frame
- You lose Mind barrier cluster which is a total of 12% block chance and a semi useless 30% increased ES with equipped shield
- You lose 10% faster ES recharge (Useless) - You lose arcane vision (Will be harder to see in dark places, I feel this doesn't matter much and I can see fine without it anyway. Not to mention discharge lights the place up and looks fucking awesome when it's dark :D) - If you chose this option 1 you will be dropping your rathpith for a saffle's Frame, Meaning you will lose 30% increase spell damaged compared against option 1 (using a saffle's frame) But compared to the original tree of the build. Increased spell damage would stay the same and you wouldn't be losing any -Lose around 150 Flat es from dropping rathpith -Kinda need a good ES roll shavs / Helmet to make up for lost ES --------------------------------------------- SKILL TREES ------------------------------------------- LVL 93 Tree LVL 100 Tree - This can be altered further, Maybe drop a few nodes and pick up block or ES, It's upto you ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lastly, To anyone wondering, Here is my current tree at lvl 86 (87 for u since i hvnt respecced my bandit passive yet) I will be taking the 25% crit multi node next level Tree my current discharge damage with the lvl87 tree and missing a lot of dmg nodes with 20/20 discharge, lvl18 HoI and 3 Frenzy/Power/endure charges with and without atziri flask is:
![]() With atziri flask ![]() Same stats but with 3 Power and 3 Endure
![]() With atziri flask ![]() Last edited by Starzee#4582 on Sep 2, 2014, 5:33:12 PM
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Looks pretty nice, but you missed the nodes that would give most dps(possibly/theoretically). Spell crit multiplier nodes and 10% crit multi next to cruelty node. Also I dont think its good idea to drop arcane vision :D
IGN: Reoxy
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" Yeah I was considering picking those up but I'm not to sure about picking them up before the spell/light/ele dmg nodes. Arcane vision is overrated IMO, It's not needed at all. You can see everything anyway (Aura's show up better) and even if you couldn't see shit. what do you need to see? with a mjolner u just spam lightning strike in every room anyway. If it's a must then eh, Just drop the 8% ele dmg and 10% lightning dmg node and pick it up I guess. Personally I can live without it because I want max dps possible. I actually have changed the level 98 tree into a level 100 one and picked up more crit multi/chance nodes. (Cannot decide if it would be better to take them first or last tho) I think last as it would take 3 levels to reach it, That's 3 points that could be put else where and to help levelling, then spec into the crit at 94-95 if u want to. Last edited by Starzee#4582 on Sep 2, 2014, 5:39:45 PM
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Done some more thinking and well. If you you go with option 2 and use a saffel's frame. You could drop rainbow strides and get boots like these with good ES, or get max rolled lioneyes paws and respec 4 passives points from 2x 30dex and 2x 30str nodes.
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Btw, if we take out purity of lightning and place in RF at bosses we can sustain it from the leech and atziri / ruby flasks and gain a lot more dps. This is me at lvl86. Missing a lot of the damage nodes, Missing 8%attack speed from the bandit, RF is only lvl4 with 0Q. My blood rage is also only 16/20Q and I'm missing 1% attack from faster attcks at lvl18 as well as not using 21/20 discharge and arc. also have low es because i'm missing a es node and 21 discipline.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXtD9hvct0U&feature=youtu.be Last edited by Starzee#4582 on Sep 3, 2014, 3:44:09 PM
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I would say this build works quite well :)
Today`s Atziri`s runs Out of 9 runs Loads of Flasks and Catalysts :) And 1 thing, when you doing Atziri take elemental weakness from armour it will kill you instantly. I made that mistake 3 times till i find out :) BUt everyday is a school day :) Last edited by pimpek21#5153 on Sep 3, 2014, 5:49:12 PM
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